Oxford Spires International offers courses for young learners, specializing in summer schools. All of our courses are based in local schools, in many exciting locations: Oxford, Cheltenham, North Oxfordshire, and The Cotswolds.. Students can choose from eight summer school options. - Oxford International College, Oxford (ages 8 to 17) - St Edwards School, Oxford (ages 8 to 17) - Summer Fields School, Oxford (ages 8 to 13) - Wycliffe College, Stonehouse (ages 8 to17)
Oxford House School of English was founded in 1983, and in December 2011, Centre of English Studies acquired the main school building in High Street, Wheatley. A large number of mainly individual students from a great range of countries, as well as some small specialist groups, have studied English here. Lessons taught by dedicated and professional teachers, self-study resources, social and sports programme, weekend excursions and nearby quality accommodation with local host families all combine to form a total immersion experience which students enjoy and from which they seem to benefit greatly. Students appreciate the fact that the school remains open in the evenings, so that it becomes rather like a club outside school hours. Students are able to use the self-study and leisure facilities at almost any time and meet their friends, relax and play pool or table tennis, watch a film, make tea and coffee, use the student kitchens, the internet, and so on. All this is provided free of charge, so students do not have to spend extra money in the evenings or at weekends unless they want to.
Learn English & live in your private teacher's home around Oxford with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including English lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in UK. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one English lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Oxford. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in English. All of our teachers in UK have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Oxford, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
Kaplan International College Oxford îi invită pe elevi să studieze limba engleză în cadrul unuia din multele lor cursuri din orașul istoric Oxford, care găzduiește cea mai veche universitate engleză. La mică distanță de Londra cu autobuzul sau cu trenul, centrul orașului Oxford este presărat cu magazine interesante, piețe pline de viață și o gamă largă de galerii și muzee. Există numeroase activități de relaxare, de exemplu plimbări cu barca, plimbări pe jos prin Meadow Christchurch, vizitarea colegiilor din Oxford sau petrecerea serilor într-un pub tradițional. Kaplan International College Oxford se află într-o clădire edwardiană atractivă, cu 3 etaje, și cu o extindere modernă. Colegiul este situat la doar 10 minute înspre nord de centrul orașului Oxford și are o grădină frumoasă și o curte interioară în spatele clădirii: zona perfectă pentru grătare în timpul verii și activități sportive.
523 € discount for all courses from 1-52 weeks Show details »
Kings Oxford se compune din două campusuri principale, St. Michaels în inima orașului (plus o anexă în apropiatul Alfred Street) și St. Josephs în zona studențească populară din Cowley. Majoritatea programelor de limba engleză sunt predate la campusul St. Michaels, care se bucură de o locație excelentă chiar lângă principala stradă comercială și în imediata vecinătate a tuturor marilor colegii universitare și a stațiilor de autobuz și tren centrale. Toate atracțiile și facilitățile acestui minunat oraș se află chiar la ieșirea din campusul nostru. Clădirea a fost renovată complet, la un standard foarte ridicat, pentru a oferi unul dintre cele mai bune medii de studiu internațional din întregul oraș. Facilitățile campusului: - Clădire impresionantă de 5 etaje - Săli de clasă bine echipate, cu table interactive - Centrul de calculatoare - Zonă de recepție spațioasă - Lounge studențesc elegant, cu hotspot pentru calculatoare - Wifi gratuit Timp liber și divertisment: - Locație centrală superbă în apropierea faimoaselor clădiri ale colegiului universitar - Magazine, baruri, cafenele, restaurante și cinema, toate la o distanță de mers pe jos - Celebre muzee și galerii de artă în apropiere - 2 minute de mers pe jos până la stația de autocare - 5 minute de mers pe jos până la gară - Parcuri și grădini la câțiva pași distanță - Acces ușor la plimbări cu barca pe râu Cursuri la St. Michaels: Vă rugăm să rețineți: Cursul de vacanță, Academic Intensiv și întreaga gamă de cursuri academice preuniversitare Kings sunt predate la St. Joseph, al doilea campus din Oxford.
Cu peste 30.000 de studenți în Oxford, orașul oferă nu numai o gamă vastă de colegii, ci și multe baruri pentru studenți și oportunități sociale de care te poți bucura. În plus, cu Londra Centrală la mai puțin de o oră distanță, poți accesa cu ușurință tot ceea ce oferă capitala noastră. Studiind la școala noastră de limba engleză din Oxford, vei studia într-o școală confortabilă și modernă, înconjurată de tradiția britanică. Echipa noastră are grijă de studenții noștri, de bunăstarea, dezvoltarea și de obiectivele lor. Profesorii noștri dinamici, extrem de entuziaști și cu experiență, s-au angajat să ofere cursuri la standarde academice înalte. Facilitățile includ: 7 săli de clasă moderne Laborator de informatică Wi-fi activat CLASE EXTERNE: În perioadele aglomerate, elevii pot fi învățați în afara locației. Vor fi situate întotdeauna aproape și vor avea o calitate similară. Mai multe detalii vor fi disponibile în prima zi.
