Intensive Academic Year

Kaplan International: Bournemouth


Titluri de cursuri

Ascultare, vorbire, pronunţie, lectură, scris, vocabular şi gramatică

Orarul clasei

Durata cursului
32 de săptămâni
Datele începerii
24 mar 2025, 07 apr 2025, 09 iun 2025, 14 iul 2025, 11 aug 2025 şi 08 sep 2025
Cursuri pe săptămână
35 lessons per week (fiecare lecţie durează 45 min)
Zilele claselor
luni - vineri
18 apr 2025, 21 apr 2025, 05 mai 2025, 26 mai 2025, 25 aug 2025, 25 dec 2025, 26 dec 2025

Kaplan International nu deţine pe clase de vacanţă datele de mai sus. şcoala nu compensează pentru aceste sărbători, astfel încât asiguraţi-vă că pentru a alege data de începere în mod corect.

Timpul claselor

Dimineaţa sesiune
08:30 - 11:45
12:00 - 13:30
Dupa-amiaza sesiune
13:45 - 17:00

Orarul claselor se poate schimba după valabilitate şi anotimp.

Descrierea cursului

Long-term language programmes which allow you to achieve maximum fluency whilst immersing yourself in the language and culture of another country.

This programme is right for you if:
• You are aiming to achieve fluency in English
• You want an intensive focus on all language skills with quick results
• You would like flexible learning material, excellent communication between you and your teachers and continuous learning assessment
• You would like to receive a Kaplan Academic Semester or Year certificate at the end of your course

Each week you will receive 20 lessons of General English, 8 Specific Skills lessons, and 7 sessions of Structured Study

General English classes
Your General English classes will initially focus on making sure that you are able to communicate effectively in everyday English. A wide-ranging syllabus will then develop your overall linguistic skills, helping you to read, write and speak English with confidence and clarity.

Specific Skills classes
These vary from school to school but may include:
— Current Affairs
— English for Business
— Academic English
— TOEFL/IELTS Exam Preparation
— Writing and Vocabulary
— Speaking and Pronunciation
— Idioms
— Local Culture
— Literature
— Film Studies

Structured Study
Your Structured Study sessions help you to reinforce what you have learned and improve the areas where you need most practice by using selected books, online language exercises and interactive computer programmes.

Optional Internship
If your English level is high enough, you may decide to gain job skills and practise your English in a real working environment by including an unpaid internship placement as part of your programme. Your internship will replace some of your classes above. An example structure for your Academic Year could be 2 terms of classes as above, followed by an internship placement in your final term. Internships may also be made available on an Academic Semester programme if you have an appropriate visa.

Nivelul clasei

Toate nivelele, de la începător la avansat
Veţi susţine un test de plasare în prima zi de studiu pentru a determina nivelul cunoştiintelor dumneavoastră. Puteti da, de asemenea, acest test inainte de sosirea dvs. in Bournemouth.

Mărimea clasei

Mediu 12 studenţi
Maxim 15 studenţi

Vârsta studentului

Sfera de vârstă 16 ani sau mai mari


Un certificat care atestă finalizarea cursului va fi valabil la sfarşitul cursului.
Citiţi mai mult...


  • Intrare către Kaplan International: Bournemouth 1/19
  • Receptarea Kaplan International: Bournemouth 2/19
  • Classes at Kaplan International: Bournemouth 3/19
  • Sala de calculatoare la Kaplan International: Bournemouth 4/19
  • 1-la-1 clase la Kaplan International: Bournemouth 5/19
  • City of Bournemouth 6/19
  • Profesori şi personal la Kaplan International: Bournemouth 7/19
  • Activităţi oferite la Kaplan International: Bournemouth 8/19
  • Cameră la comun Kaplan International: Bournemouth 9/19
  • Locuinţă pentru studenţi oferită de Kaplan International: Bournemouth 10/19
  • Locuinţă pentru studenţi oferită de Kaplan International: Bournemouth 11/19
  • Locuinţă pentru studenţi oferită de Kaplan International: Bournemouth 12/19
  • Locuinţă pentru studenţi oferită de Kaplan International: Bournemouth 13/19
  • Locuinţă pentru studenţi oferită de Kaplan International: Bournemouth 14/19
  • Kaplan International: Bournemouth 15/19
  • Kaplan International: Bournemouth 16/19
  • Kaplan International: Bournemouth 17/19
  • Kaplan International: Bournemouth 18/19
  • Kaplan International: Bournemouth 19/19


83% recomandat

bazat pe 6 recenzii
5 stele
4 stele
3 stele
2 stele
1 stea
Calitatea predării
Facilităţile oferite de şcoală
Activităţile sociale
Locaţia şcolii

"It was utterly disappointing."

