Proyecto Español: Alicante
C/ José Gutiérrez Petén, 41, Alicante, 03004, es
Proyecto Español: Alicante
Ascultare, vorbire, pronunţie, lectură, scris, vocabular, gramatică şi activităţi
Proyecto Español nu deţine pe clase de vacanţă datele de mai sus. şcoala nu compensează pentru aceste sărbători, astfel încât asiguraţi-vă că pentru a alege data de începere în mod corect.
You can choose from the following class times:
Orarul claselor se poate schimba după valabilitate şi anotimp.
This course is thought for students with a B1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages or higher.
This course has two parts.
The first part (25 hours per week) is for groups of no more than 10 students. They will work on the general tasks of the Spanish language according to their levels. The second part (5 hours per week), in groups of maximum 5 students, the aim is to offer a general vision of the business world, emphasizing the linguistic aspects and the specific vocabulary of business from a practical point of view.
Among the contents there will be typology of commercial mailing, work environment (human resources, CV and job interview), marketing and advertisement, banking and finances, and the more communicative aspects as the preparations of presentations, trading and effective meetings.
Mediu | 6 studenţi |
Maxim | 10 studenţi |
Sfera de vârstă | 16 ani sau mai mari |
Mediu | 24 de ani (21 in the summer) |
Proyecto Español este o școală de limbi străine, specializată în spaniolă pentru străini, cu academii în Spania. Scopul lor este să învețe limba și cultura spaniolă și să ofere experiențe excelente la prețuri rezonabile. Proyecto Español Alicante este o școală excelentă situată în inima uneia dintre cele mai frumoase regiuni de coastă din Spania. În timp ce studiază la Alicante, elevii sunt încurajați să participe la activități care să-i scoată în oraș și să converseze în dialectul local pentru a-i ajuta să stăpânească mai bine nuanțele limbii spaniole.
Proyecto Español has partnerships with the following universities and colleges in Spania. You can gain full or conditional acceptance into one of these institutions.
Naţionalitatea şi amestecurile de vârste la Proyecto Español: Alicante variază pe anumite perioade de timp, cursuri şi nivele. De-a lungul anului, media de vârstă este 24. Pe timpul verii, media de vârstă este 21.
Proyecto Español nu deţine pe clase de vacanţă datele de mai jos. şcoala nu compensează pentru aceste sărbători, astfel încât asiguraţi-vă că pentru a alege data de începere în mod corect.
Clădirile noastre sunt situate chiar în centrul orașului, în spatele Pieței Centrale.
Facilitățile școlii:
23 de săli mari cu aer condiționat, cu o atmosferă plăcută
Echipamente audiovizuale în toate sălile de clasă
Conexiune WIFI
Laborator de informatică
Biblioteca de creditare
Acces facil pentru persoanele cu dizabilități
Zona de recreere cu calculatoare
Alicante este situat în sud-estul Peninsulei Iberice, direct pe Costa Blanca - una dintre cele mai frumoase coaste spaniole. Romanii au numit orașul „Lucentum”, oraș al luminii și au capturat caracterul acestui oraș radiant cu palmieri, cu vedere la mare, care se bucură de un climat extrem de plăcut. În plus, este un oraș universitar pe care îl poți recunoaște pe măsură ce îi parcurgi străzile. Bulevardele magnifice, portul modern, cartierul vechi, zonele comerciale și plaja incomparabilă a orașului sunt foarte atractive și te vor face să-ți dorești să revii.
Puncte de interes:
Castelul din Alicante
I did not use the activities and housing but everything els was really goog. Easy to know where to go and really kind, helpfull and professional teachers. Good location in the city with parking near.
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...The teachers at the school are very friendly. The location of the school is very good. Accommodation without air conditioning and this is the only minus of the stay
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...Thank you so much for this review, we loved having you here. And thank you for letting us know about the heat situation, we didn't expect it to be this hot this year but we will work on it :)
I really enjoyed the classes and the teaching methods as well as the teachers. The location was good since it was close to the tram but it would be better if all classes where in the same building. I would also liked it better if the classes had a bit more people in it so you would have got the chance to meet more people. However, the activities after the clases have you the possibility to meet and talk to more people.
