Latin Dances or Flamenco (private classes)

Don Quijote: Alicante


Titluri de cursuri


Orarul clasei

Durata cursului
1-20 lecţii
Datele începerii
În fiecare luni
Zilele claselor
luni - vineri
09 oct 2024, 12 oct 2024, 01 nov 2024, 06 dec 2024, 08 dec 2024, 25 dec 2024, 01 ian 2025, 06 ian 2025, 19 mar 2025, 18 apr 2025, 21 apr 2025, 01 mai 2025, 24 iun 2025, 15 aug 2025, 09 oct 2025, 12 oct 2025, 01 nov 2025, 06 dec 2025, 08 dec 2025, 25 dec 2025

Don Quijote nu deţine pe clase de vacanţă datele de mai sus. şcoala nu compensează pentru aceste sărbători, astfel încât asiguraţi-vă că pentru a alege data de începere în mod corect.

Timpul claselor

You can choose from the following class times:

Dupa-amiaza sesiune
14:00 - 18:00
Seara sesiune
18:00 - 22:00

Orarul claselor se poate schimba după valabilitate şi anotimp.

Descrierea cursului

Taking flamenco classes in Spain is an ideal way to compliment your Spanish course. Flamenco is an internationally recognized art form that was declared an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2010.

Originating in Andalusia, flamenco origins can be traced back to the fusion of various musical styles by the gypsies who have propelled the preservation and dissemination of flamenco around the world.

The flamenco course in Spain will introduce students to the song, dance and music that make up this artistic expression. Discover the passion and wide range of emotions that are expressed by the performer through complex techniques of foot stomping and hand clapping.

The flamenco course is taught at an academy by professional flamenco dance teachers who will adapt to your dance level whether you have studied flamenco in the past or not. The content is flexible and can be adapted to students' schedules and language level.

don Quijote offers salsa dancing classes as an extracurricular course so that our students can embrace one of the most famous dances in the world and immerse themselves in the local rhythm.

Originating from a fusion of Cuban and Caribbean styles, over time salsa has incorporated African percussion, American jazz, the Spanish guitar and other Latin American influences. The result is a dynamic, spicy, energetic and intense music that can also be slow, sensual and romantic. Salsa is normally danced with a partner but can also be danced alone.

The term “salsa” is an umbrella term used to describe many different genres of salsa including mambo, guaracha, son montuno, bolero and chachachá from Cuba as well as many non-Cuban beats such as bomba, plena, merengue and cumbia. Salsa is is highly known throughout the world, especially in Latin America and the United States. It has also become widely popular in countries like Germany, Israel, Spain, Japan, Portugal, France, Italy, and many more.

The salsa course will be taught by a professional dance teacher and will adapt to the students’ dance and Spanish levels. Please note that salsa dance lessons are often given in the late evening and soft-soled comfortable shoes are required.

Nivelul clasei

Toate nivelele, de la începător la avansat
Veţi susţine un test de plasare în prima zi de studiu pentru a determina nivelul cunoştiintelor dumneavoastră. Puteti da, de asemenea, acest test inainte de sosirea dvs. in Alicante.

Mărimea clasei

Mediu 1 student
Maxim 1 student

Vârsta studentului

Sfera de vârstă 14 ani sau mai mari


Un certificat care atestă finalizarea cursului va fi valabil la sfarşitul cursului.
Citiţi mai mult...


  • Don Quijote: Alicante 1/13
  • Intrare către Don Quijote: Alicante 2/13
  • Construcţia Don Quijote: Alicante 3/13
  • Receptarea Don Quijote: Alicante 4/13
  • Clasă la Don Quijote: Alicante 5/13
  • Studenţii Don Quijote: Alicante 6/13
  • Classes at Don Quijote: Alicante 7/13
  • Sala de calculatoare la Don Quijote: Alicante 8/13
  • City of Alicante 9/13
  • Profesori şi personal la Don Quijote: Alicante 10/13
  • Activităţi oferite la Don Quijote: Alicante 11/13
  • Coridor înăuntru Don Quijote: Alicante 12/13
  • Cameră la comun Don Quijote: Alicante 13/13


100% recomandat

bazat pe 3 recenzii
5 stele
4 stele
3 stele
2 stele
1 stea
Calitatea predării
Facilităţile oferite de şcoală
Activităţile sociale
Locaţia şcolii

"A wonderful experience"

Anni Vi Tirol, student din Elveţia

I loved my stay in Alicante with my host family. The staff and my teacher were also very friendly. I learned a lot. I might go back for more.

