FU International Academy Tenerife
Avenida Marqués Villanueva del Prado. C.C. La Cúpula, loca 69., Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife E-38400, Spain
FU International Academy Tenerife
Prezentare generală a cursului:
Îmbunătățiți-vă cunoștințele de limbă spaniolă cu cursul nostru specializat Intensiv 20 + 5 Tourism & Hospitality One-to-One Lessons la FU International Academy. Acest program combină 20 de lecții de grup cu 5 sesiuni individuale personalizate axate în special pe terminologia și practicile din turism și ospitalitate. Ideal pentru persoanele care lucrează sau aspiră să intre în industria turismului și a ospitalității, acest curs vă echipează cu competențele lingvistice necesare pentru a excela într-un mediu profesional.
Structura cursului:
Durată: Opțiuni flexibile variind de la 1 săptămână la mai multe luni.
Lecții pe săptămână: 20 de lecții de grup și 5 lecții individuale, fiecare având o durată de 45 de minute.
Dimensiunea clasei: Lecții de grup cu un număr maxim de 10 studenți pentru a asigura o atenție personalizată.
Niveluri: De la A1 (începător) la C2 (competent).
Program: De luni până vineri, cu lecții de grup ținute de obicei dimineața și lecții individuale programate pe parcursul zilei.
Abordare de învățare:
Cursul nostru intensiv 20 + 5 lecții individuale de turism și ospitalitate utilizează o abordare comunicativă a învățării limbii. Lecțiile de grup se concentrează pe exerciții de comunicare interactive și practice, în timp ce lecțiile individuale sunt adaptate vocabularului specific și scenariilor întâlnite în sectoarele turismului și ospitalității. Această abordare asigură o înțelegere cuprinzătoare a limbii spaniole generale și a competențelor lingvistice specifice sectorului.
Învățare specializată: Dobândiți expertiză în terminologia din turism și ospitalitate, sporindu-vă abilitățile de comunicare profesională.
Instructori calificați: Învățați de la profesori vorbitori nativi de limbă spaniolă, cu experiență în educația lingvistică și cunoștințe în domeniu.
Atenție personalizată: Lecțiile individuale sunt adaptate nevoilor dumneavoastră profesionale, asigurând îmbunătățirea direcționată în domeniile relevante.
Curriculum cuprinzător: Cursul acoperă gramatica și vocabularul spaniol general, integrat cu utilizarea practică a limbii prin exerciții specifice industriei.
De ce să alegeți cursul intensiv 20 + 5 Lecții individuale de turism și ospitalitate?
Acest curs este perfect pentru profesioniștii și studenții care doresc să exceleze în industria turismului și a ospitalității. Combinând interacțiunea în grup cu instruirea personalizată, axată pe industrie, acest program oferă o experiență de învățare a limbii bine închegată și intensivă, care se aplică direct obiectivelor dumneavoastră profesionale.
Ascultare, vorbire, pronunţie, lectură, scris, vocabular, gramatică şi activităţi
FU International Academy Tenerife nu deţine pe clase de vacanţă datele de mai sus. şcoala nu compensează pentru aceste sărbători, astfel încât asiguraţi-vă că pentru a alege data de începere în mod corect.
Orarul claselor se poate schimba după valabilitate şi anotimp.
Mediu | 6 studenţi |
Maxim | 10 studenţi |
Sfera de vârstă | 16 - 70 de ani |
Mediu | 35 de ani (28 in the summer) |
Învață spaniola în Spania! Te poți înscrie la un curs în școala noastră din Puerto de la Cruz (North Tenerife). Suntem acreditați de Institutul Spaniol Cervantes din Madrid, care inspectează școlile și certifică calitatea învățământului. În plus, suntem certificați și de Quality Certification ISO 9001.
Acest lucru garantează că:
toți profesorii noștri sunt vorbitori nativi cu diplome universitare și formare suplimentară pentru a preda limba spaniolă ca limbă străină.
Metodele și materialele noastre de predare sunt întotdeauna actualizate.
Cazarea și activitățile de timp liber îndeplinesc toate standardele necesare.
După lecții poți participa la activitățile de petrecere a timpului liber împreună cu alți elevi: descoperă-ți picioarele dansând salsa și flamenco, sau uită de stresul de zi cu zi, jucând volei pe plajă sau încercând să prinzi valuri la școala noastră de surf. Desigur, există numeroase petreceri seara și excursii la sfârșit de săptămână. Extraordinar este că activitățile din timpul săptămânii sunt gratuite.
Avem cazarea potrivită pentru fiecare student: de la apartamente comune la hoteluri de lux: întotdeauna moderne și de bună calitate.