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...Thank you for the review and for your comments. We will take your comments to heart since we are always working to improve for our students :) Thank you!
Everything was absolutely nice. I had the opportunity to learn a lot there (especially Inmaculada, a new teacher there, was amazing!). The location of the school is great and the city is beautiful as well. The school offers many activities to learn a lot about the spanisch culture. They are well organized.
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Thank you for your kind words! We've let Inmaculada know what you said and she, as well as us, are over the moon knowing you had a great time!
We hope to see you soon again! ;)
Insgesamt war mein Aufenthalt eine gute Erfahrung.
Die Kurse selbst waren relativ klein, was sehr gut war, da man somit mehr Zeit zum eigenen Sprechen hatte (auch abhängig von der Lehrkraft, wie sie Sprechanlässe herstellt). Ich selbst habe nur die Konversationskurse besucht, also wo es hauptsächlich um das freie Sprechen über kulturelle Themen geht. Darüber hinaus gab es noch Theoriekurse, die Grammatik und Orthographie vermitteln.
Die Lehrer*innen waren allesamt nett und offen.
Die Schule selbst ist auf mehrere Gebäude verteilt und sehr zentral gelegen (das Meer und die Innenstadt ist nur wenige Gehminuten entfernt).
Die Einrichtung und die Örtlichkeiten sind sauber und es ist nichts zu beanstanden.
Die Schule bietet wöchentliche gemeinsame Aktivitäten an, wie zum Beispiel Touren durch die Stadt, Museumsbesuche, Kinoabende oder Gesprächsrunden in einer Bar oder in der Schule. Das ist sehr sinnvoll, um mit den anderen Leuten mehr in Kontakt zu kommen.
Die Schule bietet auch Unterkünfte in Form von WGs oder Zimmer bei Familien an. Damit ist auch alles in Ordnung gewesen.
Thank you very much for your review Dennis. We appreciate the kind words and inspire us to keep doing a good job and improving :) If you ever come back to Alicante, be sure to get in touch, we'll be glad to help with all your Spanish-learning needs.
My experience was much like a lot of reviews I read that were negative. A lot of the negatives issues were very small and seem trivial. However, when they all add it just makes for a negative experience. Because the classes are kept small, they are held in tiny classes. You are right on top of fellow students that you might not want to even be near, let alone almost attached. I caught a cold and was embarrassed to be coughing and sneezing in class when I first discovered I was ill. This developed into chest infection and I was forced to drop out of the school so as not to infect the other students due to their close proximity. Their teaching is all in Spanish. I realize it is a Spanish course. However, not being able to understand anything the teacher said at all meant that I had no idea what was going on, was unable to understand the questions or the answers and walked away not having learned anything at all except for a bit of grammar. I expected the class to be chatting away so that I could speak and hear Spanish in a basic form to help me learn. Instead, the entire class was the teacher talking and reading from a laptop followed by the odd student answering a question since he or she obviously understood enough Spanish to be able to do so. There was zero conversation in my class. Strictly grammar. I am a native English speaker and I haven't a clue how English grammar works so I definitely hadn't a clue about Spanish grammar and I am none the wiser after attending this school. The activities were poorly put together and very unorganized. Some started up to an hour or so late, some were cancelled and no one was told, some had guides that would leave well before the activity was finished, leaving us to wonder what we were supposed to do. No one was encouraged to speak Spanish. During the 15 break you would try and purchase a coffee or snack from the tiny canteen they had. The lady working at the canteen was the slowest person I have ever witnessed in such a setting. Sometimes it would take more than the 15 minutes just to get a coffee which meant spending your entire break standing in a line waiting. I could go on but I think I've said enough. I certainly wouldn't go back.