Luca Zürcher, student din Elveţia

I was staying in the Kaplan living Residence. The location was quite good, very central. Sadly, the school was quite far away from the residence. The infrastructure at the residence was very bad. There were 3 dryers and washing machines for over 1000 students. The Kitchen was dirty, one of the worst kitchen I'd ever seen. I spoke to the reception and was told that was the problem of the residents, even though I had just arrived and never used the kitchen. There was one vacuum cleaner available, again, for all the 1000 students. Everything I needed to clean the Kitchen, what I had to do myself, was bought by me. The next week the kitchen was dirty again, and I complained, and they didn't do anything to address the issue.

Over my whole stay, 2 months, there were construction works ongoing. I wasn't informed when I booked my room. The workers were very noisy, drilling and hammering until 6 pm at least. You couldn't get a quiet second to safe your life. They also worked in front the windows, so you didn't have any privacy either.

On one occasion I was sent an email telling me that I had to leave the residence tomorrow at 10 am, although I had paid for 3 more weeks. I was told they had double booked some rooms and it was the schools fault, and I should see where I could stay. It was a pain to figure out what was happening. I talked to someone at the school to solve the issue, Weiwei, and she was playing a game on her phone when talking to me. I finally had to change my room after being left without any information for over 72 hours. In my new room there was no electricity on any plug.

On an other occasion, the laundry room was renovated. It took them 5 days, planned was 1. We did not get informed in advance and were forced to hand wash our clothes or using them dirty.

The school on the other hand was very boring. It came to no surprise when I noticed that every book they used was over 9 years old. It wasn't the teachers fault, they just tried to make the best out of it.
I was in the C1/C2 class, but the level was fluctuating between the students so that I got very bored because I often had to wait for lower level students who took way longer to understand or finish a topic/exercise. I talked to multiple teachers about the issue and they said they couldn't do anything because I was at the highest level already and the school was not willing to open new classes.

I also asked to do a C2 Cambridge proficiency exam, and it took the school 2 months to tell me there wasn't one available until November. I also did mock exams which I was asked to do, and handed them in, but never got them back with corrections even though I was told I would.

I payed over 5000 CHF for my 2 month stay. Absolutely wasted money. Unprofessional and overpriced.

Would not recommend at all. Save your money please.

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Clasificarea mea pentru această şcoală

Calitatea predării
Facilităţile oferite de şcoală
Activităţile sociale
Locaţia şcolii
Durata studiilor
8 săptămâni
Data studiului
11 Jul 2022 - 9 Sep 2022
Aţi recomanda această şcoală?
Acesta este un comentariu verificat. Acest student a rezervat un curs la aceasta scoala prin intermediul International Language.

"I will go back to Kaplan again"

Ibrahim Alissa, student din Arabia Saudită

Everything was beautiful, though the Institute needs some development in learning, recreational facilities, and restoration of furniture.

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Clasificarea mea pentru această şcoală

Calitatea predării
Facilităţile oferite de şcoală
Activităţile sociale
Locaţia şcolii
Durata studiilor
3 săptămâni
Data studiului
23 Nov 2015 - 18 Dec 2015
Aţi recomanda această şcoală?
Acesta este un comentariu verificat. Acest student a rezervat un curs la aceasta scoala prin intermediul International Language.

"Great to learn great to have parties"

Karina Szűcs-Tassy, student din Ungaria

First I was in an afternoon class but after a week I changed. I just couldn't listen to the lessons. The morning classes' teachers (the first two) was a bit bad. I learnt present perfect for two weeks, that was really boring. The best teacher was the entensive's. I really liked it. I've never bored. Inshort it was a great holiday for me and I happy with it.

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Clasificarea mea pentru această şcoală

Calitatea predării
Facilităţile oferite de şcoală
Activităţile sociale
Locaţia şcolii
Durata studiilor
4 săptămâni
Data studiului
28 Jun 2010 - 23 Jul 2010
Grupa de vârstă
25 - 34
Aţi recomanda această şcoală?
Acesta este un comentariu verificat. Acest student a rezervat un curs la aceasta scoala prin intermediul International Language.


