Escuela de Idiomas Nerja S.L.
Almirante Ferrándiz, 73, Nerja, Málaga 29780, Spain
Escuela de Idiomas Nerja S.L.
Ascultare, vorbire, pronunţie, lectură, scris, vocabular, gramatică şi activităţi
EINERJA nu deţine pe clase de vacanţă datele de mai sus. şcoala nu compensează pentru aceste sărbători, astfel încât asiguraţi-vă că pentru a alege data de începere în mod corect.
Orarul claselor se poate schimba după valabilitate şi anotimp.
Languages are essential for social and work life; a language must be learnt and practised with other people. With our Intensive Spanish online course, you can immerse yourself in the language, practice and improve your Spanish abilities.
This course consists of 5 lessons per week (1 per day) lasting from 1 to 12 weeks.
Lessons concentrate on the language skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
Our method has a communicative focus where grammar is practiced in contexts that reproduce situations of everyday life.
Maxim | 1 student |
Sfera de vârstă | 16 ani sau mai mari |
Mediu | 35 de ani (22 in the summer) |
Escuela de Idiomas Nerja este o școală privată, independentă, dedicată în principal predării limbii spaniole ca limbă străină. Oferă, de asemenea, lecții de limba engleză și cazare pentru studenți.
Școala a fost fondată în 1980 de actualii directori, Luis Carrión și Renate Urban.
Activitățile sale educaționale includ șaisprezece programe de limba spaniolă pentru toate vârstele și interesele, cursuri de limbă și cultură spaniolă și cursuri în scopuri specifice: pregătire pentru examenele DELE, limba spaniolă pentru afaceri și limba spaniolă pentru comerțul turistic.
Școala își completează activitățile de bază cu un program atractiv de cultură și activități de recreere, parte a procesului educațional.
Oferă diverse opțiuni de cazare în propriile sale facilități: Club Costa Nerja, un hotel studențesc cu 50 de locuri, care este, de asemenea, un centru cultural și un centru comunitar al studenților. Alte opțiuni de cazare includ familii gazdă spaniole și apartamente.
Școala dispune de un personal format din 25 de profesori și angajați, în medie.
Directori calificați și profesori absolvenți de filologie și arte.
Echipa de administrare este formată din specialiști pregătiți și capabili să răspundă nevoilor clienților cu cele mai adecvate servicii, ce vizează bunăstarea acestora.
Școala întâmpină aproximativ o mie două sute de elevi pe an, din peste patruzeci de
țări. Studenți, profesioniști, profesori și orice persoană ce împărtășește un scop comun: să învețe cum să comunice în limba spaniolă și să aibă parte de o experiență culturală îmbogățitoare.
Școala lucrează cu agenții, școli și universități din întreaga lume. Mulți clienți repetă
experimența sau recomandă școala prietenilor și familiei.
Filozofia educațională de la Escuela de Idiomas Nerja se bazează pe comunicare, pe învățare și pe folosirea limbii spaniole în mod eficient în situații reale. Studenților li se oferă oportunitățile și instrumentele de care au nevoie pentru a-și atinge obiectivele.
În acest scop, programul de studiu este divers și deschis, cu o mulțime de varietăți în interacțiunea elev-profesor și schimburi culturale. Toate acestea sunt susținute de noile tehnologii.
Escuela de Idiomas Nerja este o școală acreditată de Institutul Cervantes.
Aparține mai multor asociații de predare a Limbilor Străine din Spania și străinătate: IALC (Asociația Internațională a Centrelor Lingvistice), FEDELE și Español en Andalucía. Coopereaza cu Camera de Comerț din Madrid, Universitatea din Castilia La Mancha și ESERP (şcoala de afaceri).
Școala se supune inspecțiilor și controalelor periodice ale agenților externi care garantează că servicii calitative sunt oferite studenților săi.
Facilitățile sunt de cea mai bună calitate și în stil andaluz.
