1 free week for every 15 weeks purchased for some courses from 1-52 weeks until 25 Jul 2025 Show details »
Cazările la casă oferă studenţilor şansa de a învăţa mai multe despre cultura locală într-un decor comfortabil cât timp studiază Engleză în Sheffield. Acele case sunt situate de regulă la distanţe între 15 - 45 de minute de şcoală, utilizând transportul în comun. Familiile asigură de regulă mese mai ieftine, iar în acelaşi timp mai abordabile, bazate pe felurile locale. Dacă aveţi cereri speciale sau restricţii în ceea ce priveşte dieta (din cauza religiei sau probleme de sănătate), vă rugăm să ne aduceţi la cunoştinţă acest lucru dinainte. Your housing starts on the Sunday before your first day of class and ends on the Saturday after your last day of class, unless otherwise noted. Learn more about homestay housing
The Sheffield College's City Campus is a great place to be and perfectly located just a 10 minute walk from the city centre, and just 5 minutes from the train station.
Aveţi întrebări? Obțineți răspunsuri de la consilierii noştri, personalul școlii The Sheffield College și elevi din trecut.
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Sorry, I only saw your message now. If this is still on interest, can you please contact us at [email protected]?
Our courses are presented in details on our website here: https://www.sheffcol.ac.uk/international.
We look frorward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Corina and Green
Inetrnational Team
Sorry, I only saw your message now. If this is still on interest, can you please contact us at [email protected]?
Our courses are presented in details on our website here: https://www.sheffcol.ac.uk/international.
We look frorward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Corina and Green
Inetrnational Team
Sorry, I only saw your message now. If this is still on interest, can you please contact us at [email protected]?
Our courses are presented in details on our website here: https://www.sheffcol.ac.uk/international.
We look frorward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Corina and Green
International Team
Sorry, I only saw your message now. If this is still on interest, can you please contact us at [email protected]?
Our courses are presented in details on our website here: https://www.sheffcol.ac.uk/international.
We look frorward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Corina and Green
International Team
Sorry, I only saw your message now. If this is still on interest, can you please contact us at [email protected]?
Our courses are presented in details on our website here: https://www.sheffcol.ac.uk/international.
We look frorward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Corina and Green
International Team
Sorry, I only saw your message now. If this is still on interest, can you please contact us at [email protected]?
Our courses are presented in details on our website here: https://www.sheffcol.ac.uk/international.
We look frorward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Corina and Green
International Team
Thank you for the enquiry submitted for our English language course. When would you like to start?
Our course structure focuses on academic skills development in the morning and IELTS preparation in the afternoon.
If you need further details, please stay in contact.
Kind regards,
Good morning,
Would you want to check some details on our yutube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgf9QiokUgM ?
Kind regards,
Sorry, I only saw your message now. If this is still on interest, can you please contact us at [email protected]?
Our courses are presented in details on our website here: https://www.sheffcol.ac.uk/international.
We look frorward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Corina and Green
International Team
Hey there,
Are you still interested in studying at the Sheffield College?
Kind regards,
Sorry, I only saw your message now. If this is still on interest, can you please contact us at [email protected]?
Our courses are presented in details on our website here: https://www.sheffcol.ac.uk/international.
We look frorward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Corina and Green
International Team
Good morning,
Thank you for the enquiry submitted for our English language course. When would you like to start?
Please see all the relevant details on the link but if you have further questions, I am happy to answer them.
If you are ready to apply, we only need an application form with the start date of the course and period of study and a copy of your passport.
Kind regards,
Sorry, I only saw your message now. If this is still on interest, can you please contact us at [email protected]?
Our courses are presented in details on our website here: https://www.sheffcol.ac.uk/international.
We look frorward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Corina and Green
International Team