Les ateliers FL Nice
65 boulevard Auguste Raynaud, Nice, 06100, France
Les ateliers FL Nice
Ascultare, vorbire, pronunţie, lectură, scris, vocabular, gramatică şi activităţi
Orarul claselor se poate schimba după valabilitate şi anotimp.
This programme is for French teachers or future French teachers with a C1 level minimum of French. It consists of 26 specialised lessons on teacher training per week with:
20 lessons of Specialized French (1 week only)
+ 6L of thematic workshops per week
Broaden and update your classroom methods, explore the subtleties of present day French language,
classroom strategies and dynamics while deepening your knowledge of French civilization and culture.
For 2 weeks program, the starting date is on the 8th of July.
For 1 week program, students could either start on the 8th or the 15th of July 2024.
Mediu | 10 studenţi |
Maxim | 12 studenţi |
Sfera de vârstă | 21 de ani sau mai mari |
Mediu | 25 de ani (22 in the summer) |
Școala este spațioasă și luminoasă și are 17 săli de clasă cu aer condiționat, un centru media cu calculatoare, spațiu de recreere pentru studenți și acces gratuit la internet WiFi.
Școala oferă programe generale de limba franceză , precum și programe tematice (de ex. Franceză și gătit, senior) și cursuri de perfecționare a profesorilor. Există, de asemenea, o gamă largă de opțiuni de cazare și activități sociale pentru studenți.
Naţionalitatea şi amestecurile de vârste la Les ateliers FL Nice variază pe anumite perioade de timp, cursuri şi nivele. De-a lungul anului, media de vârstă este 25. Pe timpul verii, media de vârstă este 22.
FL Nice nu deţine pe clase de vacanţă datele de mai jos. şcoala nu compensează pentru aceste sărbători, astfel încât asiguraţi-vă că pentru a alege data de începere în mod corect.
Capitala Côte d'Azur și al 5-lea oraș cu cea mai mare densitate din Franța, Nisa a devenit un simbol al stilului de viață din sudul Franței. Bine plasat între Marea Mediterană și Alpi, se află la doar 30 de kilometri de granița italiană. Climatul său excepțional și patrimoniul cultural bogat au făcut din Nisa una dintre destinațiile cele mai populare din lume.
Cartierul - Borriglione este un cartier de descoperit, șic și multicultural în același timp: te vei bucura de liniștea unei zone rezidențiale, precum și de diverse activități. Există numeroase magazine, restaurante, cafenele și baruri, chiar studiouri pentru artiști. Inima cartierului este marea piață în aer liber, cu atmosfera sa convivă și tipică! Mai mult de 120 de tarabe oferă fructe și legume, precum și o gamă largă de produse locale.
Școala dispune, pe 2 etaje, de șapte clase complet renovate, precum și de un centru de resurse și o zonă de relaxare. În timpul pauzelor sau după cursuri grădina noastră vă invită să vă bucurați de soarele mediteranean aproape pe tot parcursul anului. Școala este dotată cu internet wireless și 5 calculatoare, la dispoziția ta.
Sylvie și echipa ei sunt acolo să te întâmpine pentru o ședere perfectă, care îmbină învățarea limbii franceze cu activități sportive sau doar relaxare pe plaja!
The class was small enough and the co-students super.
The teacher very effective and knew how to teach.
The location of the school is okay.
I did not like the accommodation, which could not be compared to that last year.
Nice small group of people my age. Two teachers, different types but both very nice. Location was good, nice walk from my appartment and the center
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...Very approachable teachers great atmosphere and nice facilities, i would appreciate maybe bit more interactive activities that actually give a chance to get to know people, as I heard some people didn't have a courage to initiate interactions. My housing was private and i think that was a really good choice as usually housing is really expensive here.
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...I really enjoyed being in this language school, as the teachers and other students were really nice.
But unfortunately the way of teaching was not what I expected. Students should talk way more and practice with the teacher. Instead they were supposed to do read, write and do grammar all over again. It didnt help me much to improve my french but still I would recommend the classes it if you are a beginner.
I have been trying to learn French for 20+ years. Finally, I flew to France a week before my husband joined me, to go to language school before our vacation, Yes, a week isn't long enough, but it did really help me improve. I am probably elementary school level, maybe now a bit better. Our instructor was very pleasant and good humored, the class rooms were clean, but it was quite humid the week I was there and we needed to keep the windows open for some air circulation, which caused a bit of noise, as the school is located on a corner. I would totally go to France Langue again. My one complaint is the online company I booked it through. While they were very nice, they gave me incorrect information. Such as, I was given a 3 year old school address. So, on Monday morning the day I was to report to take my placement exam, it was of course raining, and I went to the 3 year old address I was given. The school, was more than 30minutes away from location, by foot, as I had to walk there. This also affected, the hotel I chose to stay in. Second, I had asked the online person about the cooking classes offered on Tue & Thur evenings while I was there. He told me he had communicated my dietary restrictions and that I should be okay to sign up to attend. I was skeptical and told him, great, but I'll pay there, when I sure (instead of paying ahead online to him). Of course, on Monday, when I asked about signing up for the classes, none of my dietary restrictions were communicated to the school and the class was set with menus I couldn't eat.