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Clasificarea mea pentru această şcoală

Calitatea predării
Facilităţile oferite de şcoală
Activităţile sociale
Locaţia şcolii
Data studiului
19 Aug 2024 - 23 Aug 2024
Aţi recomanda această şcoală?
Acesta este un comentariu verificat. Acest student a rezervat un curs la aceasta scoala prin intermediul International Language.

"Good learning environment, good teachers, great location!"

Nicholas Goodwin, student din Franţa

The whole experience was great, I will definitely repeat in following years. The only thing I would change would be to cover more material during the week, as I’m only able to join for a week but I understand that wouldn’t work with the way the classes operate with longer term attendees.

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Clasificarea mea pentru această şcoală

Calitatea predării
Facilităţile oferite de şcoală
Activităţile sociale
Locaţia şcolii
Data studiului
19 Aug 2019 - 23 Aug 2019
Aţi recomanda această şcoală?
Acesta este un comentariu verificat. Acest student a rezervat un curs la aceasta scoala prin intermediul International Language.

"Average poor level of students"

Christian Ducarme, student din Belgia

five teacher on two week time;
poor B2 level, no C1
no room inide the school for cofee time, reading...

Citiţi mai mult...

Clasificarea mea pentru această şcoală

Calitatea predării
Facilităţile oferite de şcoală
Activităţile sociale
Locaţia şcolii
Durata studiilor
o săptămână
Data studiului
12 Nov 2018 - 23 Nov 2018
Aţi recomanda această şcoală?
Acesta este un comentariu verificat. Acest student a rezervat un curs la aceasta scoala prin intermediul International Language.


!school oferă următoarele tipuri de cazare:

Gazdă la familie - Cameră la comun pentru 2 persoane - Mic dejun şi cină

275 €

Homestay, Double room (Half Board)

Sfera de vârstă: 14 ani sau mai mari
Tip de cazare: Gazdă la familie
Tip de cameră: Cameră la comun pentru 2 persoane
Mese: Mic dejun şi cină (14 mese pe săptămână)
Facilităţi: Spălătorie şi internet wireless
Distanţa până la şcoală: 1 - 20 minute
Disponibilitate: ianuarie - decembrie
Ziua de sosire: duminică, oricând
Ziua de plecare: sâmbătă, oricând
275 €
Living with a host family has two major benefits. First, it's the best way to get to know Spanish culture and see what daily life is like for a native Spaniard. Secondly, our host families will speak to you in Spanish 100% of the time, helping you practice the skills you're working on in class in an authentic context.

Our host families vary from young families to one or two retired people, all Spanish speakers and are carefully selected to ensure that your stay be as pleasant as possible. We do our best to find home stays that will treat you as part of the family.

We will always try to accommodate you within 10-20 minutes - on foot or via public transportation - from our school.

If you have any allergies, special dietary requirements, dislike of particular pets or any other special requests, just let us know in advance and we'll do our best to satisfy your needs.

-80% of the host families have wifi installed at home and this is free to use. However if you wish to ensure guaranteed use of this servicve a weekly supplement is required.

Gazdă la familie - Cameră la comun pentru 2 persoane - Mic dejun, prânz şi cină

295 €

Homestay, Double room (Full Board)

Sfera de vârstă: 14 ani sau mai mari
Tip de cazare: Gazdă la familie
Tip de cameră: Cameră la comun pentru 2 persoane
Mese: Mic dejun, prânz şi cină (21 mese pe săptămână)
Facilităţi: Spălătorie şi internet wireless
Distanţa până la şcoală: 1 - 20 minute
Disponibilitate: ianuarie - decembrie
Ziua de sosire: duminică, oricând
Ziua de plecare: sâmbătă, oricând
295 €
Living with a host family has two major benefits. First, it's the best way to get to know Spanish culture and see what daily life is like for a native Spaniard. Secondly, our host families will speak to you in Spanish 100% of the time, helping you practice the skills you're working on in class in an authentic context.

Our host families vary from young families to one or two retired people, all Spanish speakers and are carefully selected to ensure that your stay be as pleasant as possible. We do our best to find home stays that will treat you as part of the family.

We will always try to accommodate you within 10-20 minutes - on foot or via public transportation - from our school.

If you have any allergies, special dietary requirements, dislike of particular pets or any other special requests, just let us know in advance and we'll do our best to satisfy your needs.

-80% of the host families have wifi installed at home anmd this is free to use. However if you wish to ensure guaranteed use of this servicve a weekly supplement is required.

