Îmbunătățește-ți înțelegerea culturii britanice, compar-o cu a țării tale și cu alte culturi din întreaga lume. Poți face toate aceste lucruri la școlile noastre internaționale de limbi străine din Bournemouth și Londra. Vorbirea limbii engleze în ziua de astăzi este o abilitate esențială pentru a putea comunica la nivel global, precum și pentru a-ți îmbunătăți perspectivele de carieră. Alătură-ni-te și îmbunătățește-ți abilitățile de limba engleză, cu sprijinul profesorilor noștri prietenoși, cu experiență și calificați, în timp ce te împrietenești cu oameni care gândesc la fel. În același timp, poți vizita locuri minunate din Anglia și te poți bucura de marea varietate de activități pe care le oferim în oraș sau pe mare.
Kaplan International Bournemouth vă oferă o atmosferă relaxată și plină de viață, o gamă largă de cursuri Kaplan, facilități de învățare de primă clasă și o locație excelentă în orașul de pe litoral, Bournemouth. Bournemouth este una dintre cele mai populare stațiuni de pe litoralul Angliei. Spectacolele de vară, viața de noapte intensă si cumpărăturile excelente fac din Bournemouth o destinație turistică perfectă pe tot parcursul anului. Cu 12 kilometri de plaje frumoase, acest oraș este, de asemenea, foarte popular pentru elevii care studiază limbi străine. Colegiul Bournemouth este un centru oficial de testare IELTS, deschis doar pentru studenții Kaplan. Este, de asemenea, un centru de testare Cambridge computer-based pentru KET, PET, FCE și CAE, asigurând asigurând susținerea examenelor în medii familiare.
Free gift for some courses from 1-52 weeks Show details »
La ETC International College, oferim o gamă largă de cursuri profesionale și de specialitate. Personalul nostru didactic și personalul de servicii dedicat oferă lecții excelente studenților noștri folosind materiale și metodologii moderne. Pentru o interacțiune excelentă cu profesorul și cu colegii de clasă, am stabilit o capacitate maximă a clasei de 14 locuri, iar unde cu sălile de clasă permit, sunt bine echipate, luminate, ventilate și încălzite, ne rezervăm dreptul de a folosi aceste încăperi la capacitatea lor maximă. Clasele nu vor depăși, însă, un număr de 18 elevi. ETC International College este foarte aproape de centrul orașului, care oferă o mare selecție de magazine, biblioteca orășenească, cafenele, și plajă.
Școala noastră se află în centrul orașului Bournemouth, un oraș vibrant și sigur de pe coasta de sud a Angliei. Bournemouth este unul dintre cele mai cunoscute locuri din Anglia, iar popularitatea sa a crescut enorm. Orașul are o populație mare și vibrantă de studenți și îmbină emoția unui oraș mare cu căldura unui oraș mai mic. Este un loc minunat pentru a studia,iar orașul are câte ceva pentru toată lumea; 7 km de plaje, un centru plin de viață pentru cumpărături și cultură, precum și viața fantastică de noapte din numeroase baruri, pub-uri și cluburi! Și nu trebuie să ne crezi pe cuvânt - aruncă o privire pe site-ul turistic al orașului Bournemouth sau pe prezentarea de pe Lonely Planet.
Learn English & live in your private teacher's home around Bournemouth with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including English lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in UK. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one English lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Bournemouth. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in English. All of our teachers in UK have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Bournemouth, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
The host are located in Bournemouth and surrounding areas.
