Cazările la casă oferă studenţilor şansa de a învăţa mai multe despre cultura locală într-un decor comfortabil cât timp studiază Engleză în Liverpool. Acele case sunt situate de regulă la distanţe între 20 - 45 de minute de şcoală, utilizând transportul în comun. Familiile asigură de regulă mese mai ieftine, iar în acelaşi timp mai abordabile, bazate pe felurile locale. Dacă aveţi cereri speciale sau restricţii în ceea ce priveşte dieta (din cauza religiei sau probleme de sănătate), vă rugăm să ne aduceţi la cunoştinţă acest lucru dinainte. Your housing starts on the Sunday before your first day of class and ends on the Saturday after your last day of class, unless otherwise noted. Learn more about homestay housing
Căminele studenţeşti sunt mai potrivite pentru un student independent, care este în căutarea unei cazări curate, la un preţ economic. Toţi studenţii trebuie să aibe 18+, cu excepţia cazului în care se menţionează vârsta. Your housing starts on the Sunday before your first day of class and ends on the Saturday after your last day of class, unless otherwise noted. Student residences often do not include any meal plan. Learn more about student residence accommodation
Este posibil să locuiţi într-un apartament închiriat pe durata studiilor în Liverpool, dar de regulă este mult mai costisitor. LILA* asigură cât de cât o asistenţă în ceea ce priveşte închirierea apartamentelor, sau puteţi chiar dumneavoastră să închiriaţi un apartament. Învaţă mai mult despre cazarea în apartament.
LILA * iubește Liverpool ... la fel vei face și tu!
Liverpool are atât de multe de oferit, fiind o destinație vibrantă, emblematică, culturală europeană. Orașul are mai multe galerii și muzee decât oricare alt oraș din Marea Britanie, din afara Londrei, și sunt pline de vânători de cultură pe tot parcursul anului. Adăugați o viață de noapte inegalabilă, zone comerciale impresionante în oraș și în apropiere, plaje locale frumoase și paradisuri pentru animale sălbatice, și localnici prietenoși recunoscuți la nivel mondial și obțineți Liverpool - orașul mic cu inima mare.
Faimos ca fiind casa trupei The Beatles, Liverpool are multe atracții și site-uri care comemorează povestea celei mai de succes trupe din toate timpurile. Puteți vizita faimosul „Cavern Club” unde trupa a cântat regulat în anii 60 și puteți face tururi în oraș, cum ar fi „Magical Mystery Tour”, care vă va duce în cele mai importante locuri asociate trupei precum Penny Lane și Strawberry Field!
Orașul găzduiește multe festivaluri de muzică pe parcursul anului în frumoasele sale parcuri și în numeroase locuri de muzică, de la The Philharmonic Hall până la The Cavern. Liverpool Echo Arena găzduiește evenimente internaționale, printre care MTV Europe Music Awards, BBC Sports Personality of the Year, Cirque du Soleil și concerte ale multor artiști celebri. Pe lângă festivaluri, scena muzicală din Liverpool este înfloritoare și puteți găsi muzică live în oraș în fiecare zi a săptămânii!
Liverpool este un Patrimoniu Mondial UNESCO (2004), datorită impresionantului litoral și bogatei istorii maritime. Puteți vizita unele dintre aceste locuri frumoase, pleca într-o excursie pe faimosul Mersey Ferries și puteți vizita Albert Dock, care are cea mai mare colecție de clădiri listate de gradul I din Marea Britanie.
Vă place sportul? Liverpool acoperă și acest aspect! Două dintre cele mai mari echipe de fotbal din Premiership, Liverpool și Everton, sunt situate în oraș la Anfield și Goodison Park, iar casele lor se află chiar peste parc una de cealaltă. Dacă vă place să călăriți sau să jucați golf, puteți consulta Grand National, care se desfășoară la Aintree Racecourse în fiecare lună aprilie sau Royal Liverpool Golf Club, care găzduiește numeroase Campionate Open.
Localnicii din Liverpool sunt faimoși pentru umorul și simțul lor vestimentar. Faceți o plimbare prin oraș și în mod sigur veți întâlni niște localnici prietenoși care sunt gata să poarte o conversație. Pentru cumpărăturile dvs. trebuie să vă îndreptați către Liverpool ONE și Church Street, fabuloase centre comerciale din inima orașului.
Mai jos sunt câteva link-uri utile:
Aveţi întrebări? Obțineți răspunsuri de la consilierii noştri, personalul școlii LILA* Liverpool și elevi din trecut.
