Fondată în 1986, Academia Tica este lider în predarea limbii spaniole în America Centrală. Cu 2 campusuri frumoase în locații atractive, școala se bucură să ofere cursuri de limba spaniolă, servicii de cazare, un program de activitate, servicii de turism, oportunități de stagiu și voluntariat (serviciu comunitar) în Costa Rica. Academia Tica este un centru de examinare DELE. Avem profesori profesioniști cu calificări înalte și un personal cu experiență pentru o atenție cât mai personalizată. De asemenea, suntem dornici să oferim experiențe personalizate atât pentru grupuri, cât și pentru persoane fizice.
Our Programs provide imagination, great experiences and the simple personal touch that everyone is looking for! Our Institution is based on providing the best Spanish language learning experience. We are convinced that anyone who chooses to study Spanish through our programs will encounter a once in a lifetime opportunity. Our confidence stems from the knowledge that acquiring a stronger understanding of the Spanish language and Latino culture opens the door to an exciting world of literature, history, music, art, philosophy, and business. It is certain that the best way to acquire a stronger understanding is through the process of full language and cultural immersion. VISION SPANISH LANGUAGE The Spanish Language Department of Amistad Institute will play a substantive role in advancing competence in the Spanish language, providing an academic experience that will enrich the life and work of our participants. In addition, this role requires an awakening – both on our Campus and outside – to the importance of language, culture, and cross-cultural communication. SERVICE-LEARNING The Volunteers Department of Amistad Institute will promote volunteerism and connect people to volunteer opportunities, offering chances to build a world where people value other cultures different from their own, are appealed to make positive changes and are aware of global situations. MISSION SPANISH LANGUAGE The Spanish Language Department of Amistad Institute is committed to excellence in teaching, training, and lifelong learning, as in being a recognized leader in providing quality, innovative and adaptative programs, and services which meet the academic, cultural and workforce needs for the Spanish language. SERVICE-LEARNING The Volunteers Department of Amistad Institute has the mission of engaging individuals and groups in meaningful volunteer opportunities that meet real needs in the Volunteering for Developing area, by providing access to resources, training, consultation, and support. The Department also has the mission to bring people together to work and share perspectives, empowering cultural understanding.
Our Programs provide imagination, great experiences and the simple personal touch that everyone is looking for! Our Institution is based on providing the best Spanish language learning experience. We are convinced that anyone who chooses to study Spanish through our programs will encounter a once in a lifetime opportunity. Our confidence stems from the knowledge that acquiring a stronger understanding of the Spanish language and Latino culture opens the door to an exciting world of literature, history, music, art, philosophy, and business. It is certain that the best way to acquire a stronger understanding is through the process of full language and cultural immersion. VISION SPANISH LANGUAGE The Spanish Language Department of Amistad Institute will play a substantive role in advancing competence in the Spanish language, providing an academic experience that will enrich the life and work of our participants. In addition, this role requires an awakening – both on our Campus and outside – to the importance of language, culture, and cross-cultural communication. SERVICE-LEARNING The Volunteers Department of Amistad Institute will promote volunteerism and connect people to volunteer opportunities, offering chances to build a world where people value other cultures different from their own, are appealed to make positive changes and are aware of global situations. MISSION SPANISH LANGUAGE The Spanish Language Department of Amistad Institute is committed to excellence in teaching, training, and lifelong learning, as in being a recognized leader in providing quality, innovative and adaptative programs, and services which meet the academic, cultural and workforce needs for the Spanish language. SERVICE-LEARNING The Volunteers Department of Amistad Institute has the mission of engaging individuals and groups in meaningful volunteer opportunities that meet real needs in the Volunteering for Developing area, by providing access to resources, training, consultation, and support. The Department also has the mission to bring people together to work and share perspectives, empowering cultural understanding.
Fie că sunteţi un student, un profesionist de afaceri, sau un călător, există un curs de limbă în JACO, care este potrivit pentru dumneavoatră. Există cursuri de spaniolă disponibile pentru toate nivelurile de fluenţă, vârstă şi durată de timp. Doar selectaţi un tip de curs din lista de mai jos pentru a începe.