Naţionalitatea şi amestecurile de vârste la FU International Academy Tenerife variază pe anumite perioade de timp, cursuri şi nivele. De-a lungul anului, media de vârstă este 35. Pe timpul verii, media de vârstă este 28.
FU International Academy Tenerife are studenţi din toată lumea, incluzând:
FU International Academy Tenerife nu deţine pe clase de vacanţă datele de mai jos. şcoala nu compensează pentru aceste sărbători, astfel încât asiguraţi-vă că pentru a alege data de începere în mod corect.
Te poți înscrie la un curs într-una una dintre școlile noastre. Fie în Puerto de la Cruz (nordul insulei Tenerife), fie în Costa Adeje (Tenerife de Sud). Ambele sunt acreditate de Institutul Spaniol Cervantes care inspectează școlile și certifică calitatea învățământului. Acest certificat oferă garanția că respectăm standardele înalte ale unei școli de limba spaniolă ca limbă străină, incluzând calitatea predării, activitățile de timp liber și cazarea. pe care le oferim.
După lecții poți participa la activitățile de petrecere a timpului liber împreună cu alți elevi: descoperă-ți picioarele dansând salsa și flamenco, sau uită de stresul de zi cu zi, jucând volei pe plajă sau încercând să prinzi valuri la școala noastră de surf. Desigur, există numeroase petreceri seara și excursii la sfârșit de săptămână. Extraordinar este că activitățile din timpul săptămânii sunt gratuite.
Avem cazarea potrivită pentru fiecare student: gazdă, apartamente studențești comune, apartamente și hoteluri pentru toate gusturile și bugetele.
I spent several weeks and I noticed that the levels follow each other optimally. There are revisions of the most complicated aspects and progress is made gradually. The teachers listen to our requests, which is very pleasant.
In addition, the extracurricular activities offered are good, it is very interesting to have the opportunity to meet classmates and teachers outside the school setting, to practice Spanish and to discover the culture of the island through these activities.
Pour moi qui ai passé plusieurs semaines, les activités se répétaient quelques peu, j'aurais esperé un renouvellement.
Hello Roxane!
The school is located in a good area, opposite the botanical garden and close to bus stops, shops and cafes. On the territory of the school there is a small cafe where you can have a bite, the croissants are beyond praise:) During my training, the groups of students were small, in my opinion contributed to me better learning. Every Monday, the school organizes a small table with treats, which is also nice. Every day after the lessons there are various activities in Spanish, it is very helpful for learning and brings you closer to other students. I also really liked the teaching staff, wonderful and helpful people. I hope in the future I will continue my studies at this school.
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¡Hola Iuliia!
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your positive experience at our school.
It is wonderful to know that you were able to acquire communication skills in Spanish and had the opportunity to meet wonderful people during your four weeks of studying at our school. We are delighted that you found our staff friendly and in good spirits, as we strive to create a warm and welcoming environment for all of our students.
We are also happy to hear that you enjoyed our joint leisure activities and found them to be a great way to connect with other students. We are committed to offering a variety of engaging activities that cater to our students' interests and help them make the most of their time with us.
Thank you for choosing our school and for recommending us to others. We hope to have the pleasure of welcoming you back soon!
Warmest regards
Der Ablauf des Unterrichts war gut strukturiert, die Schule ist gut ausgestattet und das drumherum ist sehr angenehm
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...Ich danke Ihnen vielmals. Es freut uns zu hören, dass Ihre Erfahrungen so positiv sind. Wir würden uns freuen, Sie in Zukunft wieder bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen vom gesamten Team der FUIA Teneriffa.
I really enjoyed my 4 weeks stay at FU academy. My teachers (Daphne and Laura) we both very professional and my Spanish improved tremendously. As a teacher myself, I can witness the quality of their method and strategies. On top of that, Puerto de la Cruz is a lovely place where we couldn't get bored. I highly recommend FU academy and I am considering another stay in 2020.
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Dear Julien,
Thank you very much for your nice feedback. We are really happy to hear you had a great time with us in Tenerife.
We hope to see you next year!!!
The classes are really Good expecially with the teachers they Have. The teachers are fun, understanding and are always willing too help. The location couldnt be better Its between 5-15 minutes walk to get to everything you need and plenty of activities. And the housing is What made This adventure even better, great apartment with a beautiful view that you get too wake up to everyday, and even If you wake up a little bit later then planned... No worries, the School is only 5 minutes away! :-)
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...Thank you very much for your review! We are glad to hear you are enjoying your stay!
I had really enjoyable two weeks in FU International Academy Puerto de la Cruz! The course was demanding, efficient and productive in joy able atmosphere. I started almost zero-level, and after two weeks I was able to form simple sentences, and was able to understand many expressions in shops, restaurants, reception etc. Great!
