ELS Language Centers Houston: Houston (TX)
2990 Richmond Avenue, Suite 600, Houston, Texas 77098, USA
ELS Language Centers Houston: Houston (TX)
181 € discount for all courses and accommodations from 12-52 weeks Show details »
Ascultare, vorbire, pronunţie, lectură, scris, vocabular, gramatică şi activităţi
ELS nu deţine pe clase de vacanţă datele de mai sus. şcoala nu compensează pentru aceste sărbători, astfel încât asiguraţi-vă că pentru a alege data de începere în mod corect.
Orarul claselor se poate schimba după valabilitate şi anotimp.
The ELS Semi-Intensive English Program is designed for students who want to learn the language while also having time to visit local attractions. There are 20 morning lessons per week. Using interactive methods, students will move towards improving their English communication. There are more than 600 universities, colleges and career schools accept completion of an advanced ELS level as meeting the English language requirement for admission.
ELS recommends that students select a duration in 4-week increments (4 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks, etc.). Durations under 4 weeks (2 or 3 weeks) and in non-4-week increments may be available if space permits. These durations require special request and must be approved by the ELS Center Director.
Mediu | 12 studenţi |
Maxim | 15 studenţi |
Sfera de vârstă | 16 ani sau mai mari |
Mediu | 23 de ani (21 in the summer) |
ELS / Houston se află în imediata vecinătate a campusului Universitar St. Thomas - Houston (UST) și are acces deplin la cîntregul campus și la facilitățile universității. Houston este o destinație populară pentru studenții internaționali și al patrulea oraș ca mărime din SUA. De asemenea, orașul este centrul mondial al industriei energetice . Vă puteți bucura de vizite de weekend la Centrul Spațial NASA, puteți vizita plajele din Golful Mexic și multe altele.
Naţionalitatea şi amestecurile de vârste la ELS Language Centers Houston: Houston (TX) variază pe anumite perioade de timp, cursuri şi nivele. De-a lungul anului, media de vârstă este 23. Pe timpul verii, media de vârstă este 21.
ELS are studenţi din toată lumea, incluzând:
ELS nu deţine pe clase de vacanţă datele de mai jos. şcoala nu compensează pentru aceste sărbători, astfel încât asiguraţi-vă că pentru a alege data de începere în mod corect.
Descrierea zonei
ELS / Houston este localizat în districtele moderne River Oaks / Upper Kirby / Greenway Plaza din Houston, la 10-15 minute de mers cu metroul de campusul Universității St. Thomas. Fiind o destinație populară pentru studenții internaționali, Houston este al patrulea oraș ca mărime din SUA Americii și centrul mondial al industriei energetice. Vă puteți bucura de vizite de weekend la Centrul Spațial al NASA din Houston, vă puteți relaxa pe plajele din Golful Mexic și multe altele.
Centrul spațial al NASA din Houston
Plajele din Golful Mexic
Excursii de weekend în San Antonio, New Orleans sau Mexic
Transport local
Transportul în comun din Houston este organizat sub formă de autobuze și transport feroviar ușor către centrul orașului, adecvat pentru nevoile studenților. Costul unei călătorii este de 1.25 USD pentru o singură direcție (50% reducere cu cartea de student UST). Unele rute sunt circulă limitat în weekend și seara. Mulți dintre studenții noștri închiriază mașini sau împart costul unui taxi. Studenții internaționali pot obține un permis de conducere valabil în Texas, mergând la biroul de stat corespunzător și parcurgând un test scris și un test de conducere. Adresați-vă consultantului internațional pentru studenți pentru informații suplimentare.
Everything was great, the only thing I didn’t enjoy was the material on the economy subject and how the class was given.
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...I really enjoyed everything. The teachers were the best that I´ve had. Location and facilities are good, however I would like you to have a coffee shop or some place where students can find something to eat and drink.
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...els was perfect for me because I studied with so much international student during my course. it was great opportunity for speaking. els teachers was so nice to me during my journey at els. they have so much activities for socialising after school.
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...The teachers were all really nice and everybody tried really hard to male us feel comfortable being away from home. I made a lot of new friends. The school planed a lot of activities where we could go which was really nice. The location was perfect, it was not to far away from my home and not right downtown where the traffic gets really bad.
