Destinaţii populare în Grecia

Cursuri de Engleză în Atena cu Language International
Învăţaţi Engleză

1 şcoală, 4 cursuri mergeţi

Cursuri de Engleză în Corfu cu Language International
Învăţaţi Engleză

1 şcoală, 3 cursuri mergeţi

Cursuri de Engleză în Atena cu Language International
Cursuri de Engleză în Corfu cu Language International
Cursuri de Engleză în Salonic cu Language International
Cursuri de Engleză în Xilokastro cu Language International


1 şcoală, 1 curs

Cursuri de Engleză în Prefectura Heraklion cu Language International

Prefectura Heraklion

1 şcoală, 1 curs

Engleză Tipuri de Cursuri

Ce tip de curs în engleză căutaţi?


Cursuri de engleză generala

Kurzy všeobecnej !of engleză sú určené pre dospelých, ktorí si chcú zlepšiť svoje rozprávanie, počúvanie, čítanie, a písanie v engleză. Cele mai multe cursuri sunt pentru adulţi cu vârsta de 16 ani şi peste. Cursuri disponibile între 2-48 săptămâni. Majoritatea cursurilor au în medie 30 de ore pe săptămână.

Test de pregătire

Cursuri de engleză de pregatire a testelor

Prípravné kurzy engleză na skúšky sú pre študentov, ktorí sa chcú pripraviť na engleză skúšky odbornej spôsobilosti k zlepšeniu uplatnenia na trhu práce, alebo získať prístup na univerzity.

De studiu şi muncă

Pracuj a študuj !of engleză programy

Pracovné študijné programy sú určené pre dospelých, ktorí sa chcú naučiť po engleză a získať odborné pracovné skúsenosti v rovnakom čase.

De specialitate

Cursuri de engleză de specialitate

Špeciálne kurzy !of engleză sú určené pre tých, ktorí chcú študovať engleză a zúčastniť sa aktivít, ako je šport, umenie, jedlo a ďalšie.

Intrebari si raspunsuri

Aveţi întrebări? Obțineți răspunsuri de la consilierii noştri, personalul școlii Language International și elevi din trecut.

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Vezi traducerea

"The student will need visa supporting documents issued by an accredited institution to come to Greece. Is Lexis accredited? Can you issue visa supporting documents for this student?"

Hugo Rosales
Now regarding visa, we are not sure if we can help the student. Until now and according to Lexis Terms and Conditions the student had to send the enrolment form and pay the half amount of the total cost. Then we send a confirmation of enrollment to the student in which we write the duration of the course, the payment in advance and the number of the passport (date of issue and date of expiry). The confirmation of enrollment usually helped them to appy for the visa. Recently however, we had some enrollments from students saying that their countries are experiencing a difficult period (Syria, Palestine ,Libya …). These students sent us deposits and we helped them to apply for their visas but they never came to attend the course. So in order to avoid these conditions we decided not to accept deposits before their visa is issued. What we can do for your student is to send her an intention of enrollment including her personal and course details. In case she is issued a visa we will accept the deposit.
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Vezi traducerea

"Can you confirm that you accept government sponsored students? Have you already worked with government sponsored students from Saudi Arabia or Libya before? How familiar are you with the payment process?"

Abdalla Saab Neto Michel, student din !country
Monique Dias, personalul de la școală International House Johannesburg - Language Lab
Yes we have worked and have already some students with a grant. The problem is that we currently have the Maltese Embassy in Tripoli closed. They are not opening their doors for applications at the moment due to the “unrest”. I am in continuous contact with the embassy about this – so they should be opening again soon. We can process this booking and try apply for a visa…. However, I cannot promise anything
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