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thank you for your testimonial!! Awesome!!!
We hope to see you in the future!!!!
Warmest regards from Tenerife!!!
Was in a class of three students so there was a great opportunity to discuss subjects. The teacher was a bit challenging but very encouraging.
Noise level from the classroom next door was so loud at times that that teacher's voice was more audible than the voice of our own teacher or any of the other students. I find that very intrusive and distracting. Overall I learned a good deal, made some good friends and thoroughly enjoyed my stay in Puerto de la Cruz.
The apartment was good fun because of my flatmates but the acoustics are very loud. Every sound / voice is magnified and reverberates as the floors are noisy and there were very few fabrics to soften the sounds. It made sleeping very difficult.
It was also very difficult to find the apartment. I and several of the other students were given the wrong block number. There was no signage for Jardin Toucan on the road. My taxi driver was struggling to find the entrance and it was raining heavily with lightning & thunder that afternoon. Once we eventually arrived at the apartments we had to try all of the doors before we found a hall door that fitted the key we were given.
I rented a mountain bike and cycled all over Puerto. It made getting to the beach, the harbor, cafes & restaurants easier. It is a very hilly town so I felt pretty fit by the time the week was up!
Thank you very much for organizing it all for me.
thank you for your testimonial!! Awesome!!!
We hope to see you in the future!!!!
Warmest regards from Tenerife!!!
The teachers worked hard and had clearly planned their lessons. There were only two of us in the class I was in, which was not always easy for the teacher, but he did well and clearly saw the need to find ways of stimulating interaction.
I was glad I had chosen a school linked with the FU, as the approach and curriculum were consistent with what I had been doing in Glasgow.
I would have liked a wider range of afternoon cultural events. I thoroughly enjoyed the visit to the Botanical gardens and the activities linked to the Day of the Book.
I found the office staff helpful and friendly, and enjoyed the friendliness of many of the students in the other classes. All of this helped to create a relaxed atmosphere in which to learn.
thank you for your testimonial!!
We hope to see you in the future!!!!
Warmest regards from Tenerife!!!
I especially liked the social activities so you could get to know other students and then also meet outside of classes.
The teachers were really great and my languages skills improved a lot. The teachers did not speak English with us so you always had to find I way to say things in Spanish and that really helped.
All in all, I had a great time at FU and I would recommend this school to anyone who wants to learn Spanish, get to know the Spanish culture and at the same time have fun with people from different nationalities.
Hi Talita,
thank you for your testimonial!! Awesome!!!
We hope to see you in the future!!!!
Warmest regards from Tenerife!!!
Before I came to Tenerife, I hadn't even expected that it could be possible to advance in learning a language so rapidly. I was an absolute beginner, but after 3 weeks of classes I could speak some basic Spanish and understand much. Now, after 6 weeks, I feel like I've gotten a real breakthrough, and the notorious 'language barrier' is now starting to fall. Now, I can produce written texts, and can translate with a dictionary the things I need for my job (an international lawyer) relatively easily. As I master 2 more foreign languages, I can compare how they are being taught in different places. Here, all teachers I had were very professional. Carlos, Seila and Pilar did everything to help me get to know the basics as quickly as possible. Each one had a different approach, but they all worked perfectly well in my case! Besides, Inma, the lady in whose apartment I lived, contributed to this greatly by talking to me in Spanish every day. She was a most welcoming host and we became great friends.
All in all, this experience was great and I'm coming back to improve my language skills and enjoy the beaches in autumn. :)
The only little inconvenience for me was that I had to take the bus from Adeje to the school as the apartment was situated there. It was okay, but the students who want to be closer to the nightlife and the beaches should consider choosing some other options.
Hi Tatyana,
Thank you!!! Very much. We will see you in October!!!
Warmest regards from Tenerife
FU team
I love that FU has two schools on the island. Otherwise you could not get here, and I planned to live in the south.
For me - all is well at school. My teachers, Daphne in the north and Hector in the south, explained and taught me so many things that I would like to thank you for your patience. No matter how many years the teacher has and where it is - most importantly, that always provided excellent service! The classes are always interesting and always cause me to want to study more, although the Spanish language has many very difficult things.
Thank you very much for everything!
thank you for your testimonial!! Awesome!!!
We hope to see you in the future!!!!
Warmest regards from Tenerife!!!
I´ve learned a lot during my time in Tenerife, Puerto de la Cruz.
Personally I think that it was an intensive period in a new country, with lots of new people, new occurrences and new impressions - this wasn´t always that amazing but you learn to handle the little negative things because the positive ones tower above.
I liked the lessons a lot, because I was really interested in learning the Spanish language and it was never hard for me to follow, although my teacher was a little bit fast in speaking. Sometimes it occurred that the participants weren´t exactly the same level and this turns out to be a little bit boring while repeating the same exercises. But in my opinion there can´t be two of the same people at the same level.