Școala se află pe strada Almirante Ferrándiz nr. 73, Club Costa Nerja (Hotel Școală), la nr. 39 Strada San Juan, construită în stil arabo-andaluz. Dispune de 30 de camere confortabile, cu baie și aer condiționat.
Apartaments Club Costa Nerja, situat lângă școală, cu camere pentru unul sau doi elevi, foarte confortabile, cu aer condiționat, acces WIFI și vedere bună la grădină sau munți.
EINERJA has partnerships with the following universities and colleges in Spania. You can gain full or conditional acceptance into one of these institutions.
Naţionalitatea şi amestecurile de vârste la Escuela de Idiomas Nerja S.L. variază pe anumite perioade de timp, cursuri şi nivele. De-a lungul anului, media de vârstă este 35. Pe timpul verii, media de vârstă este 22.
EINERJA are studenţi din toată lumea, incluzând:
EINERJA nu deţine pe clase de vacanţă datele de mai jos. şcoala nu compensează pentru aceste sărbători, astfel încât asiguraţi-vă că pentru a alege data de începere în mod corect.
Escuela de Idiomas Nerja se află în centrul orașului, într-o clădire tipică andaluză, cu o grădină tropicală cu o suprafață generoasă, la doar câteva minute de mers pe jos de plajele pitorești locale. În apropiere, veți găsi toate tipurile de magazine, buticuri, restaurante și localuri de noapte, ceea ce vă va ajuta să vă faceți șederea atât plină de viață cât și plăcută.
Școala are 14 săli de clasă complet echipate (interior și exterior). O mențiune specială trebuie făcută pentru grădină, care este perfectă pentru a susține un curs sau doar pentru a vă relaxa în timpul pauzelor la cantina noastră în aer liber.
O scurtă plimbare vă va duce la Club Costa Nerja. Aici, în afară de a avea una dintre cele mai bune opțiuni posibile de cazare pe care le oferim elevilor noștri, veți putea folosi sala comună a studenților, internet, zona WIFI, librăria, biblioteca, cafeneaua, precum și o curte spațioasă ( terasa), unde puteți studia sau discuta cu colegii de clasă într-un cadru prietenos și odihnitor.
Profesorii noștri sunt absolvenți de Filologie și Arte, care sunt cu toții specialiști în predarea limbii spaniole ca limbă străină și care formează o echipă bine coordonată, entuziastă, pregătită și capabilă să vă facă învățarea cât mai eficientă.
Oferim o mare varietate de cursuri concepute pentru a răspunde nevoilor elevilor și combinăm experiența noastră profesională cu cele mai actualizate metodologii și resurse.
Escuela de Idiomas Nerja a fost fondată în 1980 de actualii săi directori, Renate Urban, și Luis Carrión.
I really appreciated the professionalism of the whole organization! I am myself an ex director of a language school and I can tell that tour school is an excellent one! From the first day to the last day, absolutely nothing to complain! The quality of the teachers is to be mentioned! I am a language teacher myself! I had three in two weeks and all excellent… dedicated, professional, nice, and very patient!
Also, the quality of the workshops and tours are exceptional!
I will definitely recommend your school and probably come back! I learned a lot in 2 weeks! Classes are very well structured!
Muchas gracias!
I really enjoyed my time in Nerja The size of the town is perfect, in that you can walk everywhere and you have accessibility to other towns via bus. The intensive class moved very quickly for me, and if I were to do it again, I would probably take a week off between the two weeks that I studied to allow the information to sink in, I definitely came away, knowing a lot more Spanish than when I started and that was just in a two week period in the intensive course
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...Es war alles sehr gut organisiert und die Klassenzusammensetzung passte hervorragend. Der Unterricht war fordernd, aber nicht überfordernd. Die Stimmung war entspannt und ich fühlte mich jederzeit wohl. Das lag in erster Linie an den beiden tollen und verständnisvollen Lehrerinnen. Die Zeit verflog wie im Flug- ein sehr gutes Zeichen. An den sozialen Angeboten habe ich nicht teilgenommen- die Angebote waren jedoch vielseitig. Insgesamt waren alle super nett, von der netten Empfangsdame bis zur Reinigungskraft. Negativ war der kurze Aufnahmetest von einem Lehrer, der einem das Gefühl gab, „ Was willst DU denn hier?“ Dass er mich nicht unterrichtet hat war mein Glück. Ferner fand ich die Präsentation auf der Leinwand etwas ungünstig, da die Lehrkraft gebückt tippen musste und dadurch die Sicht beeinträchtigt war.