523 € discount for all courses from 1-52 weeks Show details »
Kings Bournemouth are două locații în oraș: campusul principal Braidley Road, care este situat într-o zonă rezidențială verde, la 10 minute de mers pe jos de centrul orașului, și noua anexă Sf. Peters Quarter din inima orașului Bournemouth, cu magazine, cafenele și plajă chiar la ieșire. La Braidley Road, cele două clădiri mari, impresionante ale colegiului sunt înconjurate de peluze și terase pentru luat masa în aer liber, plus un teren de sport outdoor și mese de tenis de masă. O gamă largă de preparate calde este disponibilă în fiecare zi la pranz, inclusiv Halal și vegetarian, plus o varietate de gustări și băuturi la cantina din incintă. Există, de asemenea, un snack bar și grătare de socializare în timpul verii. Celelalte facilități excelente de la Braidley Road includ săli de clasă bine echipate, multe dintre ele cu tablă interactivă, două centre de calculatoare, o sală de activități, o bibliotecă, un laborator științific și un studio de artă, precum și Wi-Fi gratuit. Campusul St Peters Quarter este un mediu social modern în stil mansardă echipat cu o "zonă de studenți” mare, cu canapele și TV, clase spațioase cu tablă interactivă, un centru de calculatoare și hotspot-uri, cameră specială de rugăciune și Wi-Fi gratuit. O nouă reședință studențească la locație a fost deschisă în vara anului 2016, oferind camere individuale la doar 1 minut de sălile de clasă!
British School of Marketing International is a business and marketing specialist school which offers students courses in General English,Professional courses in Business and Marketing related majors, career programmes and fast track pathway programmes into partner UK universities. BSMI offers students a range of internship options where they can improve their English and build upon the professional skills gained from BSMI’s career focused programmes. Our Mission BSMI provides professional and academic courses in business and marketing that are tailored to ensuring that young people and existing professionals are prepared for university study and careers in the evolving global digital economy. Vision Statement Our vision at BSMI is to provide academic marketing and business courses as preparation for University and Higher Education and professional courses for those in careers. We aspire to grow the school by increasing our existing higher education partnerships and further connecting with universities around the world. With our stated aim of becoming a Tier 4 UK school, BSMI will continue to transform students and professionals into global marketeers and business leaders through study from Foundation to post Graduate level.
Capital School of English (Year Round Centre) Located in the University district of Bournemouth, Winton Banks, Capital School of English is conveniently placed in both a residential and commercial area. The school situated in a former bank Building and boasting many of the original features has been carefully renovated making for a wonderful learning environment. An overview of the School: Our year-round Adult School is an incredible and inspiring place to study. The school building itself is over 100 years old and has been extensively refurbished over the last few years but maintains its unique charm and elegance. Many of our teaching areas still have a number of the original features and in the tradition of the rich history of the building, we invest heavily into the upkeep and maintenance of the school offering our students, staff, and visitors a warm and inviting place to study, work and visit. Many of our students comment on the beauty of the environment we have created at the school and as we say to all of our students, ‘This is your second home….’ Reception: Friendly and welcoming Administration staff will be on hand to help throughout the day covering all aspects of your stay from initial inquiry, visa applications, and enrolment to host families and social programmes. Our Administration team is trained in all areas of student administration using a new student database management system in order to make the school run efficiently in all areas. Classrooms: The classrooms are on three floors and are modern and functional. Lessons are delivered in a comfortable environment conducive to learning. All our classrooms are named after famous British Authors. You may find yourself having a class in Shakespeare’s room! The Study/Listening Room and Library service: This facility is available during school opening times and incorporates a well-equipped listening centre to be used for private study either before or after lessons. Here you can work on developing your listening skills, through the use of traditional English literature, authentic graded listening materials, songs, and examination practice. There is a weekly library service offering a variety of graded books ranging from Beginner to Proficiency. Students are encouraged by the academic team to use the resources on offer at the school to consolidate and practice what they have been taught in class. Internet Suite: This facility is available to all students and is now fully wireless enabled allowing students to surf the web and email their friends and family. This service is free of charge. We encourage students to bring their laptops from home