The host are located in Oxford and surrounding areas.
"Este un privilegiu să ți se predea limba engleză în unul dintre mai renumite orașe universitare din lume!" Oxford este la aproximativ o oră de la Londra și este unul dintre cele mai renumite și mai vechi orașe universitare din lumea vorbitoare de limbă engleză. Cu toate acestea, este încă un oraș universitar plin de viață, cu o arhitectură frumoasă, grădini luxuriante și parcuri întinse. Există întotdeauna ceva de făcut în Oxford și în jurul acestuia, de exemplu vizitarea unei universități din Oxford, plimbările pe râu sau o vizită într-unul din puburile tradiționale englezești din Oxford. De la peisajul rural variat din Oxfordshire, excelent pentru bicicliști și pietoni, la o evadare culturală în Oxford, renumit pentru istoria sa. Centrul de limba engleză OHC este situat chiar în inima orașului Oxford, înconjurat de colegii din cadrul Universității Oxford. După școală, puteți merge cu ușurință la cumpărături sau puteți vizita atracțiile orașului, cum ar fi Covered market, Biblioteca Bodleian sau Muzeul Ashmolean. Colegiul din Oxford oferă o atmosferă informală și prietenoasă - oferind un mediu excelent pentru studiu. Oricare ar fi motivul pentru care studiați limba engleză, scopul nostru este să vă asigurați că vă veți simți bine și veți beneficia cursuri de calitate. OHC English Center din Oxford este o mică școală internațională de predare a limbii engleze, situată în centrul orașului. Oferim o atmosferă plăcută și sprijin, asigurându-ne întotdeauna că veți avea parte de o primire călduroasă. Cursurile OHC sunt acreditate de British Council.
15% discount for some courses from 13-52 weeks Show details »
Study English in Oxford … Study in Small Classes with Personal Support During the academic year, our class size usually contains no more than 8 students—often half the size of groups at most other schools. CIE’s close family atmosphere throughout the academic year helps to make intensive study easier and much more pleasant. Opportunities to socialise During social activities, which we run twice per week,and Friday Conversation Cafe, students get opportunities to socialise, explore Oxford, British culture and learn about each other while at the same time practise their English in a relaxed environment. Read comments from our students . Study in the City Centre CIE’s Bocardo House is in the centre of Oxford, opposite the world-famous Oxford Union. Our busy summer school is also held in city centre facilities, such as Oxford University’s Lady Margaret Hall, near the University Parks. Free Personal Tutorial CIE students receive a free personal academic and welfare tutorials every four weeks. This enables them to see exactly which areas need improvement and how they can reach their goals faster. Together with the teacher they outline short-term and long-term study goals to work on. Welfare tutorials are there to ensure the students are happy with all aspects of their stay, from homestay to social life and personal wellbeing. Online classes After finishing the course at CIE you might consider studying online. We offer a range of one-to-one classes with very experienced teachers. You can chose from General English, exam preparation, GCSE/ IGCSE or Maths & Science. Pathway to University Our highly-rated Business Foundation course will prepare you for University in the UK and help you to achieve the IELTS score you require. This course is recognised and approved by Oxford Brookes University and is also accepted by other universities in the UK. Our staff will be happy to help you choose the school or course and guide you through the application process once you decide to study in the UK.
An academic centre of excellence, Oxford has long been associated with learning. OISE Oxford is situated in the heart of this historic city. We specialise in giving comprehensive English courses to clients of 16+ years with specialised service that is tailored to the student experience. We have adult language courses available at OISE Oxford, specialising in professional, business language for clients who are looking to increase their fluency and confidence in a short amount of time. Perfect for the executive client looking for business English training. We have been providing intensive and tailored tuition for over 50 years. Our tutors come from a variety of different backgrounds, including Oxford University academics and retired professionals. Many have worked at OISE Oxford for more than 10 years. The diversity and depth of experience amongst our tutors ensures that each OISE Oxford student has a tutor that complements both their learning style and objectives. With over 50 years of continued development and refinement OISE Oxford has created a learning environment that specialises in delivering success to ambitious learners.
St Giles Juniors Oxford is based on the beautiful, green and modern campus of Oxford Brookes University. Based at one of the UK's leading modern campuses, St Giles Oxford junior centre offers high standards of accommodation, leisure and teaching facilities. This is a safe and secure campus, with plenty of green outdoor space to relax and enjoy our exciting social programme. The classrooms, student houses and leisure/dining facilities are all within walking distance from each other and are located just a 20-minute bus ride from the centre of Oxford.
