BLI Montreal este o școală internațională de limbi străine, care se află în decada a patra a unei remarcabile reputații, pentru calitatea și varietatea programelor de limba engleză și limba franceză oferite studenților locali și internaționali. Școala noastră exclusivă oferă programe de predare personalizate și creează o dinamică minunată diversă și atrăgătoare, atât pentru studenții locali, cât și pentru cei internaționali. BLI Montreal este situată în inima vechiului Montreal, o zonă plină de viață, în imediata apropiere a fiecărui loc important din Montreal. Suntem bine plasați la doar două străzi de stația de metrou Place-d'Armes, la etajul al patrulea al unei clădiri de patrimoniu în umbra celebrei Notre-Dame Basilica. De asemenea, suntem direct vizavi de clădirea Aldred. Te poți bucura chiar și de o vedere a orizontului de pe terasa acoperișului. Facilitățile noastre moderne oferă studenților o atmosferă confortabilă, care face ca procesul de învățare să fie foarte plăcut și distractiv. BLI Montreal echilibrează o școală intimă și confortabilă, cu accesibilitatea pentru tot ceea ce ai nevoie.
Académie Française A+ gives you the opportunity to study French and English and French in our city of Montreal. Académie Française A+ is located at the Plaza Côte-des-Neiges shopping center. We also offer a variety of activities and excursions that can be added to your program. We offer personalized teaching programs and strives to create an immersive and supportive environment where students can master French and/or English while gaining a deeper appreciation for the cultures associated with these languages. Our students will have access to the neighboring Bibliothèque interculturelle which promotes building bridges among the various cultures, a world music collection and works in many additional languages. Académie française A+ is also nearby downtown Montreal in the middle of outstanding and memorable attractions such as Saint Joseph Oratory, Montreal Museum of beaux-arts, McCord and Grevin. We are close to Université de Hautes Études Commerciales de Montréal (HEC) and Concordia and close to Mount Royal Parc. We are neighboring 3 major hospitals including the Montreal Rehabilitation Centre. Most of the above-mentioned places are at walking distance or easily accessible by public transportation. We are conveniently located just a few blocks from a metro station.
UMC Montreal oferă aceeași educație de calitate ca și UMC Toronto. Studenților UMC li se oferă oportunitatea de a studia atât limba engleză, cât și limba franceză într-un oraș cu vorbitori fluenți. UMC este situat în inima districtului de divertisment de lângă La Place des Arts, care găzduiește 6 săli de concerte și teatre, incluzând Casa Simfonică din Montreal, un muzeu al artelor contemporane, un mall subteran parte din Underground City și o mare esplanadă populară unde au loc în mod regulat concerte și spectacole. UMC se află lângă stația de metrou Place-des-Arts și la 5 minute de Universitatea McGill. Școala este renovată și dispune de 10 săli de clasă amplasate pe două etaje, o cafenea, calculatoare, internet și o recepție.
**Please note that our school cannot provide visa support.** Our school is specialized in teaching the two spoken languages of Quebec: French and English as well as helping with exam preparation for the TOEFL iBt, TOEIC, IELTS, MCAT, TEF, TEFaQ, TFI and DELE exams. We offer quality service centered on conviviality and effectiveness. At ALC, you will be welcomed by a dynamic team that will strive to make your stay as pleasant as possible and help each student adapt to their new environment with a courteous and personalized service. Whether you come from Canada or a foreign country, or whether you’re here to study short or long term, at our school you will find competent teaching professionals that will help you gain strong language skills. Whether your language studies are for your career, college or university studies, ALC will guarantee you individualized follow-up no matter which course you choose. Located in the heart of the city, in the entertainment and festival district, students will have the opportunity to live in a motivating environment conducive to dialogue. Located exactly between the streets Berri and St. Denis, our school is easily accessible by metro station Sherbrooke, by bus or on foot. Le Quartier Latin of Montreal is situated on the intersection of the streets Ste. Catherine & St. Denis. Restaurants, cafés avec terraces, theaters, magazines, this neighborhood offers a lot of activities all day long. You will find everything close by the central library, the francophone university UQAM, the Park La Fontaine with its tennis areas, cinemas and even more… Why ALC? Immersion You will learn the target language in an environment where you will have ample opportunity to put it into practice. This will allow you to quickly gain a high level of competence in the language you seek to learn. Progress No matter your language level, the programs offered by our school, which are based on your desire to learn, guarantee strong and durable language skills. Methodology Based