I liked that the school has this lovely FU cafe next to it to chill during the breaks and afterwards, with WiFi and many delicious F&B´s.
Our flat was cold during the winter months, with the oldest furniture ever. In comparison to many other flats, we had the oldest one, but it had a nice flair and with friendly roommates you forget this fact immediately and just cover yourself with a blanket.
The location is TOP - just one word to describe it.
thank you for your testimonial!! Awesome!!!
We hope to see you in the future!!!!
Warmest regards from Tenerife!!!
I studied at FU for 4 months. As far as I am concerned, being or not being satisfied with the course highly depends on the teacher. I ended up in Sandra´s class who is a top notch teacher. She is natural. She knows how to explain things in Spanish even to complete beginners (which was not my case though). Also she is very entertaining and she knows what she is doing.
As a teacher, she runs the show, no question about that. Over the time we built up a great relationship. I am not a good student in terms of doing homework and such but Sandra always found the way to prompt me. And most importantly, I learned so much over 4 months. Obviously I met other teachers from FU. They are very friendly, but do not know what they are like as teachers.
I must mention Mari Carmen, who was a receptionist at the time. Always very helpful and cheerful. She is fluent in English and I believe in German too (or have I just made it up? :))
I am not going to tell you about other things such as location, facilities or activities FU does for their students. These don´t bother me much. For me it is all about good teachers. And I was lucky to have a great one!
Actually, a bit of criticism at the end. Although FU provided internet for free, the connection was a bit dodgy sometimes. The same with WiFi in the school café. Hope it is all fixed by now.
thank you for your testimonial!! Awesome!!!
We hope to see you in the future!!!!
Warmest regards from Tenerife!!!
I didn't know what to expect. I didn't have many expectations. But when my first day was over, I was extremely enthusiastic. My Spanish was bad at this time. But my teacher spoke in a way that was easy to understand and helped me every time. The classes weren't boring because the atmosphere was relaxed and the other participants were nice.
After learning they offered different free time activities. I took part in a salsa course and even tried to surf. A great combination of learning and having fun. I found new friends and maybe we will see each other again soon. :-)
thank you for your testimonial!! Awesome!!!
We hope to see you in the future!!!!
Warmest regards from Tenerife!!!
I really enjoyed my stay at FU International Academy: My Spanish improved, my teacher was really professional but fun, I made some great friends from all over the world and in my free time I got a tan. Couldn`t have asked for more :-) I will be back!! Thanks to the FU team!
thank you for your testimonial!! Awesome!!!
We hope to see you in the future!!!!
Warmest regards from Tenerife!!!
Cazările la casă oferă studenţilor şansa de a învăţa mai multe despre cultura locală într-un decor comfortabil cât timp studiază Spaniolă în Tenerife. Acele case sunt situate de regulă la distanţe între 5 - 25 de minute de şcoală, utilizând transportul în comun. Familiile asigură de regulă mese mai ieftine, iar în acelaşi timp mai abordabile, bazate pe felurile locale. Dacă aveţi cereri speciale sau restricţii în ceea ce priveşte dieta (din cauza religiei sau probleme de sănătate), vă rugăm să ne aduceţi la cunoştinţă acest lucru dinainte. Your housing starts on the Sunday before your first day of class and ends on the Saturday after your last day of class, unless otherwise noted. Learn more about homestay housing
Homestay - Single room - Breakfast and lunch
Homestay - Single room - Breakfast
Este posibil să locuiţi într-un apartament închiriat pe durata studiilor în Tenerife, dar de regulă este mult mai costisitor. FU International Academy Tenerife asigură cât de cât o asistenţă în ceea ce priveşte închirierea apartamentelor, sau puteţi chiar dumneavoastră să închiriaţi un apartament. Învaţă mai mult despre cazarea în apartament.
Shared apartment - Single room - No meals
Shared apartment - double room - No meals - 2 students must book together
Nu putem aplica vize în numele studenţilor. Cu toate acestea, şcoala poate furniza toate documentele de care aveţi nevoie pentru a sprijini cererea dumneavoastră pentru o viză.
Scrisoarea dumneavoastră de acceptare va fi trimisă la adresa de acasă prin poştă, la fel, gratuit.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Tenerife based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Studiaţi în afară fară griji cu asigurarea personală şi cea de sănătate de la Language International. Atunci când vă închiriaţi un curs la noi, puteţi opta pentru cumpărarea unui plan de asigurare internaţional care nu doar acoperă sănătatea ci şi bunurile personale pierdute. Trebuie să vă rezervaţi asigurarea înainte de a vă înregistra.
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