Oxford International College is one of the top-performing colleges in the UK, offering A-Level and one-year GCSE courses. Located in the center of Oxford, it is a bustling and exciting site to explore. Students will get to experience life as an Oxford University student throughout their stay with us, they will have their tuition in Threeways which offers state of the art classrooms and laboratories . Students will attend additional lectures in university lecture halls and auditoriums, and graduating with a formal hall at one of our multiple University reception venues. Students are housed in the modern Student Castle accommodation (the premium venue for Oxford students) which offers high-spec bedrooms and luxurious student social spaces and gym.
10% discount for some courses from 1-52 weeks until 31 Mar 2025 Show details »
OISC is situated in the very heart of the University City in the conservation area, between the Town Hall and Christ Church, Oxford’s most famous College. The Study Centre occupies a beautiful and prestigious building which is over four hundred years old and retains its beamed ceilings and many other original features. Students are taught in the Study Centre and in an adjacent building, and in summer OISC also teaches many older students in a College of the University. The college is accredited by the ISI and StudyUK. OISC provides high-quality year round and short programmes which offer: •Flexibility: many of the programmes are tailor-made to meet the requirements of the individual student; •Excellent contacts with the University, enabling students and clients to be taught in the Colleges of the University in the vacations. Fully residential courses in the University are offered in summer and, subject to status, arrangements can be made for visiting academics to become members of the University libraries; •High caliber tutors and visiting speakers from academe or business; A range of over twenty subject specialisms, enabling, for example, a student to combine academic English with a University preparation programme; •Strong links with a large number of British and European Schools, enabling younger students to prepare for entry to some of the best Boarding Schools; •Good links with Oxford, Cambridge, and other leading universities, and provision of individual educational counseling for students who wish to apply to a British University; •A high level of pastoral care for students, including personal tutors and regular reports.
IH InTuition Languages este un lider de piață în învățământul de acasă - unde studenții trăiesc și studiază unu-la-unu în imersiune completă la domiciliul profesorului lor. Cursurile sunt personalizate în funcție de cerințele individuale ale fiecărui student și de cerințele academice - de la engleză generală la pregătirea examenelor și cursuri de afaceri și profesionale, programele noastre sunt complet personalizate în funcție de nevoile fiecărui student. Progresul accelerat într-un mediu individual și o imersiune completă sunt garantate, chiar și în afara claselor formale. Cu o rețea de peste 600 de profesori din Marea Britanie, Irlanda, Malta, SUA, Canada, Australia, Franța, Spania, Germania și Italia, suntem capabili să oferim cea mai largă gamă de experiențe și aventuri de învățare a limbilor străine. Înființată în 1990, IH InTuition Languages este un membru mândru al Organizației Internaționale a Casei Mondiale, una dintre cele mai importante organizații de predare lingvistică din lume. Suntem acreditați de British Council pentru predarea cursurilor de învățământ la domiciliu în Marea Britanie - prima organizație care a primit această acreditare.
d’Overbroeck’s modern sixth form center, completed in September 2017, boasts high-quality facilities, making it the ideal location for the Young Professionals - Aspiring suite of summer programmes. History: d’Overbroeck’s Oxford is a traditional city-center boarding school in the city of Oxford. Consistently ranked among the top co-educational boarding schools in the UK, d’Overbroeck’s was first founded in 1977 by Malcolm van Biervliet (the name “d’Overbroeck” comes from part of his family name, which has Flemish origins). The school quickly established itself as a forward-thinking and highly-successful boarding school with a reputation for highly quality academic tuition. Location: Located just to the north of Oxford city-center, our summer school takes place in d’Overbroeck’s’ new sixth form center, completed in September 2017. This stunning campus boasts state-of-the art and modern facilities, providing an ideal backdrop for the Young Professionals suite of summer programmes. Oxford is based in the South-East of England is one of the fastest growing and most ethnically diverse cities in England. Famous for its beautiful architecture, Oxford is only 60 miles north-west of London. Accommodation: Situated in d’Overbroeck’s boarding houses, the accommodation consists of single, twin and triple dorms, separated into male and female, bathrooms are a mix of en-suite and shared. There is a laundry room in the boarding house which is available to our students free of charge. Safety: In addition to the the residential center management team and counsellors that provide pastoral care and support to students, there are also friendly and welcoming d’Overbroeck’s staff on-site and happy to assist students.
