EC x FutureLearn

EC English Language Schools: Dublin 30+


Titluri de cursuri

Ascultare, vorbire, pronunţie, lectură, scris, vocabular şi gramatică

Orarul clasei

Durata cursului
3-52 de săptămâni
Datele începerii
În fiecare luni
Cursuri pe săptămână
20 lessons per week (fiecare lecţie durează 45 min)
Zilele claselor
luni - vineri
17 mar 2025, 21 apr 2025, 05 mai 2025, 02 iun 2025, 04 aug 2025, 27 oct 2025, 25 dec 2025, 26 dec 2025

EC Dublin 30+ nu deţine pe clase de vacanţă datele de mai sus. şcoala nu compensează pentru aceste sărbători, astfel încât asiguraţi-vă că pentru a alege data de începere în mod corect.

Orarul claselor se poate schimba după valabilitate şi anotimp.

Descrierea cursului

Welcome to EC x FutureLearn, a pioneering programme designed to combine language learning with the opportunity to access a wide variety of fabulous courses developed and delivered by universities and professional bodies.

Are you interested in career development? Or thinking about a career change?
Do you want to develop an area of interest or a hobby? Do you have a book you have always wanted to write?
Thinking about learning to code?
Or, are you just interested in learning and exploring new topics?
With EC x FutureLearn students will have the opportunity to combine language learning with the best in online education. EC provides you with the support, community and accountability that ensures success.

Taking the first step into online education can be daunting, with our guidance and support, we will help to maximise learning and establish the skills and learning habits which will last a lifetime!

Alongside EC’s highly effective language learning programme, students will have access to a wide range of courses on FutureLearn’s online platform, which allow them to tailor their learning experience to match their independent interests and goals. Whether expanding business knowledge, exploring culture and creativity, or learning IT and engineering skills, FutureLearn’s high-quality courses, coupled with EC’s onsite support will help students achieve their aspirations.

The choice of courses is endless! See below for the most popular.

EC x FutureLearn is more than just an English course; it’s an opportunity to join a global community of learners, explore new perspectives, and unlock new skills. With EC English’s guidance and FutureLearn’s courses from leading universities, students start on a journey that will enable them to set ambitious goals and attain success! Graduate with digital certificates from EC and FutureLearn by meeting all course requirements.

Why choose EC x FutureLearn:
Courses which allow learners to unlock highly skilled new career paths, and empower themselves to change the world.

Diverse Course Offerings: FutureLearn partners with leading universities to provide courses across various disciplines, including science, technology, arts, business, and health, catering to different interests and career aspirations.

High-Quality Partnerships: The platform collaborates with top universities and organisations worldwide, ensuring learners can access quality education and insights from leading experts.

Social Learning Approach: FutureLearn emphasises interactive learning, encouraging students to engage in discussions and share insights with peers from around the globe, enriching the learning experience.

Flexible Learning Options: Courses are designed for flexibility, allowing learners to study at their own pace and schedule, which is ideal for professionals, students, and anyone looking to balance education with other commitments.

The certificate is available for qualified learners who have successfully completed a course. There are two types of completion requirements: Some courses ask to mark at least 90% of steps as complete, and some ask to mark at least 90% of steps as complete and have an overall course score of at least 70%.

Why do EC x FutureLearn
Combining language learning with this EC x FutureLearn programme, enables students to get the very best of both worlds – great language lessons and access to support and accountability that drives success.

EC x FutureLearn: How it works
EC provides the learning and support needed to be accountable for learning.

Induction: First day

induction that includes;

✔ Valuable guidance for online learning.

✔ Goal setting to create the accountability that ensures success.

✔ Support in choosing the right course.

FutureLearn Course:

✔ Do the online course via the FutureLearn app through the week independently on your chosen course at school or at home. Online study isn’t monitored. We recommend a minimum of 3 hours self-study per week.

✔ Students have access to FutureLearn for the length of their EC x FutureLearn course.

Follow up Fridays

✔ Group class dedicated to FutureLearn led by EC teacher.

✔ Tips and ideas to help make the most of the site.

✔ Reflection on learning.

✔ Discuss learning with others – a great way to help embed what has been learnt.

✔ Review any problems or issues.

✔ Review goals, and set new ones, a process that ensures students stay motivated to make the very best use of the resource.