Die Schule ist klein und heimelig und sehr charmant.
I took a sabbatical time of my work and booked a course for 7 weeks. The first 5 weeks I started with six people in the class and due to the Christmas period every week there were fewer people. The last week there was only two of us. To me this is not very important, but about 6 is the maximum, I think.
The last 2 weeks in January I had privat lessons due to the fact that no one had signed up with the same level as me.
I had a very good contact with all the teachers and with pain in my heart I left the schoolbuilding the last day. I had a great time and learnt a lot.
Following the capitals in the books went now and then a bit fast. The explanation was clear enough, I understood everything, but then using it straight away was a bit difficult. I was lucky enough to have 4 weeks holiday due to the closure of the school, so I had the time to repeat everything for myself. The privat lessons following were perfect, so I could ask all the questions I wanted to. Francisco explained everything very clearly to me.
There was nothing I did not like, the teachers, the facilities, the location, everything was perfect.
I am definately coming back to Nerja and I will also join classes again in the future.
the classes were well balanced and very cooperative
our teacher was genial
the general organization was on top
the location is a dream: flowered garden, patio, terrace, cafeteria, well equipped classrooms, meeting rooms, movie/conference room, outdoor teaching possibilities (!)
facilities: I appreciated the modern teaching facilities like internet, video, audio, electronic (black) board....
stimulating environment: staff very friendly and helpfull, relaxed atmosphere, calm...
social activities were welcome
the school is well situated in old Nerja, not far from the busy center
I loved the school and the experience. As a language teacher it was interesting to observe how intensive language is instructed in short periods of time, and with beginners at different acquisition levels. I will return next year, but I want to stay longer , and really try to encourage all to stay in the target language. Some times there was too much non Spanish being spoken- I am also a German teacher and found I spoke more German than I wanted:) . The first week the class was too big- 10 students , also because there were some beginners in the class who would have benefited from more differentiated instruction-very basic what is your name, where do you live etc This said we had a wonderfully lively group, and we laughed a lot- I also would have liked more partner work in the first week.I found , because the class was big we were not able to speak as much. I think Sergio and Paco are very intuitive and superb instructors.
My super intensive with Paco was excellent! It would have been great to have had one more student in the class because I probably would have spoken more. I will challenge myself next year to hablar more. I plan to take courses at the uni here.
The second week we had 6 in the class. I was annoyed that the first day we went to Torrox where I heard more German than Spanish. I would have loved to do a market scene in the class and really force us all to ask and answer questions. Celia is an excellent instructor, but the make up of our class was not as lively and I missed that dynamic. I liked that we did partner work, and it was excellent for me to be paired with a non German or English speaker- I loved this aspect. It would have been fun to interact in Spanish with the upper levels.
The excursions were wonderful! Thank you! The paella was wonderful! Thank you!
The hotel was fine- it needs a coffee machine for the off season months! I think next year I will look for an apartment.Also could there not be a cheaper school taxi? I found on for 28 Euros cheaper and the driver was wonderful!
Good atmosphere but not so structured.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...Gut organisierter Transfer vom Flughafen nach Nerja. Kompetente Lehrerinnen und Lehrer, schöne Unterkunft und Garten. Gute Schulräume, Lehrmittel und Klassengrösse.
Der Ferienort Nerja liegt direkt am Meer, die Schule ist zentral gelegen.
Interessante Ausflüge organisiert durch die Schule.