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...It was pretty good. Activities were kind of fun. I like the way you guys made it like school.
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...The school's program of activities is good, as few good teachers do not show the results of the final tests, make the decision whether the student should advance or not, even having good grades during the current level, as to the conditions of the school. school are good.
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...I liked the classes there was a lot of interaction between the teachers and the students. The classrooms and the bathroom were always clean. Maybe it would have been better of the classes were inside the campus of the University of St. Thomas.
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...Over all, it was a good experience and a good chance to improve my competences in englisch at this school. My estimation is different. There are teachers they have quite a large engagement and others are for example not really good prepared ore are in the class not really good in teaching.
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...It was far beyond my expectation. Very good. The organization, the infrastructure, the teachers, everything was good.
The discipline asked was a real immersion in the American culture and attitudes.
It was my first experience of studying at ELS. The location was excellent, with parking and near the downtown. I really liked the teachers, especially Mr. Jason (VOC) and Mr. Jim (SSP). I didn`t like the LTC. Unfortunately, I only had three weeks to stay at the ELS because I needed to return to my country. I hope to return in the near future. Thanks.
Vera Lucia Vigier
The school has very nice teachers good place for learning funny lesson with (Samir and Tim) but also bad teachers (Atalla) was very disappointing not sympathetic for a teacher boring lessons.
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...The classes were good nothing boring, we learn new things in the activities and games we play in class and they were interesting. The teaches were nice and polite always there to help and it is in a good location near places we can go after class
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...Sometimes,I was confused when I talked with other students and teachers.But It was very fun. I want to study English in ELS again. If I could go to study the school once,I will be able to speak English better. I liked all of classes. If you consist, I liked speaking class the best. This class is very profitable for me to speak and pronounce English.
Thank you for teaching me English!!!
The classes were very nice. The teaching methods were almost perfect. In Lauren's class (TOEFL class) I really learned how to mãe the test and I did well because of her. The only problem was in Tim's class, because his teaching methods were not that good. Instead of explaining the students doubts, he just kept telling the same things. Also he took the students to a field trip to do a survey in a parking lot and that activity did not improved my English at all, it was just some useless activity to fill up some free time from the class. It was terrible, but it was not ELS's fault.
About the facilities I think it was just perfect. Everything was clean, everything worked perfectly, the administration had this care with the students (answering doubts, solving problems, etc). It was awesome.
The activities were impressive, because I never studied in a school where there were so many activities (going to a baseball game, tips about parks, museum tips) and the small events at the first and last day. Very different from other classes I have had and much better.
I was not in the housing program, because of that I do not have an opinion about it.
The experienced was really an enriching one, from a social point of view. Even if you're a little bit shy as I am, you will find you will be making friends with people from different countries. As regards the teacher and the classes they were really good, all teachers were kind, respectful, and cool to hang out with. The only drawback is that I think I could have been on higher level, however the things they thought us were things I've already studied. Other than that it was a great experience.
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...I enjoyed my stay in the ELS Center in Houston. I liked all the classes, particularly Anoosh SSP class. Over all, the teachers were exceptionally nice.
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...I liked it a lot. It was way more intense than I first thought, but it was only for the better.
I had a very good month at ELS. It was a good learning environment.
I liked almost all of my teachers. They were prepared for giving interesting classes. I had a good experience knowing other people and other cultures, and also going on incredible trips. The only thing that I would change is the SSP class because I think they need to make you talk more and focus on your pronunciation. Aside from this though, everything was perfect.
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...It was my first experience in learning English abroad. The teachers were helpful and professional. The classes were well organized. The only negative was that not all books were provided. Unfortunately, during my three weeks, there were not much events and activities at school.
There were students from different countries: Brazil, Venezuela, Japan, Turkey, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Bolivia, Indonesia. We spent time together and learnt more about each other’s countries.
The program was intensive and helped to improve language skills.
I was living at a homestay. Two more students were living with me in that house. At the dinner table, we had a chance to talk in English a lot. Also, there was a Halloween party organized by the homestay. A lot of students from other schools came to that party. It was a wonderful experience to talk to people and get to know them.