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...I was a little nervous on the first day as I am older than the typical student at the school. However, everyone was really friendly, the level of the class was right and the teacher made learning really interesting and fun. There were free evening events, the tour of the old part of Alicante was a highlight because it is a lovely city. Highly recommended, no regrets! I am now much more motivated to continue studying at home.
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...The teacher where wonderful, but it seems kinda counter productive to teach beginner Spanish in Spanish. Nice people and a positive experience, but a weird way of teaching in my opinion.
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...Every morning 3 hours of detailed grammar with exercises and homework. Afterwards a practical part with speaking. I would have liked les theory and more speaking.
Luckily, I was housed at two ladies who compensated the talkative part, treated me as their family member and did everything to make my stay comfortable.
I was lucky to participate in small (5-6 people) classes. The first week I had a starter teacher who was absolutely first grade in teaching us. The second and third week another (more experienced) teacher was as kind and competent.
Noticing to not like by means of all the things you mentioned. I didn’t take part at the events because living here in Alicante Indo have opportunities to go and experience them already.
Dies schreibt meine Mama:
Ich habe meinen Sohn nach Alicante begleitet. Ohne mich wäre dies alles nicht möglich gewesen, denn seine Gastmutter war irgendwie nie daheim. Er hatte um 13.00 Uhr Schulschluss und konnte teilweise erst um 15.30 Uhr in die Wohnung. Wusste nie wann wer da ist. Zuletzt ist seine Gastmutter erst nach Mitternacht heim gekommen. Trotzdem hat es ihm sehr gut gefallen. Aber einen 12-jährigen so in einer 350.000 Einwohnerstadt alleine zu lassen ist doch etwas fragwürdig.
Es war geplant, dass ich ihn mit dem Flug hinbegleite und zum Rückflug wieder treffe. Aber schon am ersten Tag zu Mittag hat er mich angerufen und wusste nicht wohin.
Trotzdem war es unter dem Strich ganz toll, wir würden es weiterempfehlen, aber alleine sich erst ab einem späteren Alter.
Extremely professional, always prepared and pleasant teaching.
Overall a good experience
I found this school to be chaotic. My registration was incorrect on the first day so that had to be taken care of. We ended up in three different classrooms for the time I was there. And because students are starting at different dates the classes are a bit of a mix of levels. In my class there were student who had been in the course at that level for six weeks and some of us it was our first day. The Spanish taught was not practical, it was more like being in a year long high school Spanish class and I happened to dropped in for a couple of weeks. I was looking for practical, every day Spanish that would extend my vocabulary and ability to interact with Spaniards. There are alternatives that are better for that type of Spanish learning. However, I must say that my
instructor was excellent and very patient, but it was the wrong style & content for me personally.
I absolutely loved living and studying in Alicante for the month of September. All the teachers that I had were absolutely amazing! Apart from giving great lessons they also helped me with some out of school issues and questions (thank you!!!) I chose 25h/week and wouldn't recommend going below that, as 20h/week will only get you the grammar classes and its the conversation class that, in my opinion, is the best! The only minus that I can think of is sometimes the after class activities were lacking organization. The apartments that the school offers are good, but very basic. Do your best in class (take a few private lessons if you don't feel 100%), go to the beach, travel around: Murcia, Altea, Guadalest, Villa Joyosa, Playa de San Juan - everything is so close and you can do a half day trip. Talk to the locals, google intercambio bars Alicante if school is not enough- make the best of your time there! good luck!
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...I liked the way the teachers taught and the pace that they taught at. I liked the location a lot because the houses were very pretty and so was the school. The activities we did was also fun. When we went to the museum or the super market. The class activities were also fun for example the pueblo game.
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...This was the first time I went abroad alone and I came back with no regrets.
The thing I liked the most is the people attending the school.
A lot of people are really motivated to learn something, that makes for a nice studying environment.
The classes are filled with all ages and origins. Only one week I was in a class with all 50+ and being 23 myself I did not really feel comfortable. I told this to the school and the next week I was placed in a more 'mixed' class.
I made some great friends over there and really enjoyed my stay.
For this I have to rate it 5/5.