Nivelul clasei

Intermediar Mare
Veţi susţine un test de plasare în prima zi de studiu pentru a determina nivelul cunoştiintelor dumneavoastră. Puteti da, de asemenea, acest test inainte de sosirea dvs. in Dublin.

Mărimea clasei

Mediu 11 studenţi
Maxim 15 studenţi

Vârsta studentului

Sfera de vârstă 30 de ani sau mai mari


Un certificat care atestă finalizarea cursului va fi valabil la sfarşitul cursului.
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  • Locuinţă pentru studenţi oferită de EC English Language Schools: Dublin 30+ 30/69
  • Locuinţă pentru studenţi oferită de EC English Language Schools: Dublin 30+ 31/69
  • Locuinţă pentru studenţi oferită de EC English Language Schools: Dublin 30+ 32/69
  • Locuinţă pentru studenţi oferită de EC English Language Schools: Dublin 30+ 33/69
  • Locuinţă pentru studenţi oferită de EC English Language Schools: Dublin 30+ 34/69
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  • Locuinţă pentru studenţi oferită de EC English Language Schools: Dublin 30+ 39/69
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100% recomandat

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Calitatea predării
Facilităţile oferite de şcoală
Activităţile sociale
Locaţia şcolii

"My Englisch Week in Dublin was great!"

Dieter Nußbaumer, student din Austria

I stayed one Week in Dublin and the first two days at school was very busy.

Every day i can improve my English.
I am very glad to stayed in the school.

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Clasificarea mea pentru această şcoală

Calitatea predării
Facilităţile oferite de şcoală
Activităţile sociale
Locaţia şcolii
Data studiului
5 Nov 2018 - 9 Nov 2018
Aţi recomanda această şcoală?
Acesta este un comentariu verificat. Acest student a rezervat un curs la aceasta scoala prin intermediul International Language.


!school oferă următoarele tipuri de cazare:

Gazdă la familie - Cameră la comun pentru 2 persoane - Mic dejun şi cină

260 €

Homestay - Twin room, Half board

Sfera de vârstă: 18 ani sau mai mari
Tip de cazare: Gazdă la familie
Tip de cameră: Cameră la comun pentru 2 persoane
Mese: Mic dejun şi cină (14 mese pe săptămână)
Distanţa până la şcoală: 15 - 45 minute cu bus
Disponibilitate: ianuarie - decembrie
Ziua de sosire: sâmbătă, oricând
Ziua de plecare: sâmbătă, oricând
Restriction: 2 studenţi trebuie să rezerve împreună
260 €
On homestay you will stay as a guest in a real Dublin home. A Homestay is perfect for students who want to experience the local community and culture of Dublin. It's also an excellent way to practise your English in a very natural way.

You will be treated as a close friend of the family, couple or individual that you are staying with and will have your own freedom while being respectful to the family’s rules and expectations.

A homestay in Dublin may consist of an adult couple with or without children or a single adult. It is the ‘Family Atmosphere’ that is the most important factor. There may also be up to three other students in the family but they will speak a different native language from yourself.

Standard Homestay - This option offers great value for money for the budget-conscious student.

Comfort Homestay - This is our mid-range accommodation, offering a higher level of comfort.

Distance to school: 15 - 45 minutes by public transport.

Arrival day: Saturday

Departure day: Saturday

Gazdă la familie - Camera pentru o persoană - Mic dejun

260 €

Homestay - Single room, Bed & breakfast

Sfera de vârstă: 16 ani sau mai mari
Tip de cazare: Gazdă la familie
Tip de cameră: Camera pentru o persoană
Mese: Mic dejun (7 mese pe săptămână)
Distanţa până la şcoală: 15 - 45 minute cu bus
Disponibilitate: ianuarie - decembrie
Ziua de sosire: sâmbătă, oricând
Ziua de plecare: sâmbătă, oricând
260 €
On homestay you will stay as a guest in a real Dublin home. A Homestay is perfect for students who want to experience the local community and culture of Dublin. It's also an excellent way to practise your English in a very natural way.

You will be treated as a close friend of the family, couple or individual that you are staying with and will have your own freedom while being respectful to the family’s rules and expectations.

A homestay in Dublin may consist of an adult couple with or without children or a single adult. It is the ‘Family Atmosphere’ that is the most important factor. There may also be up to three other students in the family but they will speak a different native language from yourself.