as they are free to use them in designated areas of the school. Social Areas: The Social Room is the ideal place to relax, socialize and practice your English language skills with your classmates and teachers before and after your lessons. Hot and cold drinks are available. Recently refurbished, this light and attractive area of the school is where students often meet to discuss their classes, what they are intending to do that evening or just to relax and chat together. =======Summer School 2016 Arts University Bournemouth Campus (AUB)======= Every year and during the months of July and August, Capital School of English runs courses from the prestigious Arts University Bournemouth (AUB). Located a short walk (approx 15 minutes) from the year-round school, Capital School of English summer centre is an inspiring place to learn. The centre boasts a number of excellent facilities. These include: Refectory: Serving hot and cold food. Students will receive great discounts with a typical meal costing around £5. Student Social Hub: Students will be able to meet, relax with fellow students, book activities, watch films…. FREE WIFi Student computers (Mac) Air-conditioned classrooms Excellent transport routes Facilities: Our summer Adult lessons are conducted across the above 2 sites You will either be taught in our year-round facility or our incredible summer centre the AUB We are fortunate to be partnered with one of the top Arts Universities in the UK namely the AUB. Here you will be taught in modern surroundings on campus that we are proud to call our second home All classrooms are set up to make the learning of the language comfortable and relaxed. Teachers often use the inspiring environment of the campus to bring the language alive WiFi access across the whole campus The campus also boasts a beautiful, modern Refectory where you can buy hot and cold lunches as well as snacks at break times The internet suite is available for Adult students to use throughout the day in our open plan student social room. Games console/films and table games are available throughout the day The library and listening room facilities are available to all students studying at the AUB campus as Capital School of English is just a 15-minute walk away! During the summer term at Capital School of English Adult students can choose to stay in the international student residence which is located in the town centre. The residence is a great place to meet other students studying at the school.
Anglo-Continental, within easy walking distance of Bournemouth's town centre and award winning beaches, is one of the world's leading and best known English language teaching organisations. Founded in 1950, quality teaching remains at the heart of our School and we continue to offer fully immersive courses to suit all ages, abilities and interests. We have helped over 400,000 students achieve their academic, social and professional aspirations. We offer a choice of courses for everyone – from young students to senior citizens, complete beginners to advanced examination candidates, school and university students to business executives and professionals. We even teach teachers of English! Anglo-Continental has the largest English language school campus in the United Kingdom. We offer outstanding facilities for study and relaxation including: * 70 Classrooms, most with interactive whiteboards * Multi-Media Learning Centre with internet access (private study facilities and language-learning software for every level) * 2 lecture rooms equipped with DVD/video and computer projection equipment * Language laboratory with a seating capacity for 16 students (accessible by wheelchair) * Free wireless internet access * Modern, spacious Student Centre with sun terrace and award-winning gardens. Anglo-Continental's catering services have a food hygiene rating of 5 (very good). Carefully selected homestay accommodation is an established feature of all our courses as we believe that full immersion in the English language is by far the best option. However, we can also arrange alternative accommodation for students aged 18+ years such as hotels, apartments or guest house accommodation. A comprehensive social and activity programme is offered to all our students and week-end excursions are also available. Bournemouth and Anglo-Continental provide the perfect place for study and recreation. We aim to provide a truly rewarding, productive and unforgettable experience for all our students in a safe and friendly environment.
Cavendish School of English is very proud of the high standards of our English language courses that we offer. All of our teachers are qualified professionals who are also very friendly and approachable, and really want to help you make the most of your time at our language school. We strive to ensure that our students are happy and relaxed. Getting to know each student by their name regardless of the group size is a priority for us. We are a family-run business with 6 family members actively involved with the day-to-day running of the school and we personally take responsibility for each student. We also have a Welfare Officer who is entirely dedicated to looking after Cavendish students. Established in 1983, we have over 35 years of experience in teaching English to foreign students.