on interactions between teachers and students, our interactive, effective and encouraging teaching technique motivates learners to naturally develop their oral and written capabilities. Learning a language at ALC is done in the targeted language only because this is the language you wish to perfect. Teachers During your stay at ALC, you will be guided by competent and experienced teachers whose objective is to see you succeed. All our teachers have received a university education and are native speakers. Dynamic team Administration, as well as teachers, will work hard to ensure your stay at ALC is a true success and up to your standards. A " plus " on your CV ALC’s courses help to prepare you for the TOEFL IBT, TOEIC, TFI and TCF, which are officially recognized exams for acceptance to universities and various companies and international public institutions’ personnel recruitment. Evolution We regularly integrate new themes in our courses which are always linked to everyday reality. Flexibility You may choose the dates and length of your stay, as well as the program adapted to your needs and availability. Free courses Aside from the courses, you will be registered for, you will also benefit from free courses each month: phonetics, civilization, casual conversation, and role plays in difficult situations. Language laboratory Based on an average of 5 hours per week, the interactive program offered by ALC is an excellent complementary tool for learning a language, for it allows you to rapidly improve your vocabulary as well as your pronunciation. Offered in English, Spanish, and Mandarin. Rich and varied programs No matter why you must or want to learn a language (university, professional studies, business promotion, stay abroad…), ALC offers you programs adapted to your goals. Excellent quality/price ratio ALC offers top quality courses at a preferential price to its local and international clientele. At ALC, all you need to concentrate on are your studies. In conclusion, choosing ALC means choosing experienced professionals.
Institutul Internațional de Artă Lingvistică din Montreal este situat la 8255 Mountain Sights, într-un spațiu modern. Este ușor accesibil cu metroul. Locația excelentă a școlii și varietatea sa largă de cursuri o fac o locație ideală pentru a studia engleza sau franceza: elevii pot alege dintre cursuri de limba engleză sau franceză generală, cursuri de examinare sau cursuri executive, și pot decide între doar câteva lecții pe săptămână până la mai multe lecții pe săptămână. M.I.I.L.A dispune de facilități care includ o sală de calculatoare cu acces gratuit la internet și materiale pentru studiu independent, o bibliotecă și un salon studențesc. Școala oferă un calendar social și de petrecere a timpului liber pentru a invita elevii să își exerseze abilitățile de limba engleză în timp ce vizitează puncte populare de interes din oraș și din împrejurimi. M.I.I.L.A este o școală certificată, membră a Languages Canada, care oferă cursuri de engleză ca limbă a doua (ESL) și franceză ca limbă secundă (FSL), cu intensități diferite. Există 11 niveluri în ESL și 10 în FSL, de la Beginner la cursuri Advanced Advanced și High Training pentru TOEFL și TFI.
FLY Experience is a duly constituted language school whose mission is to foster the wide-ranging influence of multiculturalism as well as the unique bilingual reality of Montreal through the education of young people from all over the world, thus increasing their ability to face the cultural, economic and ecological realities of the 21st century. Montreal is not only one of the safest cities in the world, but it also offers an incredible amount of cultural and touristic activities as well as the opportunity to practice both French and English, making it the perfect place to discover the virtues of multilingualism. Since the summer of 1999, our programs have hosted students aged 11 to 19 years old from all over the world who wish to improve their communication skills in French or English while sharing enriching experiences with other international students. To achieve this goal, we rely on our highly qualified teachers, who hold both a license delivered by the Quebec Department of Education and extensive working experience in the teaching of second languages. Our dynamic animators will also involve students in original and stimulating activities during their leisure time. At FLY Experience, students receive 15 hours of intensive language courses per week in the morning. This is balanced with numerous extracurricular activities and workshops in the afternoon through which students can put into practice what they learned in class earlier during the day. Excursions and tours to Quebec City, Ottawa, and Toronto, as well as Niagara Falls, are offered to enhance the cultural immersion aspect of our programs. Thanks to the high quality of the language immersion programs being offered at College Jean-de-Brébeuf, Mont-Tremblant and College Ste-Anne de Lachine as well as the diverse socio-cultural activities supervised by our dynamic animators, FLY Experience is unique and much appreciated by its participants.