Was looking for a Spanisch course in a mild climate. As I am often use the car, it shold be a place where I can park it at the apartment. So I asked for parking possibility. Simone Reich ansered just direct beside the.apartment.
That wax the answer of Simone Reich. But as I arrivede the andwer changed within some das.
The new information. Compare direct at thr apartment got free to:
have found public car park at the apartment.
Aparcamiento Plaza América Calle Jaime Segarra, 1, Alicante 965 91 01 06 , I think this is one of the closest to his apartment, this is a public parking but some of them have deals to use a car park space to be paid monthly.
Garaje Europa S.L. - La Lonja Alicante Calle del Capitán Segarra, 35, 965 14 40 80. This one is closer to the School ( 10-15 minutes walking to the apartment)
Hotofi SL Calle Vicente Inglada, 4, 965 14 29 57 This one is closer to the School ( 10-15 minutes walking to the apartment)
---.might take 10-15 minutes the find a spot.near tje apartmen -- up to 10.minutes ro walk tjr.spartment.
Did the student not know the apartments didn’t have private car park space? Just to know because I am a bit concerned that he might have gotten the information wrong or there has been a misunderstanding, because we don’t have that information in our website and we never guarantee that, the students sometimes ask about an apartment where is easy to park and we allocate them in areas where finding a places is not as difficult as the city centre, but you have to consider that the apartment is still close to the city centre ( 10-15 minutes) and the parking spaces there are not payment ones so It might take you a bit to find and empty space ( unless you live away from the city centre).
There are public car park with private spaces like the ones I mentioned above but they might not be right beside the apartmen
Litttle change from direct beside the apartmen to 500 Euro during the stay plus 10 minite walk dayli one way.
Signed a contract for apartment but keys for a diiferend on. Torn down curtains, got a silent plcee direct over a boxing gym. Fantatic sound during and during thr night. Btw, np possibility to clode yor room, ehile leaving your room. Back to parking. It took me every night 10 to 15 minutes ti find a prking slot, usually not at thr apartment but within 5-10.minutes to walk
Most importanr that Simone Reich never aimed for a longerm solution always skipped the.fsilutes to the school. O a sure
She knows about here mistake.abouut the parking spot, who.caused the cancellation. The cost.for this failse claim costs mpte thrn 1300.Euro. .
The school.seems to be as unorganized. Wrong contracts, bad preparation, making false claims , not trustfull. Only teacher Bea and Raquel seem to freadly. The people at front deskt promised to monex back to my bank account. Guess by your selve if they did. The even not send me a messsage. They did respond to my emails. Overall. School may have good teachers teally bad organisation, if yoy are used to such. Schoolds you may cope with it, parking.situation is crazy, if anyone from anguageinternationa is is saying cars could brought to Alicante, they just dooing anything to ckose the deal. The most infortmation is bla bla. Much easier und even correcht if you ask at schooj.
Simone Reichhas to ask everything, on thi way you loose lot of onformation
Then there is a gut clalled Michael Reich. He is reponsible for giving his opinion. Seems to be a game within Languageinternational talking about customers an then tell it to then
Summa summarum.
Book direct at the school. I dod not get any usefull service instead Simome Recich made me chcice a wrong.destinaion. more than 4200km > more than 1400 Euro.
Hi Michal,
Thank you for your review. I'm sorry that you had such a difficult time at the school. I've reviewed this case with my colleagues, and I'm terribly sorry that things didn't work out like they were supposed to.
After speaking with Simone, I understand that the school should have transferred you the partial refund for your course. It may just be taking a few days for this to show up in your account. If you still haven't received it, please let us know. We will be happy to follow up for you.
I'm sorry about this misunderstanding with the parking. We do our best to make sure that students needs are met, and it seems that the information was simply not passed to you with sufficient clarity.
Please let us know if you need assistance getting the refund we're happy to help.
I thought the school was nice and teachers all very friendly. It was conveniently located within a 10-minute walk from my host family.
My host was very accommodating and it was relaxing staying there. I liked the teaching style as well.