The Bright School is located in the centre of Bournemouth and accredited by the British Council. Learning English can help you find a better job in a globalised world. Or maybe you want to experience a new culture and further your studies. The Bright School is here to help. When you arrive at our school you will be given a placement test, and receive an interview with either the school director or senior teacher to establish your level. We also provide an induction pack, with information on Bournemouth and a student card. We monitor your progress during your course and provide a certificate when you leave. The Bright School accepts students from the age of 16 and has no upper limit on age, the majority of our students are adults. The Bright School is a friendly school, and you will feel welcome by all the team. Please also remember we are available to help 24 hours a day, and students can contact the school at any time. Why study in Bournemouth? Bournemouth has seven miles of golden sands and sparkling sea, the vibrant cosmopolitan town of Bournemouth has it all. Bournemouth has lots of shops, restaurants and fantastic nightlife. The town is surrounded by beautiful countryside and the world famous Jurassic coast. There is certainly no shortage of things to do in Bournemouth. Bournemouth has been voted the “happiest town” in the UK and the beaches are often voted the best in the UK and in Europe. In the summer Bournemouth hosts the International Air Festival, attracting over 1 million visitors and in the winter you can enjoy the outdoor markets in the town square. Bournemouth also enjoys excellent transport links to London and the rest of the country and also has its own international airport. We are sure you will enjoy Bournemouth and the Bright School of English.
BEET Language Center este una dintre cele mai de încredere școli de limbi străine din Marea Britanie, cu predare și servicii de calitate. Clădirea școlii se află chiar lângă o frumoasă biserică într-o zonă rezidențială liniștită din Bournemouth, care are grădini renumite, plaje cu nisip auriu și o frumoasă mare limpede. Toate familiile noastre gazdă și casele de studenți sunt situate la distanță de mers pe jos de școală, iar multe dintre activitățile noastre de seară se desfășoară convenabil în școală. Studenții se bucură nu numai de activitățile noastre originale, susținute de profesori pe tot parcursul săptămânii în fermecarea noastră clădire din secolul al XIX-lea, dar beneficiază și de facilități de învățare de înaltă tehnologie. O varietate de mâncăruri delicioase și prăjituri de casă sunt disponibile într-o cantină școlară, care este populară în rândul elevilor noștri.
În fiecare an, reunim peste 5.000 de studenți din întreaga lume în mai multe destinații europene pentru a învăța engleza, franceza sau germana. Cu o experiență de 30 de ani, am obținut o perspectivă de neegalat a ceea ce doresc studenții de la cursurile lor de limbi străine. Centrele noastre internaționale de limbi străine oferă învățare specializată a limbilor străine la diferite niveluri, pe baza unui curriculum de învățare inovator. Acest lucru vă permite să vă dezvoltați atât cunoștințele, cât și încrederea, într-un mediu internațional. Organizăm propriile școli de vară în Marea Britanie, Franța și Germania, unde oferim cursuri de vară pentru juniori și programe de limbi străine pentru familii. De asemenea, avem o școală de limba engleză pe tot parcursul anului în Bournemouth. Școlile noastre din Marea Britanie sunt acreditate British Council ((reg. Europa School of English, Bournemouth). De asemenea, suntem acreditați de DIN, Institutul German de Standardizare, pentru a îndeplini Standardele Europene pentru Furnizorii de Turnee de Studiu Lingvistic, EN14804. Zi specială de distracție: excursie opțională suplimentară în parcul Thorpe, duminica. (Trebuie să existe cel puțin 9 participanți pentru ca această activitate să se întâmple.) Note: From 22nd June to 6th July you will stay in a twin or triple en-suite bedroom in a cosy hotel in the centre of Bournemouth if you select residence as residence opens only from the 6th of July till the 31st of Septembre. Notă: În perioada 22 iunie - 6 iulie veți sta într-o cameră dublă sau triplă cu baie privată într-un hotel confortabil din centrul Bournemouth dacă selectați reședința, întrucât reședința se deschide doar începând cu 6 iulie până la 31 septembrie.