Standard Homestay - This option offers great value for money for the budget-conscious student.

Comfort Homestay - This is our mid-range accommodation, offering a higher level of comfort.

Distance to school: 15 - 45 minutes by public transport.

Arrival day: Saturday

Departure day: Saturday

Gazdă la familie - Camera pentru o persoană - Mic dejun şi cină

290 €

Homestay - Single room, Half board

Sfera de vârstă: 16 ani sau mai mari
Tip de cazare: Gazdă la familie
Tip de cameră: Camera pentru o persoană
Mese: Mic dejun şi cină (14 mese pe săptămână)
Distanţa până la şcoală: 15 - 45 minute cu bus
Disponibilitate: ianuarie - decembrie
Ziua de sosire: sâmbătă, oricând
Ziua de plecare: sâmbătă, oricând
290 €
On homestay you will stay as a guest in a real Dublin home. A Homestay is perfect for students who want to experience the local community and culture of Dublin. It's also an excellent way to practise your English in a very natural way.

You will be treated as a close friend of the family, couple or individual that you are staying with and will have your own freedom while being respectful to the family’s rules and expectations.

A homestay in Dublin may consist of an adult couple with or without children or a single adult. It is the ‘Family Atmosphere’ that is the most important factor. There may also be up to three other students in the family but they will speak a different native language from yourself.

Standard Homestay - This option offers great value for money for the budget-conscious student.

Comfort Homestay - This is our mid-range accommodation, offering a higher level of comfort.

Distance to school: 15 - 45 minutes by public transport.

Arrival day: Saturday

Departure day: Saturday

Reşedinţă student - Camera pentru o persoană - Fără mese

415 €

Heyday Carman’s Hall - Ensuite bathroom, Single room, Self-catering

Sfera de vârstă: 30 de ani sau mai mari
Adresa: The Liberties, Dublin D08 V22H, Ireland
Locaţie: Carman’s Hall
Tip de cazare: Reşedinţă student
Tip de cameră: Camera pentru o persoană
Mese: Fără mese
Facilităţi: Privare de baie, bucătărie, spălătorie, internet wireless, gratuit la internet, cameră cu TV, şi supraveghere 24/7
Distanţa până la şcoală: 20 - 30 minute cu bus
Disponibilitate: ianuarie - decembrie
Ziua de sosire: sâmbătă, oricând
Ziua de plecare: sâmbătă, oricând
415 €
Heyday Student Living Dublin is situated in the cultural heart of Dublin 8, in the Liberties. This is a vibrant part of the city where rich history, friendly locals and a trendy, dynamic atmosphere make it a welcoming home for students.

This part of Dublin is steeped in history. Around every corner, you’ll be inspired by landmarks frequented by famous playwrights, politicians and historical figures.

Heyday Carman's Hall is a stylishly designed with a spacious double bed for a great night’s sleep, an en-suite bathroom, free super-fast fibre broadband, desk, chair and generous storage for all your college files and books. There is space for rest, relaxation and quiet study.

Cleaning service provided once every two weeks for common areas only. Students are responsible for cleaning their own room.
Laundry service available. There are 5 washing machines /driers at a cost of 4.20 euro per wash and 2.60 euro per dry.
Luggage drop off service available
Kitchen utensils provided.
24-Hours security , CCTV and concierge are on site
Utility bills included

Suport pentru Viză

Nu putem aplica vize în numele studenţilor. Cu toate acestea, şcoala poate furniza toate documentele de care aveţi nevoie pentru a sprijini cererea dumneavoastră pentru o viză.

Scrisoarea dumneavoastră de acceptare va fi trimisă la adresa de acasă prin poştă gratis. Dacă doriţi să primiţi documentele dumneavoastră prin curierat rapid, veţi plăti o taxă cu o valoare de 75 € atunci când vă înregistraţi!.

Zboruri şi transfer aeroport

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Dublin based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Asigurare de călătorie

Studiaţi în afară fară griji cu asigurarea personală şi cea de sănătate de la Language International. Atunci când vă închiriaţi un curs la noi, puteţi opta pentru cumpărarea unui plan de asigurare internaţional care nu doar acoperă sănătatea ci şi bunurile personale pierdute. Trebuie să vă rezervaţi asigurarea înainte de a vă înregistra.

Aflaţi mai multe despre planul nostru de asigurare »

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