Oxford English Camps is situated in a prime central location in the heart of Oxford, offering easy access to the city’s top attractions, shopping areas, and transport links. The school’s proximity to historic landmarks such as the University of Oxford’s colleges and the Bodleian Library makes it an inspiring place for students to learn and explore. The teaching quality at Oxford English Camps is exceptional, with experienced and qualified instructors dedicated to providing engaging and effective language lessons. Students benefit from a dynamic curriculum designed to improve both their language skills and cultural understanding, ensuring an immersive and enriching experience. The school's facilities are modern and well-equipped, featuring spacious classrooms, interactive learning tools, and comfortable study areas. Students also have access to a range of recreational spaces, providing a well-rounded environment for both academic and social activities. With a focus on creating a supportive and stimulating atmosphere, Oxford English Camps ensures that every student has the opportunity to thrive.
Our centre is located on the Headington campus of Oxford Brookes University, only a short walk from the city centre and with plenty of outdoor space. Oxford is known for its universities, museums and architecture which students will get to explore during their stay. Students can also enjoy the great campus facilities such as a sports hall, a modern dining hall and several shops. Key Facts Location: Oxford Brookes University Dates: 20 Jun - 15 Aug Ages: 12 - 19 Accommodation: single en-suites and single standard rooms
Ми пропонуємо програми A-level, GCSE / IGCSE, програми Foundation University і спеціальні курси для задоволення конкретних потреб студентів. Наш підхід відрізняється від стилю, зазвичай пропонованого на цьому академічному рівні, тим, що ми слідуємо системі навчання, якою славляться університети Оксфорда і Кембриджа; велика частина навчання проходить за індивідуальною програмою навчання (один на один). Це дозволяє нашим викладачам направляти кожен урок відповідно до індивідуальних потреб кожного учня. Ми прагнемо забезпечити найвищі стандарти освіти, і наші студенти мають доступ до кращих викладачів Оксфорда, щоб допомогти їм розкрити свій найвищий потенціал і розвинути впевненість в собі, необхідну для успішного навчання.
A charming University of Oxford College situated on the banks of the River Cherwell, just a short walk from the city-centre. St Hilda’s College’s gardens and greenery provides a picturesque backdrop for studying an intensive English language course in a peaceful setting. The College was founded in 1893, and it was the last Oxford College to remain exclusively for women, only admitting male undergraduates in 2008.
At Oxford Summer Courses, we believe in the best. The best teachers, the best setting and the best experiences. If you want summer 2018 to stick in your mind – while stretching and strengthening it– you’ve come to the right place. We are both Oxford alumni. We set up Oxford Summer Courses because we’re passionate about the University and the city – and we’re determined to share the magic of Oxford with the world. We’re proud to have teamed up with Cambridge in 2017, uniting the world renowned “Oxbridge” duo. While we’re not part of the University, Oxford is at the heart of everything we do. It shapes what we teach, how we go about it, and where. Study with us and you’ll be taught by Oxford academics. You’ll live in Oxford college accommodation. And you’ll experience the world renowned Oxford tutorial system. What’s different about Oxford Summer Courses is that we don’t go in for large classes and big groups. Tutorials are what Oxford is built on and they’re what we’re committed to. Our tutors dedicate their lives to researching and teaching but during the summer they love to share their passion with students who want to find out more about their subject. It’s not all work, though. You’ll have time to meet like-minded students as you punt down the River Isis or take in the sights of the ancient city. We eat out in our favourite restaurants every evening (except for Friday’s formal banquet in the college dining hall) so by the time you leave, you’ll know all about the best the city has to offer. Beyond the city you’ll call your home, we take trips to Shakespeare plays, English castles and museums as well as music at the Royal Albert Hall. We founded Oxford Summer Courses in 2010 because we love Oxford and the social and academic adventure it brings. We have grown from a small organisation to a BAC accredited provider of short courses. Across seven summers we have welcomed over 1,500 students from across the globe. Many of our former students now study the subject they read at Oxford Summer Courses at British Universities, including Oxford and Cambridge. There are lots of summer schools in Oxford but we believe ours is the best because we are former Oxford students who intimately know the city, the University and what it really means to be a student in Oxford. We want to share our knowledge and experience with you – so join us, and make summer 2018 unforgettable.
Cele două săptămâni petrecute cu Oxford International au fost uimitoare! Mi-au plăcut foarte mult orele și profesorii: am învățat multe, dar m-am distrat totuși. Și, mai ales, întâlnirea cu oameni din întreaga lume și învățarea despre diferite... more
Am petrecut 3 săptămâni la Oxford International. Îmi place destul de mult șederea mea. Profesorul meu Graham este foarte răbdător și prietenos. În plus, are bune abilități de predare. Din cauza COVID, clasa a fost mică, cu doar 3 studenți în total,... more
Fie că sunteţi un student, un profesionist de afaceri, sau un călător, există un curs de limbă în Oxford, care este potrivit pentru dumneavoatră. Există cursuri de engleză disponibile pentru toate nivelurile de fluenţă, vârstă şi durată de timp. Doar selectaţi un tip de curs din lista de mai jos pentru a începe.