The best Spanish school Instituto Hispánico de Murcia is located right in the heart of the city of Murcia, surrounded by many interesting places of interest such as the Cathedral, museums, bars and restaurants, and it is fully equipped. Here you will have FREE access to Wi-Fi. We don´t suffer from the so-called bigness complex, so don´t expect a big school. Remember we offer all Spanish levels according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages! We care for all, so in our school there is also access for the disabled with a special electrical disabled ramp as well as accessible toilets. Good methodology and teachers to study Spanish The success of any Spanish language school stems from the quality of the teachers and the methods they use. That is why we count on a team of enthusiastic professionals, which, above all, aim to teach our students in an effective, enjoyable and professional manner. Here you can meet our STAFF. They are the pillars of our school and what probably stands out the most is the contact between teachers and students. They are selected on their ability to listen, their friendliness, enthusiasm and patience, but most of all their love for teaching. Most of them have been with us for a long time and are highly experienced in our effective way of teaching Spanish as a foreign language. In fact, most are examiners of the Cervantes Institute. Elementary material necessary to learn Spanish Throughout the course you will receive the didactic materials needed. Our textbooks are composed of a series of units with integrated homework exercises and practical activities through which you will, almost without noticing, learn to understand and speak Spanish. These units lead you in a structured and progressive manner through the Spanish language. We use a combination of commercially published textbooks and supplementary materials created by our teachers. And last but not least, note that every student is encouraged to speak Spanish from the very first day, and they do so, even total beginner students. Starting to speak in Spanish is starting to think in Spanish!
Acest curs este destinat studenților care doresc să-și maximizeze practicile de învățare lingvistică în timpul șederii. Cursurile se concentrează puternic pe abilități de vorbire și comunicare. Aceste lecții oferă posibilitatea de a învăța cultura și obiceiurile locale. Vei învăța despre gramatică, vocabular, pronunție și ortografie și vei exersa toate abilitățile: ascultarea, citirea, scrierea și, mai ales, vorbirea, toate într-un mediu comunicațional, ceea ce face ca aceste cursuri să fie cele mai bune pentru tine să înveți limba spaniolă în un mod ușor și eficient. Clasele pun accent pe utilizarea limbajului în situații de zi cu zi. Manuale și o varietate de alte materiale sunt utilizate în predare, inclusiv jocuri de rol, ziare, reviste și alte materiale. Subiectele includ: practica fluenței, studii media, film și teatru, cultura locală, evenimente curente, politică și cercetare folosind internetul. Studenții intermediari și avansați au, de asemenea, opțiunea de a studia în cadrul cursurilor de pregătire pentru examinare și de afaceri. Alegerea noastră flexibilă de cursuri de limba spaniolă vă permite să începeți la nivelul dorit, să alegeți cel mai bun orar pentru dvs. și, în sfârșit, vă puteți alătura nouă în orice zi de luni, pe tot parcursul anului. Considerăm că învățarea limbii spaniole este un proces individual, de aceea facem tot posibilul pentru a facilita dezvoltarea personală a fiecăruia dintre studenți și pentru a le oferi o experiență de învățare cuprinzătoare și unică! De asemenea, furnizăm Certificate la sfârșitul școlarizării.
Language School offers a multitude of intensive and regular language courses throughout the academic year and summer period (July-September). Students have the opportunity to learn or build up their knowledge of one of the following exciting languages: Spanish, English, Italian, French, German, Portuguese and Chinese. As for our Spanish language classes, UCAM offers a wide range of courses targeted at different student profiles (Erasmus, Interchange, pre-master, UCAM or external). These courses are open to anybody interested in learning languages and their cultural context, no matter if they are UCAM students or not. However, interested parties must be 18 years of age or older. The main target of UCAM's School of Languages is to provide students with the contents necessary to advance one stipulated skill level per course or year, depending on the number of hours per course. All our courses are set up in such as way that they facilitate teaching and learning activities according to the European Common Framework Criteria regarding languages (A1-A2-B1-B2-C1-C2). Certified teachers specialized in their respective mother tongue direct UCAM's language courses, including different activities that make learning both fun and interesting. The classes' timeschedules differ from course to course, depending on their level and duration. Students are required to attend at least 70% of their classes in order to be eligible for taking the final exam. Upon the successful completion of a course, students receive an official certificate. Under normal circumstances, all classes have a limited number of students (usually between 8 and 15) in order enhance learning outcomes and team work activities.
Mi-au plăcut foarte mult toate lecțiile, profesorul a fost cel mai bun a lumii more
Fie că sunteţi un student, un profesionist de afaceri, sau un călător, există un curs de limbă în Murcia, care este potrivit pentru dumneavoatră. Există cursuri de spaniolă disponibile pentru toate nivelurile de fluenţă, vârstă şi durată de timp. Doar selectaţi un tip de curs din lista de mai jos pentru a începe.