Începând cu 2003, Europa School of English oferă cu succes diverse cursuri de limba engleză pentru studenții de peste 16 ani. Obiectivul nostru se bazează pe oferirea unui mediu prietenos, comunicațional și încurajator, pentru a vă maximiza progresul și rezultatele învățării. Europa School of English este o clădire istorică fermecătoare cu săli de clasă moderne, dotate inovativ. Bucătăria noastră deschisă cu specific internațional oferă o mare varietate de mese sănătoase și hrănitoare. Bucurați-vă de clima blândă a Angliei de Sud în grădina noastră de vară, relaxați-vă și întâlniți noi prieteni din întreaga lume. Și cel mai bun în legătură cu acest lucru: totul este situat la doar 10 minute de plajă și de centrul orașului. Credem că învățarea care inspiră distracție înseamnă învățare mai rapidă. În acest scop, utilizăm diferite abordări și materiale didactice pentru a obține cele mai bune rezultate. Cu un accent echilibrat pe toate cele patru abilități (vorbit, citit, scris și ascultat), veți recunoaște curând progresul durabil al competențelor! Profesorii noștri experimentați și prietenoși vă vor evalua în mod regulat și vă vor oferi posibilitatea de a oferi feedback pentru a asigura un schimb constant între elev și profesori. Și nu uitați: când veniți în Anglia, studiul continuă și în afara sălilor de curs. Vă oferim un program minunat de recreere, cu o varietate de activități. Descoperă uimitoarele Insule Britanice alături de prieteni noi și învață mai mult decât o limbă străină!
At Southbourne School of English, we make learning English fun. Our English school is the highest rated language school in Bournemouth, ideally located by the sea in a suburb of Bournemouth called Southbourne. Bournemouth is one of the UK’s most popular locations for international students and home to numerous award winning beaches, including Bournemouth Beach – voted the Best Beach in the United Kingdom by TripAdvisor in 2023. and voted the 20th Best Beach in Europe at the Tripadvisor Travellers’ Choice Awards 2024! Tens of thousands of students of all ages and nationalities have passed through our doors since 1966. Many of our students make friends for life – and you can too. We run English language courses in well-equipped classrooms, all with interactive smart boards, heating and air conditioning systems to ensure students comfort. As well as excellent teaching, our students benefit from trips to famous British landmarks. We offer Adult English language courses for students aged 15+ and Junior English language courses for students aged 9+ (students who require homestay accommodation must be age 10+). We have a course to suit any English level, ranging from our most popular General and Intensive Courses that include 15 or 21 hours of English tuition, to our 4-week Cambridge English Examination Courses such as B2 First (Formerly FCE) and C1 Advanced (Formerly CAE). Whether you are looking to study English for university, college, work or anything else, we can help you achieve the level you wish to and make memories you will cherish forever! All year around, students study and socialise with us. But best of all, we enjoy the experience together. We are accredited by the British Council and we are also members of Quality English, IALC, and English UK. We are also an examination centre for both Cambridge and Trinity.
Un centru mic, intim, cu o capacitate de 75 de locuri, centrul nostru New Forest oferă facilități atractive într-o locație idilică perfectă pentru adolescentul mai tânăr. Are sediul la o școală Steiner Waldorf și oferă săli de clasă specializate, ateliere pentru activități de arte și meserii și acces la pajiști din apropiere și lemn frumos. New Forest este un Parc Național cu aproximativ 150 de kilometri pătrați de frumusețe naturală nealterată. În afară de pădure, este, de asemenea, alcătuit din landă și este remarcabil pentru viața sa sălbatică: cai, ponei, vaci și măgari de care vă puteți chiar apropia. Centrul nostru este situat la marginea orașului Ringwood, un oraș târg istoric și poarta de vest spre pădure.
Premier United Football Camps in association with Berlitz International Language School are launching their summer experience programme for overseas students at Clayesmore School, located in the beautiful and charming village of Iwerne Minster, Dorset in the South West of England. The programme offers overseas students to improve their English language skills, participate in intense football training sessions, enjoy a plethora of leisure activities and exciting excursions and adventures. Students can choose from one of the courses|: Football Focus (an intensive programme for those who want to focus simply on football training) and Football & General English (a programme designed for those who want to improve their English and also want to develop their football skills. More About The English Course: We have partnered up with Berlitz one of the leading language providers in the world to provide the language sessions, which is accredited by the British Council. With its brand established through 135 years of experience, Berlitz have been a market leader in the language service market. We have developed a unique programme that combines immersive learning and classroom-based learning methods designed to use football as a motif in improving English communication skills through realistic interactive sessions both on and off the pitch. Upon completion of the course, students will receive a CEF certificate, which is sanctioned by the Council of Europe. More About The Football Programme: The football sessions will be implemented and overseen by our Head Coach, Micah Hyde who is an ex-Premier League player. The coaching sessions will focus on: • Development of individual techniques • Tactical analysis and team formation • Transitional play • Innovative attacking and defensive drills.