Gazdă la familie - Cameră la comun pentru 2 persoane - Mic dejun

305 €

Homestay, Double room (Bed & Breakfast)

Sfera de vârstă: 14 ani sau mai mari
Tip de cazare: Gazdă la familie
Tip de cameră: Cameră la comun pentru 2 persoane
Mese: Mic dejun (7 mese pe săptămână)
Facilităţi: Spălătorie şi internet wireless
Distanţa până la şcoală: 1 - 20 minute
Disponibilitate: ianuarie - decembrie
Ziua de sosire: duminică, oricând
Ziua de plecare: sâmbătă, oricând
Restriction: 2 studenţi trebuie să rezerve împreună
305 €
Living with a host family has two major benefits. First, it's the best way to get to know Spanish culture and see what daily life is like for a native Spaniard. Secondly, our host families will speak to you in Spanish 100% of the time, helping you practice the skills you're working on in class in an authentic context.

Our host families vary from young families to one or two retired people, all Spanish speakers and are carefully selected to ensure that your stay be as pleasant as possible. We do our best to find home stays that will treat you as part of the family.

We will always try to accommodate you within 10-20 minutes - on foot or via public transportation - from our school.

If you have any allergies, special dietary requirements, dislike of particular pets or any other special requests, just let us know in advance and we'll do our best to satisfy your needs.

-80% of the host families have wifi installed at home and this is free to use. However if you wish to ensure guaranteed use of this servicve a weekly supplement is required.

Gazdă la familie - Camera pentru o persoană - Mic dejun şi cină

315 €

Homestay,Single room (Half Board)

Sfera de vârstă: 14 ani sau mai mari
Tip de cazare: Gazdă la familie
Tip de cameră: Camera pentru o persoană
Mese: Mic dejun şi cină (14 mese pe săptămână)
Facilităţi: Spălătorie şi internet wireless
Distanţa până la şcoală: 1 - 20 minute
Disponibilitate: ianuarie - decembrie
Ziua de sosire: duminică, oricând
Ziua de plecare: sâmbătă, oricând
315 €
Living with a host family has two major benefits. First, it's the best way to get to know Spanish culture and see what daily life is like for a native Spaniard. Secondly, our host families will speak to you in Spanish 100% of the time, helping you practice the skills you're working on in class in an authentic context.

Our host families vary from young families to one or two retired people, all Spanish speakers and are carefully selected to ensure that your stay be as pleasant as possible. We do our best to find home stays that will treat you as part of the family.

We will always try to accommodate you within 10-20 minutes - on foot or via public transportation - from our school.

If you have any allergies, special dietary requirements, dislike of particular pets or any other special requests, just let us know in advance and we'll do our best to satisfy your needs.

-80% of the host families have wifi installed at home and this is free to use. However if you wish to ensure guaranteed use of this service a weekly supplement is required.

Gazdă la familie - Camera pentru o persoană - Mic dejun, prânz şi cină

335 €

Homestay, Single room (Full Board)

Sfera de vârstă: 14 ani sau mai mari
Tip de cazare: Gazdă la familie
Tip de cameră: Camera pentru o persoană
Mese: Mic dejun, prânz şi cină (21 mese pe săptămână)
Facilităţi: Spălătorie şi internet wireless
Distanţa până la şcoală: 1 - 20 minute
Disponibilitate: ianuarie - decembrie
Ziua de sosire: duminică, oricând
Ziua de plecare: sâmbătă, oricând
335 €
Living with a host family has two major benefits. First, it's the best way to get to know Spanish culture and see what daily life is like for a native Spaniard. Secondly, our host families will speak to you in Spanish 100% of the time, helping you practice the skills you're working on in class in an authentic context.

Our host families vary from young families to one or two retired people, all Spanish speakers and are carefully selected to ensure that your stay be as pleasant as possible. We do our best to find home stays that will treat you as part of the family.

We will always try to accommodate you within 10-20 minutes - on foot or via public transportation - from our school.

If you have any allergies, special dietary requirements, dislike of particular pets or any other special requests, just let us know in advance and we'll do our best to satisfy your needs.

-80% of the host families have wifi installed at home and this is free to use. However if you wish to ensure guaranteed use of this servicve a weekly supplement is required.

Gazdă la familie - Camera pentru o persoană - Mic dejun

345 €

Homestay, Single room (Bed & Breakfast)

Sfera de vârstă: 14 ani sau mai mari
Locaţie: In the city center of Alicante
Tip de cazare: Gazdă la familie
Tip de cameră: Camera pentru o persoană
Mese: Mic dejun (7 mese pe săptămână)
Facilităţi: Spălătorie şi internet wireless
Distanţa până la şcoală: 1 - 20 minute cu walk
Disponibilitate: ianuarie - decembrie
Ziua de sosire: duminică, oricând
Ziua de plecare: sâmbătă, oricând
345 €
Living with a host family has two major benefits. First, it's the best way to get to know Spanish culture and see what daily life is like for a native Spaniard. Secondly, our host families will speak to you in Spanish 100% of the time, helping you practice the skills you're working on in class in an authentic context.