Piroli Lorenzo, student din Italia

I've been learning english since I was 6. I learned almost everthing about the grammar, butIi couldn't speak. I've never spoken with someone in english. But once I arrived here I started to speak it, well I was forced to do it, and now I can keep a good conversation with someone. I've met many friends and it's incredible and really funny going out with school mates from different countries. What about teachers? They are very very funny as well! I've improved and at the same time enjoyed a lot! Bournemouth is a very beautiful city (or town, even now I can't understand what the difference is), and the school is not so far from my homestay...every day I can choose if catch the bus or go on foot! Well not really every day because as you know here it is always raining.
I've been here during the period of winter, that's why they didn't promote lots of activities, they should do more things, they might promote inside sports. Fortunately I've been staying in the most beautiful homestay ever! I've improved a lot also with them.

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Clasificarea mea pentru această şcoală

Calitatea predării
Facilităţile oferite de şcoală
Activităţile sociale
Locaţia şcolii
Durata studiilor
6 săptămâni
Data studiului
5 Oct 2009 - 13 Nov 2009
Grupa de vârstă
25 - 34
Aţi recomanda această şcoală?
Acesta este un comentariu verificat. Acest student a rezervat un curs la aceasta scoala prin intermediul International Language.

"Good experience."

Marco Chiozzi, student din Italia

I had a good experience and I have certainly improved my English.

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Clasificarea mea pentru această şcoală

Calitatea predării
Facilităţile oferite de şcoală
Activităţile sociale
Locaţia şcolii
Durata studiilor
6 săptămâni
Data studiului
19 Oct 2009 - 27 Nov 2009
Aţi recomanda această şcoală?
Acesta este un comentariu verificat. Acest student a rezervat un curs la aceasta scoala prin intermediul International Language.

"It was useful."

Khamit Igubayev, student din Kazahstan

My name is Khamit. I have been studying for 3 months at Kaplan Aspect (Pre-master course). So, within this period I have gotten some knowledge about Business and IELTS skills. Also, I was obtaining some language support lessons.
It is quite difficult to reach a conclusion about this college however I am tempted to say that during the time which I have been in College, I achieved almost everything that I planned. So I want to emphasize here that there was a huge number of foreign students who helped me to achieve a great improvement in speaking skills. Additionally, there are many qualified teachers who are always ready to help you. However, there are some rules that you have to mainly follow after. The biggest advantage in Bournemouth is location because it is situated next to the ocean. It has remarkable appearance!
On the other hand, there are some weaknesses in facilities. In fact, it is too small a city and there is a huge quantity of elderly people, hence, industry of entertainment has a medium level. Also, it is quite expensive to rent some accommodation in comparison with other parts of the UK.
To sum up, if you come here to obtain just some knowledge, it would be the right place. But, if you want to get social experience, it would be a little bit boring. However, it is just my point of view.

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Clasificarea mea pentru această şcoală

Calitatea predării
Facilităţile oferite de şcoală
Activităţile sociale
Locaţia şcolii
Durata studiilor
10 săptămâni
Data studiului
12 Oct 2009 - 18 Dec 2009
Grupa de vârstă
35 - 49
Aţi recomanda această şcoală?
Acesta este un comentariu verificat. Acest student a rezervat un curs la aceasta scoala prin intermediul International Language.


!school oferă următoarele tipuri de cazare:

Gazdă la familie - Cameră la comun pentru 2 persoane - Mic dejun şi cină

232 €

Homestay (14 meals/week) Min. age 18 (Twin)

Sfera de vârstă: 18 ani sau mai mari
Tip de cazare: Gazdă la familie
Tip de cameră: Cameră la comun pentru 2 persoane
Mese: Mic dejun şi cină (14 mese pe săptămână)
Disponibilitate: ianuarie - decembrie
Ziua de sosire: duminică, oricând
Ziua de plecare: sâmbătă, oricând
232 €
A homestay is the perfect way to immerse yourself in your new culture. Usually sharing breakfast and dinner with your hosts every day, you’ll benefit immeasurably from conversing in relaxed, natural situations. All our homestays are carefully selected to provide you with a safe and welcoming home environment. In the UK, homestays will host no more than four students at the same time, but larger homes which can welcome more students may be offered as Private Home accommodation.