Ask a questionOur General English and IELTS course is a 21 hour per week, intensive full time course. It is a combination of General English and IELTS preparation. General English will aim to give you the confidence in communicating in an English speaking environment and you’ll focus on the skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing, whilst covering essential grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, phrases and formal and informal language. The IELTS part of the course will focus on academic reading and writing, whilst also honing your speaking and listening skills. The class covers all modules of the IELTS exam and students will also get the chance to see a past exam paper. You will encounter a wide range of strategies to give you the best possible opportunity to achieve your desired grade.
The students have 15 lessons per week.
If the student would like to stay with his uncle that’s perfectly fine.
Unfortunately, we will not be able to accept any students under the age of 16 to the school.
Students must be 16 years old or above to study on any of our Adult Programs, any students under 16 years old can only study on our Junior Course. So unfortunately as your student is 15 he cannot study on the General English Program. Yes we can accept students who already have Visas, but we must see a copy of their Visa first to confirm they have the correct type to study with.
Our current evening course level is Upper Intermediate. Unfortunately, I will not be able to proceed with the booking as the level the student has is quite a big difference. The student will not feel comfortable in a course where the students have higher level and it would not be fair for them either. Instead of evening course, we could offer this student one to one lessons. This course is perfect for the students who want to improve their level quicker and are personalized, which means, she will complete a form to ask for all the aspects of English language she would like to practice and focus on. In addition, she will be able to request an specific timetable and we will try our best to find the perfect teacher who also suits this timetable.
Yes, sure. We have an online grammar test that she can complete and I will be able to check with academic if she will be fine in that course having some data to show and prove them.
We run a full social program here at LILA and the student can pick and choose the activities they want to take part in. For example we have Coffee and Conversation on a Wednesday afternoon, where they can meet with other students to practice their English over a tea or a coffee. I have attached this month’s social calendar can so you can see what kind of things are on. We also run Free English classes which are on the a Friday afternoon and Saturday morning, which the student is also welcome to attend. Yes, we can book the student in for a holiday in the second week, that is no problem.
Yes it is possible to book a course without accommodation. If the children of the family are 16 or over they are all welcome to study on our adult courses together.
Yes the students can stay in a host family together
Yes, we still have the General English Plus available. The General English Plus is 21 hours a week. It is the intensive course that we offer. As the student would like to come in June and she will be 16 years old from May, she will be fine to join our adult course. For the adult courses, we offer them our weekly social program, which includes activities like for example a Beatles tour, a tour of Liverpool, a tour at the Anfield stadium, or trips to other cities during the weekend. Regarding the homework, I can’t really confirm that as it depends on how hard working the group is and who the teachers are. However, we can confirm that teachers give homework to students regularly.
Regarding the social program, we already have some activities and weekend trips on. She will be able to check it on Lila Online, when she gets her welcome pack. I am afraid the student’s lunch it is not included on our course price. The students have 45minutes break to have lunch at our school or go somewhere to have lunch with their colleagues. Talking about the discount on the bus ticket, I know there are discounted tickets for a week (not only for students, but for everyone). I also know that if you show a student card or letter they will do a discount on her bus ticket. She can have all this information on arrival, at her first day at school. She can always ask for information at our reception if she needs further details.
As we have so many fantastic Shared Student Accommodations throughout Liverpool I cannot give you the exact addresses of them. If your student would like to book a course then our accommodation team will place them into our Shared Student Accommodation and send them the full address of where they will be staying. Unfortunately I cannot give you a price for room sharing as we only have single rooms in Shared Student Accommodation and there is an emergency hotline that students can call 24 hours a day. Fresh bedding is provided in Shared Student Accommodation but we do not however provide towels so your student would need to bring their own.
Unfortunately we do not have a review page for our accommodation and we do not use Alexander Terrace as part of our accommodation package anymore. We do however have shared accommodation and University residence available were your student could stay.
Regarding you request, I am afraid we don’t have any group opened at the moment for completely beginner students. I also checked with our academic department if there is any possibility we will open one in July, the weeks he would like to come, and they informed me that it is quite unlikely. What I would suggest is to double check in a few weeks’ time to see if we have received more enquiries and we have minimum number of students to open a beginner group. Or either check with the student if he would be interested in one to one lessons instead.
That is completely fine. We have Intermediate groups and we will have them also during the summer. As soon as you send the enrolment form confirmed, I will proceed with the booking.