Alegeti dintre 8 cursuri de germană tip part-time in Radolfzell
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Part-time kurzy !of germană !in Radolfzell sú pre študentov všetkých vekových kategórií, ktorí chcú študovať germană na čiastočný úväzok a nechať si dosť času na prácu alebo prehliadku pamätihodností.
In One-to-one Courses (min. 10 TU per week, general or specialized language), your learning goals, determined prior to course begin by way of a needs analysis, are the focus.
German Intensive Course
24 TU group course
2 TU workshop per week
The Intensive Course provides you with the German language skills required for further education, to achieve your career goals and broaden your horizons. In our short-term courses, starting at a duration of one week, you acquire basic knowledge of German or develop your existing language skills in a targeted manner.
German Courses for Teens
Information and Services
• 15–17 years
• Duration: min. 2 weeks
• Arrival: Sunday afternoon
• Departure: Saturday morning
• Summer Holiday Course
Beginners: 24.
German Courses for Teens
Information and Services
• 15–17 years
• Duration: min. 2 weeks
• Arrival: Sunday afternoon
• Departure: Saturday morning
• Summer Holiday Course
Beginners: 24.
During your language studies, you may take internationally recognized German language exams at Carl Duisberg Centren.
For over 55 years, we have been helping international students acquire the necessary language skills for studying at a German university.
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*Preţurile se pot schimba fără avertizare datorită ratelor de schimb.
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