Weymouth English Centre is a vibrant, friendly summer school for international students aged 13 to 17 in Weymouth, on the south-west coast of England. We offer four courses: English & Activities English & Sailing English & Windsurfing English & Outdoor Adventure Accommodation is with local hosts, classes and many of the activities are held at the Weymouth College campus that offers excellent facilities. Our 'English & Activities' package includes tuition, homestay, a full programme of activities in the afternoons and evenings, a half-day trip on Wednesday and a full-day trip on Saturday. Students have the possibility to make their own choices from a variety of sports, games, cultural events, excursions and other activities. Our 'English & Sailing' and ‘English & Windsurfing packages offer the same as the ‘English & Activities’ programme with the exception that afternoon activities from Tuesday to Friday consist of sailing or windsurfing lessons that take place at the same venue as the sailing events of the 2012 Olympics. Students receive a Royal Yachting Association Certificate at the end of the course. Similarly, our 'English & Outdoor Adventure' includes outdoor adventure activities on Tuesday to Friday afternoons. These activities include windsurfing, mountain biking, climbing, paddle-boarding and kayaking. Our dedicated team is there for you 24/7 to ensure you have a lovely time in Weymouth!
The host are located in Salisbury and surrounding areas.
Learn English & live in your private teacher's home around Salisbury with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including English lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in UK. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one English lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Salisbury. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in English. All of our teachers in UK have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Salisbury, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
Learn English & live in your private teacher's home around Southampton with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including English lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in UK. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one English lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Southampton. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in English. All of our teachers in UK have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Southampton, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
The host are located in Southampton and surrounding areas.
The host are located in Isle of Wight and surrounding areas.
Lewis School of English este situată în centrul orașului Southampton, un oraș dinamic al studenților de pe coasta de sud, la 75 de minute de Londra. Suntem vizavi de un parc frumos și lângă Universitatea Southampton Solent. Înființată în 1976, suntem o școală prietenoasă care oferă o gamă largă de cursuri coordonate de profesori creativi și profesioniști. Facilitățile includ două săli cu calculatoare Mac și acces Wi-Fi gratuit, o pepinieră, o cafenea și terase de grădină cu tenis de masă. Derulăm un program activ de activități sociale și întâmpinăm peste 50 de naționalități pe an. Suntem acreditați de British Council și ISI și suntem membri ai Quality English și English UK - o reflectare a standardelor noastre de înaltă calitate. Așteptăm cu nerăbdare să vă primim la școala noastră.
TEG English Southampton este situat într-o frumoasă clădire istorică de gradul II. Aflat lângă relaxantul East Park, centrul nostru din Southampton adună elevii într-o școală relaxantă, încurajatoare, în apropierea portului și a multor atracții ale orașului. Southampton este un oraș în curs de dezvoltare și devine rapid centrul economic al Sudului. De asemenea, este în mare parte un oraș al studenților, cu un întreg mix de naționalități, mulți dintre ei studiind la una dintre cele două universități din oraș. Fiind capitala de croazieră a Europei, Southampton are peste patru milioane de vizitatori în fiecare an și oferă experiențe culturale fantastice, de la Seacity Museum, parcuri premiate, teatre de calitate și locuri cu muzică, până la centrul comercial modern din West Quay.
Learn English & live in your private teacher's home around Newport with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including English lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in UK. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one English lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Newport. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in English. All of our teachers in UK have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Newport, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
Fie că sunteţi un student, un profesionist de afaceri, sau un călător, există un curs de limbă în Poole, care este potrivit pentru dumneavoatră. Există cursuri de engleză disponibile pentru toate nivelurile de fluenţă, vârstă şi durată de timp. Doar selectaţi un tip de curs din lista de mai jos pentru a începe.