The only down side was the room and the desks. I would have liked to have been in one of the larger rooms with more room for materials (on the desk )
Other than that I enjoyed it !
Thank you! We hope to see you again soon! We will take in consideration your comments.
The classes were interesting. The teachers were very professional and helpful, as well as the other personnel of Proyecto Español.
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...Thank you! We hope to see you again soon! We are glad you enojoyed your stay at Proyecto!
I really liked the teachers and the classes. But I didn't like that there were so many Germans. They didn't speak Spanish or English, they always spoke German to each other. I liked that the school organized activities, but usually they had to cancel the activities because there weren't enough people going to the activities. I really liked the housing and the fact that there were people from many countries at my apartment.
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...Thank you! We hope to see you again soon! We will take in consideration your comments.
The classes and teachers are good, location is ok.
School with basic facilities, classroom, bathroom (small and unisex), and 3 netbooks if you need use internet.
Thank you! We hope to see you again soon! We will take in consideration your comments.
I really liked the family that I was living with - they were very nice and friendly. I generally liked the school. Some of the teachers were better than the others, but overall it was quite good
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...Thank you! We hope to see you again soon! We are very happy you enjoyed your stay at Proyecto!
I like that I was living with the same girls that I was studying with. We were friends and I had really good time in Alicante.
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...Thank you! We hope to see you again soon! Nice to hear you had a great time at Proyecto!
Cazările la casă oferă studenţilor şansa de a învăţa mai multe despre cultura locală într-un decor comfortabil cât timp studiază Spaniolă în Alicante. Acele case sunt situate de regulă la distanţe între 25 - 50 de minute de şcoală, utilizând transportul în comun. Familiile asigură de regulă mese mai ieftine, iar în acelaşi timp mai abordabile, bazate pe felurile locale. Dacă aveţi cereri speciale sau restricţii în ceea ce priveşte dieta (din cauza religiei sau probleme de sănătate), vă rugăm să ne aduceţi la cunoştinţă acest lucru dinainte. Your housing starts on the Sunday before your first day of class and ends on the Saturday after your last day of class, unless otherwise noted. Learn more about homestay housing
Homestay - 2-person shared room - Breakfast and dinner - 2 students must book together
Homestay- Single Room- Half Board
Homestay - 2-person shared room - Breakfast, lunch, and dinner - 2 students must book together
Homestay- Single Room- Full Board
Este posibil să locuiţi într-un apartament închiriat pe durata studiilor în Alicante, dar de regulă este mult mai costisitor. Proyecto Español asigură cât de cât o asistenţă în ceea ce priveşte închirierea apartamentelor, sau puteţi chiar dumneavoastră să închiriaţi un apartament. Învaţă mai mult despre cazarea în apartament.
Shared apartment - 2-person shared room - No meals
Student Apartment- Single Room- Self Catering
Nu putem aplica vize în numele studenţilor. Cu toate acestea, şcoala poate furniza toate documentele de care aveţi nevoie pentru a sprijini cererea dumneavoastră pentru o viză.
Scrisoarea dumneavoastră de acceptare va fi trimisă la adresa de acasă prin poştă gratis. Dacă doriţi să primiţi documentele dumneavoastră prin curierat rapid, veţi plăti o taxă cu o valoare de 120 € atunci când vă înregistraţi!.
Şcoala oferă servicii de preluare la aeroport. Daca doriti să fiţi preluat trebuie să ne daţi detaliile zborului dumneavoastră precum şi data sosirii. Preţul unui transfer la Alicante Airport pe o singură rută este de 40 €. Trebuie să rezervaţi un transfer la aeroport în avans, atunci când vă înregistraţi.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Alicante based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Studiaţi în afară fară griji cu asigurarea personală şi cea de sănătate de la Language International. Atunci când vă închiriaţi un curs la noi, puteţi opta pentru cumpărarea unui plan de asigurare internaţional care nu doar acoperă sănătatea ci şi bunurile personale pierdute. Trebuie să vă rezervaţi asigurarea înainte de a vă înregistra.
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