The school is a perfect choice for many reasons. The location is just great, the school is a few minute walk from all the attractions and beaches. The teachers in school were very friendly, dedicated and most importantly very professional. They explained things really clearly and patiently. A good thing about the school is that it's not only a school for teenagers but also for middle-aged students and older. I took an intensive course in July and there were many people in my group in their forties or fifties. The accomodation was ok. The room was small and very basic but the host lady was very friendly and helpful. I can definately recommend Escuela de Idiomas and all the servises they provide.
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...I really liked the school and the teachers. The classes were perfect because of the small groups. And I loved the activities. The activities made it easier to get to know the other students. I had a great time at the school. It’s perfect for learning spanish and I would really love to come back some day.
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...Very professional - both in methods, teachers, daily plans and dealing with very different levels. Both in language skills and learning-ability. They really know how to help and/or challenge their students.
All logistics are perfect.
I did not participate in activities, but they seem good and relevant for those who did so.
I bought an extra week on-site. That should pretty much call for a thumbs up :-)
Had to go down a class as I had not been for 10 years. Same teachers and secretary which is always a good sign. Self catering facilities were quite poor.
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...The language school is very well run and the lessons are professional. The professors have good to very good level. The language school and the club are located in the heart of the old town, within easy reach of Nerja on all sides. The offered rooms and studios are quite well equipped, but sometimes quite noisy and no sea view, because far from the sea, so in my opinion too expensive. I would recommend to book a room or apartment privately.
They offered, chargeable activities I found overpriced.
The curriculum was taken pretty quickly, every two weeks a new book had to be used and, of course, bought. Although it was possible to borrow the book, but then you usually got a used book, in which someone has written into it.
Very good professors. Easygoing atmosphere in the school.
Arată detalii » Citiţi mai mult...I really liked the school and the sourrondings.
I had 5 teachers in three weeks and they were all god.
Maybe the speed with an new chapter everyday was a little bit to high for me
I liked the class, even though it was very intense and difficult, but I think I was in the right level.
The teachers were very sympathetic and entertaining, and good pedagogues I think. I really liked the garden with the cafe for our
Coffee-breaks. Sadly their was some noise in the street going on so we had to change our class room at some time.
I lived outside the school in a private accommodation, which I was pleased with, so I just came for the classes.
I was overall pleased with the school , and would like to go back another time if possible. Thank you!
I'm sorry that it took me so long to answer.
I joined a group called 50+. It was very good. It was organized with lessons before lunchtime and had other activities in the evenings. I was in a beginner group with only six students from different countries. We had a very nice teacher. The school has a good location in the center of Nerja with a nice garden. I stayed in my own house so I have nothing to say about the housing.
The activities in the evening were well-organized and interesting.
We were only 5 pupils in our class, which made it great to learn, as you are obliged to follow each moment during the lessons.
I learnt a lot Spanish and improved my knowledge.
I didn’t know exactly the distance between where I was living at the hotel in Torre del Mar and Nerja, but it was about 20 km one-way, so I lost lot of time on the bus. Anyway, it was a nice trip along the shore.
I couldn’t attend all the free-time activities, because it was too far away for me, so I just had the trip to Cordoba. It was a hot day and we didn’t find any place to eat or drink. The time there passed by to quick and we couldn’t see that much, because the town was really crowded with people from all over the world as there was a big fiesta.
Anyway, I enjoyed taking classes in Spanish a lot!
Nu putem aplica vize în numele studenţilor. Cu toate acestea, şcoala poate furniza toate documentele de care aveţi nevoie pentru a sprijini cererea dumneavoastră pentru o viză.
Scrisoarea dumneavoastră de acceptare va fi trimisă la adresa de acasă prin poştă, la fel, gratuit.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Nerja based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Studiaţi în afară fară griji cu asigurarea personală şi cea de sănătate de la Language International. Atunci când vă închiriaţi un curs la noi, puteţi opta pentru cumpărarea unui plan de asigurare internaţional care nu doar acoperă sănătatea ci şi bunurile personale pierdute. Trebuie să vă rezervaţi asigurarea înainte de a vă înregistra.
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