Our host families vary from young families to one or two retired people, all Spanish speakers and are carefully selected to ensure that your stay be as pleasant as possible. We do our best to find home stays that will treat you as part of the family.

We will always try to accommodate you within 10-20 minutes - on foot or via public transportation - from our school.

If you have any allergies, special dietary requirements, dislike of particular pets or any other special requests, just let us know in advance and we'll do our best to satisfy your needs.

-80% of the host families have wifi installed at home and this is free to use. However if you wish to ensure guaranteed use of this servicve a weekly supplement is required.

Apartament - Cameră la comun pentru 2 persoane - Fără mese

159 €

Regular Shared Apartment,Double room (No meals)

Sfera de vârstă: 14 ani sau mai mari
Tip de cazare: Apartament la comun
Tip de cameră: Cameră la comun pentru 2 persoane
Mese: Fără mese
Facilităţi: Bucătărie, spălătorie, internet wireless, şi cameră cu TV
Distanţa până la şcoală: 1 - 20 minute
Disponibilitate: ianuarie - decembrie
Ziua de sosire: duminică, oricând
Ziua de plecare: sâmbătă, oricând
159 €
Our student apartments in Alicante bring together international students from the don Quijote school in a pleasant, open atmosphere. The apartments are not luxurious, but are completely furnished and equipped. No meals are offered but each apartment has a kitchen with a microwave, pans, cutlery and everything you might need to cook your own food.

There are apartments of different sizes and characteristics, booked according to availability. Most of them are located within walking distance from the school or are accessible by a short ride on public transportation.

They include all the basic facilities: a bed, table or desk, chair and a closet wardrobe.
Each student apartment has a living room with TV, a fully equipped kitchen, a washing machine and an iron.
No telephones are available in student flats; we suggest you use public telephones or local calling centers.

Apartament - Camera pentru o persoană - Fără mese

259 €

Regular Shared Apartment, Single room (No meals)

Sfera de vârstă: 14 ani sau mai mari
Tip de cazare: Apartament la comun
Tip de cameră: Camera pentru o persoană
Mese: Fără mese
Facilităţi: Bucătărie, spălătorie, internet wireless, cameră cu TV, şi încălzire
Distanţa până la şcoală: 1 - 20 minute
Disponibilitate: ianuarie - decembrie
Ziua de sosire: duminică, oricând
Ziua de plecare: sâmbătă, oricând
259 €
Our student apartments in Alicante bring together international students from the don Quijote school in a pleasant, open atmosphere. The apartments are not luxurious, but are completely furnished and equipped. No meals are offered but each apartment has a kitchen with a microwave, pans, cutlery and everything you might need to cook your own food.

There are apartments of different sizes and characteristics, booked according to availability. Most of them are located within walking distance from the school or are accessible by a short ride on public transportation.

They include all the basic facilities: a bed, table or desk, chair and a closet wardrobe.
Each student apartment has a living room with TV, a fully equipped kitchen, a washing machine and an iron.
No telephones are available in student flats; we suggest you use public telephones or local calling centers.

Suport pentru Viză

Nu putem aplica vize în numele studenţilor. Cu toate acestea, şcoala poate furniza toate documentele de care aveţi nevoie pentru a sprijini cererea dumneavoastră pentru o viză.

Scrisoarea dumneavoastră de acceptare va fi trimisă la adresa de acasă prin poştă gratis. Dacă doriţi să primiţi documentele dumneavoastră prin curierat rapid, veţi plăti o taxă cu o valoare de 185 € atunci când vă înregistraţi!.

Zboruri şi transfer aeroport

Cel mai apropiat aeroport faţă de şcoală este Alicante Airport (ALC).

Şcoala oferă servicii de preluare la aeroport. Daca doriti să fiţi preluat trebuie să ne daţi detaliile zborului dumneavoastră precum şi data sosirii. Preţul unui transfer la Alicante Airport pe o singură rută este de 85 €. Trebuie să rezervaţi un transfer la aeroport în avans, atunci când vă înregistraţi.

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Alicante based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Asigurare de călătorie

Studiaţi în afară fară griji cu asigurarea personală şi cea de sănătate de la Language International. Atunci când vă închiriaţi un curs la noi, puteţi opta pentru cumpărarea unui plan de asigurare internaţional care nu doar acoperă sănătatea ci şi bunurile personale pierdute. Trebuie să vă rezervaţi asigurarea înainte de a vă înregistra.

Aflaţi mai multe despre planul nostru de asigurare »

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