The house was a bit far away from school. It took me 1 hour and 15 minutes to get to school. I rode the buses. During my first day at my homestay, the family dropped me off at school then showed me how to use the buses. Also, at the homestay, I was allowed to do laundry.
In general, my trip was exciting and memorable.
What I liked was that the school was very close to the student residence. It was easy to take the bus, and there were nearby shopping centers.
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...I liked the classes and the facilities. I made a number of friends from different countries. I didn't like the location though.
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...I really liked my classmates! The teachers were great and the program was perfect. My roommates were so kind.
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...I liked the classrooms and some of the teachers. Some of them were funny and could teach very well.
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...I liked it a lot! All teachers are very professional, positive and friendly. Atmosphere was very warm. The school is located in a nice, convenient location. I have no negative experiences.
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...Hi all, I had a really small class and each of us could learn very well. The teachers were nice and gave us the chance to find some subjects to talk about. So in the end you had it like an individual lesson. The location of the ELS in Houston is really nice. Next to the school, there is a CVS and a private university names "University of St. Thomas". There you can have your lunch in the cafeteria with little money. The area also has good connections with the bus and it´s just 3 minutes with it to the museum district. The school offers you some activities for your free time and the students are very nice. In the end I can say it was a good decision to choose the ELS and I would do it again.
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...Cazările la casă oferă studenţilor şansa de a învăţa mai multe despre cultura locală într-un decor comfortabil cât timp studiază Engleză în Houston. Acele case sunt situate de regulă la distanţe între 20 de minute de şcoală, utilizând transportul în comun. Familiile asigură de regulă mese mai ieftine, iar în acelaşi timp mai abordabile, bazate pe felurile locale. Dacă aveţi cereri speciale sau restricţii în ceea ce priveşte dieta (din cauza religiei sau probleme de sănătate), vă rugăm să ne aduceţi la cunoştinţă acest lucru dinainte. Your housing starts on the Sunday before your first day of class and ends on the Saturday after your last day of class, unless otherwise noted. Learn more about homestay housing
Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast and dinner
Căminele studenţeşti sunt mai potrivite pentru un student independent, care este în căutarea unei cazări curate, la un preţ economic. Toţi studenţii trebuie să aibe 18+, cu excepţia cazului în care se menţionează vârsta. Your housing starts on the Sunday before your first day of class and ends on the Saturday after your last day of class, unless otherwise noted. Student residences often do not include any meal plan. Learn more about student residence accommodation
Houston Apartments - Student residence (off-campus) - Double Deluxe - No meals
Nu putem aplica vize în numele studenţilor. Cu toate acestea, şcoala poate furniza toate documentele de care aveţi nevoie pentru a sprijini cererea dumneavoastră pentru o viză.
Dacă studiaţi cu normă întreagă în Statele Unite pentru mai mult de 18 ore pe săptămână, veţi primi un I-20 pe care trebuie să-l depuneţi la ambasada americană, împreună cu o cerere de viză F-1 student. I-20 are un număr de urmărire SEVIS pe ea. Studenţii care doresc să aplice pentru o viză de student trebuie să plătească taxa de SEVIS online înainte de a merge a Ambasada sau Consulatul SUA pentru un interviu.
I-20ul dumneavoastră va fi trimis la adresa de acasă, prin poştă, tot gratuit.
Vă rugăm să reţineţi că legile din Statele Unite ale Americii prevăd că un I-20 poate fi eliberat numai studenţilor care intenţionează să urmeze studii full-time în limba engleză. Legislaţia Statelor Unite nu permite studenţilor să studieze part-time, cu un F-1 Student Visa. Dacă studiaţi mai puţin de 18 ore pe săptămână, va trebui să aplicaţi pentru o viză de vizitator (B1/B2) pe cont propriu.
Aflaţi mai multe despre cum să obţineţi o viză de student în SUA »
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Houston based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Studiaţi în afară fară griji cu asigurarea personală şi cea de sănătate de la Language International. Atunci când vă închiriaţi un curs la noi, puteţi opta pentru cumpărarea unui plan de asigurare internaţional care nu doar acoperă sănătatea ci şi bunurile personale pierdute. Trebuie să vă rezervaţi asigurarea înainte de a vă înregistra.
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