Find Your New Voice in Montréal. Languages Across Borders (LAB) Montreal is a member of the award-winning LCI Education network, which manages twenty-three education institutions around the world, and specializes in English and French language courses. Founded as a language school in 1997, LAB Montreal is accredited by Languages Canada and shares a modern campus with LaSalle College in downtown Montreal, one of Canada’s most vibrant and affordable cities. This campus is conveniently located in a district known for shopping, multicultural restaurants and cafés – all within walking distance of Montreal’s subway network.
La ILSC Montreal multe cursuri sunt predate într-o clădire modernă din centrul orașului. Școala este dotată cu 38 de săli de clasă, 2 laboratoare de informatică, un salon studențesc, o cafenea și zone cu acces la internet wireless. Al doilea mare oraș francez din lume, Montreal, oferă numeroase oportunități pentru activități sociale și culturale. ILSC Montreal are, de asemenea, un coordonator de activități care organizează excursii după școală pentru a explora tot, de la istoricul Old Montreal la Festivalul Internațional de Jazz, până la excursii de ski pe Mount Royal.
Cel mai mare oraș bilingv din lume, Montreal, este plin de farmec european și e caracterizat de un amestec cultural unic. EC Montreal este o școală modernă, situată în inima orașului, unde studenții pot alege să studieze limba engleză, franceză sau ambele! Lansat: 2011 Capacitatea centrului: 290 Sali de clasă: 23 Vârsta minimă: 16 ani Elevii pe clasă: Media 12 (Max 15) Dimensiunea clasei: Media 16 (Max 18) Accesibilă pentru persoane aflate în scaunul cu rotile (cazarea poate fi oferită la cerere) Școala vă oferă 15 computere conectate la internet Acces gratuit la internet Wi-Fi în clădire Tablă interactivă Sală de studiu Sală de recreere pentru elevi Bucătărie Restaurante în incintă Starbucks în incintă Terasă în aer liber Serviciul de admitere la universitate Servicii de obținere a vizei
CLC Montreal is popularly known as “the school that feels like home.” Located in the beautiful residential area of Monkland Village, our school is just a 5 minute walk to the Villa Maria metro station and a quick ride to downtown Montreal. Monkland avenue is full of upscale restaurants, cafés and boutiques. In the summer, the street hosts several festivals including the Monkland Grand Prix Festival and The Flavors of Monkland Festival. The vibrant neighbourhood and easy access to the Old Port and downtown make CLC Montreal the ideal location to study. Students can choose from a variety of part-time and full-time classes in French and English as well as private lessons. We are also offering three brand new and exciting programs this year: the Pre-Immigration Program, the Student Travel Program, and the Slang 20 Program. CLC Montreal offers free wifi and facilities include: a computer room with free internet access, a small library and a kitchen area where students can make themselves feel at home. There is also a Yoga studio next door where CLC students can get a 15% discount! With a plethora of student activities, there’s always something going on at CLC! Weekly activities include volunteer club, game club, food club, and pub club where students can put their newly acquired language talents to good use. Additionally, there is a weekly Friday activity where students are guided to popular points of interest in and around Montreal. Moreover, we host a fun activity called Language Tea Time where students can meet locals and practice their language skills with native speakers every week. Our students are usually young professionals who come from all parts of the globe and take language learning seriously. You are bound to meet some amazing people here and make long-lasting memories. Welcome!
Instruirea a fost atât de personalizată și adaptată nevoilor mele. Așteptările mele au fost depășite. Monsieur Ben este un instructor minunat de limba franceză. more
Mi-a plăcut foarte mult profesorul meu și ceilalți elevi. Locația era mișto, în mijlocul vechiului Montreal. Mi-aș fi dorit să fi ales o clasă mai provocatoare, dar pentru că am fost acolo doar o săptămână, a fost în regulă. more
Fie că sunteţi un student, un profesionist de afaceri, sau un călător, există un curs de limbă în Montreal, care este potrivit pentru dumneavoatră. Există cursuri de franceză disponibile pentru toate nivelurile de fluenţă, vârstă şi durată de timp. Doar selectaţi un tip de curs din lista de mai jos pentru a începe.