Gazdă la familie - Camera pentru o persoană - Mic dejun şi cină

258 €

Homestay (14 meals/week) Min. age 18 (Single)

Sfera de vârstă: 18 ani sau mai mari
Tip de cazare: Gazdă la familie
Tip de cameră: Camera pentru o persoană
Mese: Mic dejun şi cină (14 mese pe săptămână)
Disponibilitate: ianuarie - decembrie
Ziua de sosire: duminică, oricând
Ziua de plecare: sâmbătă, oricând
258 €
A homestay is the perfect way to immerse yourself in your new culture. Usually sharing breakfast and dinner with your hosts every day, you’ll benefit immeasurably from conversing in relaxed, natural situations. All our homestays are carefully selected to provide you with a safe and welcoming home environment. In the UK, homestays will host no more than four students at the same time, but larger homes which can welcome more students may be offered as Private Home accommodation.

Gazdă la familie - Cameră la comun pentru 2 persoane - Mic dejun şi cină

258 €

Homestay (14 meals/week) Under 18 (Twin)

Sfera de vârstă: 16 - 17 ani
Tip de cazare: Gazdă la familie
Tip de cameră: Cameră la comun pentru 2 persoane
Mese: Mic dejun şi cină (14 mese pe săptămână)
Disponibilitate: ianuarie - decembrie
Ziua de sosire: duminică, oricând
Ziua de plecare: sâmbătă, oricând
258 €
A homestay is the perfect way to immerse yourself in your new culture. Usually sharing breakfast and dinner with your hosts every day, you’ll benefit immeasurably from conversing in relaxed, natural situations. All our homestays are carefully selected to provide you with a safe and welcoming home environment. In the UK, homestays will host no more than four students at the same time, but larger homes which can welcome more students may be offered as Private Home accommodation.

Gazdă la familie - Camera pentru o persoană - Mic dejun şi cină

284 €

Homestay (14 meals/week) Under 18 (Single)

Sfera de vârstă: 16 - 17 ani
Tip de cazare: Gazdă la familie
Tip de cameră: Camera pentru o persoană
Mese: Mic dejun şi cină (14 mese pe săptămână)
Disponibilitate: ianuarie - decembrie
Ziua de sosire: duminică, oricând
Ziua de plecare: sâmbătă, oricând
284 €
A homestay is the perfect way to immerse yourself in your new culture. Usually sharing breakfast and dinner with your hosts every day, you’ll benefit immeasurably from conversing in relaxed, natural situations. All our homestays are carefully selected to provide you with a safe and welcoming home environment. In the UK, homestays will host no more than four students at the same time, but larger homes which can welcome more students may be offered as Private Home accommodation.

Gazdă la familie - Camera pentru o persoană - Mic dejun şi cină

329 €

Homestay with private bathroom (14 meals/week) Min. age 18 (Single)

Sfera de vârstă: 18 ani sau mai mari
Tip de cazare: Gazdă la familie
Tip de cameră: Camera pentru o persoană
Mese: Mic dejun şi cină (14 mese pe săptămână)
Facilităţi: Privare de baie
Disponibilitate: ianuarie - decembrie
Ziua de sosire: duminică, oricând
Ziua de plecare: sâmbătă, oricând
329 €
A homestay is the perfect way to immerse yourself in your new culture. Usually sharing breakfast and dinner with your hosts every day, you’ll benefit immeasurably from conversing in relaxed, natural situations. All our homestays are carefully selected to provide you with a safe and welcoming home environment. In the UK, homestays will host no more than four students at the same time, but larger homes which can welcome more students may be offered as Private Home accommodation.

Gazdă la familie - Camera pentru o persoană - Mic dejun şi cină

355 €

Homestay with private bathroom (14 meals/week) Under 18 (Single)

Sfera de vârstă: 16 - 17 ani
Tip de cazare: Gazdă la familie
Tip de cameră: Camera pentru o persoană
Mese: Mic dejun şi cină (14 mese pe săptămână)
Facilităţi: Privare de baie
Disponibilitate: ianuarie - decembrie
Ziua de sosire: duminică, oricând
Ziua de plecare: sâmbătă, oricând
355 €
A homestay is the perfect way to immerse yourself in your new culture. Usually sharing breakfast and dinner with your hosts every day, you’ll benefit immeasurably from conversing in relaxed, natural situations. All our homestays are carefully selected to provide you with a safe and welcoming home environment. In the UK, homestays will host no more than four students at the same time, but larger homes which can welcome more students may be offered as Private Home accommodation.