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...The classes were very interactive
The teachers creative
The location nice and green
The activities cultural and entertaining
I liked the school so cozy, the teachers were friendly. Magritte my professor was amazing. Very friendly , likable, sweet, funny,and make information easily digested. Sandra the advisor/ receptionist was a very friendly,nice, and very helpful. The class was good.
Though it was a short period of time to study in (5 days), but I expected more!
What happened was just like refreshing my memory with what I already studied before. My goal was to be able to speak and communicate in French. I can hardly do that, I try my best to do so with Magritte and my colleagues but it was really difficult. I believe it’s not their fault, it’s just was a very short period of time to work with.
I was so pleased to meet several nationalities and communicate with them. I hope we will end up friends in contact.
Overall, it was a different experience to and I am willing to do it again once I have more time to get really benefited.
Thank you so much all and especially IIiana
I took the course with my daughter, and had a very pleasant experienced in Nice.
We stayed for 2 weeks, which easily could have been extended. 1 week would have been too short, as you need to build of skills and confidence before starting to speak your self.
Additionally Nice is very nice with a lot of after school attractions, and even in September the weather was good, with the possibility to be at the beach.
The school was very good, with nice facilities and very competent teachers.
I enjoyed the classes and I thought that the teachers were very helpful and attentive. The location was perfect as it was just in the centre of Nice. I was only there for 1 week so I didn't do any activities.
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...I found Lise, our teacher, absolutely fantastic. She was enthusiastic, amusing, pedagogic, trying to get us all involved in conversations, and she spoke wonderful French intended for our levels.
A small complaint that I have though is I wish we could have had a few more breaks; we had only one every 4 hours.
The classroom was okay with a blackboard which Lise utilized with lots of illustrative drawings! The ventilator did not work satisfactorily, though.
The excursions in French were interesting, and the "guide" seemed to answer our questions in a competent way. I would have liked to visit a few museums and other cultural places in e.g. Menton, Nice, and Venice, though. The old towns of Cannes, Nice, Menton, and Saint Paul were very much alike.
With regard to the excursions, there was too little time for a bite of lunch between the end of lessons and departure for the excursions. This was pointed out, and the last day was adjusted to give us proper time for lunch.
One major complaint I have is that most of the students, including myself, were only on the course for 5 days, so I found it a waste of time that on the first morning, we only had an introduction to the course and no lessons at all. (An excursion in the afternoon was designed, though).
The staff in the office was very helpful.
I stayed in a hotel and not with a private family, but the location of the school was central and convenient.
All in all it was a great experience, and my interest in the French language has been stimulated from this course.
Cazările la casă oferă studenţilor şansa de a învăţa mai multe despre cultura locală într-un decor comfortabil cât timp studiază Franceză în Nisa. Acele case sunt situate de regulă la distanţe între 30 de minute de şcoală, utilizând transportul în comun. Familiile asigură de regulă mese mai ieftine, iar în acelaşi timp mai abordabile, bazate pe felurile locale. Dacă aveţi cereri speciale sau restricţii în ceea ce priveşte dieta (din cauza religiei sau probleme de sănătate), vă rugăm să ne aduceţi la cunoştinţă acest lucru dinainte. Your housing starts on the Sunday before your first day of class and ends on the Saturday after your last day of class, unless otherwise noted. Learn more about homestay housing
Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast
Homestay - Single-person room - Half-Board
Căminele studenţeşti sunt mai potrivite pentru un student independent, care este în căutarea unei cazări curate, la un preţ economic. Toţi studenţii trebuie să aibe 18+, cu excepţia cazului în care se menţionează vârsta. Your housing starts on the Sunday before your first day of class and ends on the Saturday after your last day of class, unless otherwise noted. Student residences often do not include any meal plan. Learn more about student residence accommodation
Premium Student residence - Single-person studio - No meals
Este posibil să locuiţi într-un apartament închiriat pe durata studiilor în Nisa, dar de regulă este mult mai costisitor. FL Nice asigură cât de cât o asistenţă în ceea ce priveşte închirierea apartamentelor, sau puteţi chiar dumneavoastră să închiriaţi un apartament. Învaţă mai mult despre cazarea în apartament.
Aparthotel Adagio Acropolis*** - Single-person room - No meals
Aparthotel Ajoupa**** - Single-person room - No meals
Nu putem aplica vize în numele studenţilor. Cu toate acestea, şcoala poate furniza toate documentele de care aveţi nevoie pentru a sprijini cererea dumneavoastră pentru o viză.
Scrisoarea dumneavoastră de acceptare va fi trimisă la adresa de acasă prin poştă gratis. Dacă doriţi să primiţi documentele dumneavoastră prin curierat rapid, veţi plăti o taxă cu o valoare de 120 € atunci când vă înregistraţi!.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Nisa based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Studiaţi în afară fară griji cu asigurarea personală şi cea de sănătate de la Language International. Atunci când vă închiriaţi un curs la noi, puteţi opta pentru cumpărarea unui plan de asigurare internaţional care nu doar acoperă sănătatea ci şi bunurile personale pierdute. Trebuie să vă rezervaţi asigurarea înainte de a vă înregistra.
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