Reşedinţă student - Camera pentru o persoană - Fără mese

394 €

Lansdowne Point Residence (No meals) Min. age 18 (Single)

Sfera de vârstă: 18 ani sau mai mari
Adresa: 51 Holdenhurst Rd, Bournemouth BH8 8EP, UK
Tip de cazare: Reşedinţă student
Tip de cameră: Camera pentru o persoană
Mese: Fără mese
Facilităţi: Privare de baie
Disponibilitate: ianuarie - decembrie
Ziua de sosire: duminică, oricând
Ziua de plecare: sâmbătă, oricând
394 €
These shared apartments within the campus of Bournemouth University International College come with en-suite bathrooms, communal kitchens and high-speed internet. The rooms offer excellent views of the town with many offering a sea view. The local area offers a wide range of shops and restaurants and Bournemouth’s nightlife is close at hand.

Landsdowne Point has two common rooms with games facilities. There’s even a roof terrace to take in the views of your new city from!

Reşedinţă student - Camera pentru o persoană - Fără mese

407 €

Oxford Point Residence (No meals) Min. age 18 (Single)

Sfera de vârstă: 18 ani sau mai mari
Adresa: 13-17 Oxford Road, Bournemouth BH8 8GS, UK
Tip de cazare: Reşedinţă student
Tip de cameră: Camera pentru o persoană
Mese: Fără mese
Facilităţi: Privare de baie
Distanţa până la şcoală: 23 minute cu bus
Disponibilitate: ianuarie - decembrie
Ziua de sosire: duminică, oricând
Ziua de plecare: sâmbătă, oricând
407 €
Just a short walk from the city center, Now Students Accommodation offers a vibrant living experience at Oxford Point. This modern residence features en-suite rooms with shared kitchens, including a fridge-freezer, hob, oven, microwave, and dining area. Each room is equipped with a bed with storage, a study desk and chair, a wardrobe, and an en-suite bathroom. Students can enjoy on-site social spaces like study rooms, a social kitchen, a gym, and a roof terrace. With 24-hour security and room cleaning available on arrival, Oxford Point provides a welcoming and supportive community for students.

Suport pentru Viză

Nu putem aplica vize în numele studenţilor. Cu toate acestea, şcoala poate furniza toate documentele de care aveţi nevoie pentru a sprijini cererea dumneavoastră pentru o viză.

Dacă studiaţi în Marea Britanie de peste 11 luni, veţi primi un număr de referinţă numit Confirmarea de acceptare la studii (CAS), pe care trebuie să o depuneţi la ambasada Marii Britanii, împreună cu cerere de viză General Student. Studenţii care au rezervat cu succes un curs de limbă şi au achitat taxele, vor primi datele de procesare CAS de la Kaplan International . Vă rugăm să reţineţi că legile Regatului Unit prevăd o procesare CAS doar studenţilor ce intenţionează să urmeze studii în limba engleză pentru mai bine de 11 luni.

Dacă studiaţi în Marea Britanie de 11 luni sau mai puţin, va trebui să aplicaţi pentru o viză de vizitator special numit Student Visitor Visa. Ca student vizitator, nu veţi putea să lucraţi part-time în timp ce studiaţi. Dacă aveţi de gând să studiaţi în Marea Britanie timp de 11 luni sau mai puţin, o scrisoare de acceptare va fi trimisă la adresa de acasă prin poştă fară niciun cost. Dacă doriţi să primiţi documentele dumneavoastră prin curierat rapid, veţi fi taxat cu £ 40 atunci când vă înregistraţi.

Aflaţi mai multe despre cum să obţineţi procesarea unei vize pentru Marea Britanie »

Zboruri şi transfer aeroport

Şcoala oferă servicii de preluare la aeroport. Daca doriti să fiţi preluat trebuie să ne daţi detaliile zborului dumneavoastră precum şi data sosirii. Preţul unui transfer la London Heathrow Airport pe o singură rută este de £ 125. Trebuie să rezervaţi un transfer la aeroport în avans, atunci când vă înregistraţi.

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Bournemouth based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Asigurare de călătorie

Studiaţi în afară fară griji cu asigurarea personală şi cea de sănătate de la Language International. Atunci când vă închiriaţi un curs la noi, puteţi opta pentru cumpărarea unui plan de asigurare internaţional care nu doar acoperă sănătatea ci şi bunurile personale pierdute. Trebuie să vă rezervaţi asigurarea înainte de a vă înregistra.

Aflaţi mai multe despre planul nostru de asigurare »

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